Dokumen tersebut membahas konsep-konsep dasar termodinamika seperti kerja, kalor, suhu, sistem dan lingkungan, serta hukum pertama termodinamika. Kerja didefinisikan sebagai hasil kali antara gaya dan perpindahan, sedangkan kalor adalah energi yang berpindah akibat perbedaan suhu. Hukum pertama termodinamika menyatakan bahwa perubahan energi dalam suatu sistem sama dengan kalor yang diserap ditambah kerja
1. Presentasi bisnis Vnet Club mengenalkan komunitas pengguna handphone yang saling memberi keuntungan.
2. Vnet Club menyediakan layanan isi ulang pulsa elektronik, asuransi, program loyalitas dan lainnya melalui SMS.
3. Bisnis Vnet Club didasarkan pada sistem pemasaran viral dengan keuntungan bonus rekrutmen anggota baru.
Proses metallurgi terdiri dari beberapa tahapan untuk mengekstrak logam dari bijihnya, meliputi pengecilan ukuran butir bijih, konsentrasi, preparasi fisik atau kimia, ekstraksi menggunakan pirometalurgi, hidrometalurgi, atau elektrometalurgi, dan pemurnian untuk memperoleh logam murni.
Whats New in Google Analytics: New Features & What You Need to KnowEmpirical Path
Empirical Path web analytics practice lead Jim Snyder was featured in another webinar with one of our agency partners and clients, Seattle search engine marketing firm Point It. The presentation covers:
- How to give credit to various sources across your sales funnel with the MultiChannel Funnels/Attribution Modeling Tool
- How to use Content Experiments to test different versions of your site to understand the most effective versions of landing pages
- How to track the same visitors across mobile to your website using Universal Analytics
- The document discusses Primero Mining Corporation's corporate update for April 2015, including production and cost guidance for 2015.
- Primero has high-grade gold production from its Black Fox and San Dimas mines, with an organic growth plan to increase production to 250,000-270,000 gold equivalent ounces in 2015.
- At San Dimas, Primero plans to expand mining capacity to 3,000 tonnes per day to access new high-grade veins and reduce costs further.
- The document is Primero Mining Corp.'s third quarter report for 2013, which includes highlights of their financial and operating results.
- In Q3 2013, Primero produced 41,998 gold equivalent ounces, sold over 1 million ounces of silver, and earned a net income of $10.1 million.
- Total cash costs per ounce in Q3 2013 were $516 per gold equivalent ounce and $252 per gold ounce on a by-product basis, down significantly from the previous year.
This document provides details about an advanced developer workshop including:
- The names and contact information for two presenters.
- A safe harbor statement regarding forward-looking statements.
- Topics that will be covered include Apex unit testing, SOQL, Visualforce controllers, jQuery integration, triggers, scheduled Apex, and batch Apex.
Training and development is an educational process that allows people to learn new skills and information. There are various types of training like job training, safety training, and promotional training. Training methods include classroom programs, coaching, mentoring, simulations and on-the-job training. Companies provide training to maintain quality, reduce costs, and improve communication between employees.
Primero Mining Corporation is acquiring Cerro Del Gallo S.A. de C.V. through a friendly scheme of arrangement for a total transaction value of approximately C$119 million. The acquisition diversifies Primero's production base through the addition of Cerro Del Gallo's development project, estimated to produce 95,000 gold equivalent ounces per year. The combined company will have increased reserves, resources, and production growth potential. Cerro shareholders will receive Primero shares and spinco shares representing non-Cerro Del Gallo exploration assets in exchange for their Cerro shares.
The document is a presentation for the Metals and Minerals Investment Conference held on May 12-13, 2014. It summarizes Primero Mining Corp., a mid-tier gold producer with assets in Mexico and Canada. It highlights key metrics for 2014 such as production targets of 225,000-245,000 ounces of gold and cash costs of $650-700 per ounce at the flagship San Dimas Mine in Mexico. It also profiles expansion potential at San Dimas and growth projects including the Black Fox and Cerro del Gallo mines in Ontario.
This document discusses various tools for integrating applications with the Salesforce platform. It outlines OAuth as the industry standard method for user authentication and describes the OAuth2 flow. It also mentions the Canvas SDK for building connected apps, the Streaming API for real-time data delivery using Bayeux, and the Apex programming language. Contact information is provided for Joshua Birk to learn more.
We can help our clients better manager their websites and web content if we give them a CMS interface that is tailored to their needs. So instead of expecting them to use a one-size-fits-all admin template, we provide a client template that is tailored to those who will be managing the website through the CMS.
This presentation, delivered at the 2013 Joomla World Conference, illustrates the client template and how it can be tailored.
State aid: main developments
Ms Alessandra Forzano (European Commission)
Dr Danilo Sam (European Commission)
The Competition Policy Newsletter contains information on EU competition policy and cases. Articles are written by staff of the Directorate-General for Competition of the European Commission.
Competition Policy Newsletter
European Commission
Directorate-General for Competition (DG COMP)
competition policy, EU case-law, state aids
JEL classification:
K21; L44
Forzano, Alessandra, Sam, Danilo (2012), State aid: main developments, Competition Policy Newsletter, Vol. 3, Directorate-General for Competition, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium, pp. 19-25.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang perangkat keras yang dibutuhkan untuk mengakses internet, meliputi komputer, modem, saluran telepon, serta perangkat pendukung seperti hub, repeater, bridge, dan router. Juga dijelaskan cara koneksi internet dan fasilitas yang tersedia di internet."
This document contains charts and diagrams summarizing production and exploration activities for a mining company. It shows gold and silver production increasing steadily over time. Maps depict the location of current mining operations and plans for expanding exploration at the company's key property. The company intends to continue drilling for extensions of known veins to further develop the mineral resource at the property.
This document contains personal and contact information for Vasin Lerdmongkon, as well as details about his education and work experience. It lists his Bachelor's degree in Information Technology from Kaseteart University from 2010-2014. It then describes his various roles as a web programmer, IT support, business analyst and programmer, and system analyst from 2012-2017. It provides details of the programming languages, databases, and reporting tools he has experience with. It also lists several projects he has worked on and his responsibilities in those roles.
This document discusses transsexualism and trans-phobia. It defines transsexualism as identifying with a gender inconsistent with one's assigned sex at birth. It describes male-to-female and female-to-male transsexuals and their desire to live permanently as the gender they identify with. It defines trans-phobia as an irrational fear of or hostility towards transgender people. The document also discusses lower surgery options for trans women and men and notes that genital surgery is often an important step for trans women but is not always necessary for trans men. It provides information on the International Day Against Homophobia and Trans-phobia.
This presentation provides information on Primero Mining Corp's assets and growth outlook. It discusses its flagship San Dimas mine in Mexico, which is expected to produce 155,000-165,000 ounces of gold in 2014. It also profiles its Black Fox mine in Canada, which had strong production in 2013 and is targeting 70,000-80,000 ounces in 2014. Additionally, the presentation outlines Primero's Cerro del Gallo project, which could increase the company's production by 60% once in production.
Este documento proporciona informaci坦n sobre la tecnolog鱈a del t辿. Explica que el t辿 proviene de tres variedades de la planta Camellia y describe sus caracter鱈sticas. Detalla el proceso de elaboraci坦n del t辿, que incluye etapas como el marchitado, enrulado, fermentaci坦n y secado. Cada etapa induce cambios qu鱈micos en las hojas y determina el tipo de t辿 resultante. Finalmente, el t辿 se limpia y clasifica antes de envasarse.
Pencucian batubara kel 4 Operasi pemisahan bak media berat dan operasi siklon...Sylvester Saragih
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang operasi pemisahan batubara dengan bak media berat dan siklon media berat. Operasi pemisahan ini bertujuan untuk memisahkan batubara dari pengotornya dengan menggunakan medium berat seperti magnetit dan air. Siklon media berat lebih efisien dalam memisahkan partikel kecil batubara dibandingkan dengan bak media berat.
Truck Stop Events International Inc. has successfully run health awareness programs for the transportation industry over the last 18 years, reaching over 40 million viewers. Their programs include Walk A Mile America, a walking program introduced in 1998, and Great For You, a program about health choices activated through Walmart that expects to reach over 100 million viewers. They are proposing a new Truck Drivers Health program that would tour a run down 1995 truck to showcase what 20 years of neglecting health can do and promote corporate sponsors who can help bring the program and message of health awareness to drivers.
The document summarizes an upcoming mining expo in Canada and provides information about a mining company. Key points:
- The BIG Event mining expo will take place May 27-28, 2015 in Canada.
- The company has gold and silver mining operations in Mexico and Canada, with production expected to increase up to 20% in 2015.
- It is exploring expansion opportunities at its flagship San Dimas mine in Mexico and Black Fox mine in Canada to further increase production.
This document discusses planning an effective training program for physical education. It recommends considering the activity, type of training, frequency, intensity, duration, specificity, overload, and progression. It then describes different types of training programs including circuit training, continuous training, fartlek training, interval training, and weight training.
This document discusses planning an effective training program for physical education. It recommends considering the activity, type of training, frequency, intensity, duration, specificity, overload, and progression. It then describes different types of training programs including circuit training, continuous training, fartlek training, interval training, and weight training.
Primero Mining Corporation is acquiring Cerro Del Gallo S.A. de C.V. through a friendly scheme of arrangement for a total transaction value of approximately C$119 million. The acquisition diversifies Primero's production base through the addition of Cerro Del Gallo's development project, estimated to produce 95,000 gold equivalent ounces per year. The combined company will have increased reserves, resources, and production growth potential. Cerro shareholders will receive Primero shares and spinco shares representing non-Cerro Del Gallo exploration assets in exchange for their Cerro shares.
The document is a presentation for the Metals and Minerals Investment Conference held on May 12-13, 2014. It summarizes Primero Mining Corp., a mid-tier gold producer with assets in Mexico and Canada. It highlights key metrics for 2014 such as production targets of 225,000-245,000 ounces of gold and cash costs of $650-700 per ounce at the flagship San Dimas Mine in Mexico. It also profiles expansion potential at San Dimas and growth projects including the Black Fox and Cerro del Gallo mines in Ontario.
This document discusses various tools for integrating applications with the Salesforce platform. It outlines OAuth as the industry standard method for user authentication and describes the OAuth2 flow. It also mentions the Canvas SDK for building connected apps, the Streaming API for real-time data delivery using Bayeux, and the Apex programming language. Contact information is provided for Joshua Birk to learn more.
We can help our clients better manager their websites and web content if we give them a CMS interface that is tailored to their needs. So instead of expecting them to use a one-size-fits-all admin template, we provide a client template that is tailored to those who will be managing the website through the CMS.
This presentation, delivered at the 2013 Joomla World Conference, illustrates the client template and how it can be tailored.
State aid: main developments
Ms Alessandra Forzano (European Commission)
Dr Danilo Sam (European Commission)
The Competition Policy Newsletter contains information on EU competition policy and cases. Articles are written by staff of the Directorate-General for Competition of the European Commission.
Competition Policy Newsletter
European Commission
Directorate-General for Competition (DG COMP)
competition policy, EU case-law, state aids
JEL classification:
K21; L44
Forzano, Alessandra, Sam, Danilo (2012), State aid: main developments, Competition Policy Newsletter, Vol. 3, Directorate-General for Competition, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium, pp. 19-25.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang perangkat keras yang dibutuhkan untuk mengakses internet, meliputi komputer, modem, saluran telepon, serta perangkat pendukung seperti hub, repeater, bridge, dan router. Juga dijelaskan cara koneksi internet dan fasilitas yang tersedia di internet."
This document contains charts and diagrams summarizing production and exploration activities for a mining company. It shows gold and silver production increasing steadily over time. Maps depict the location of current mining operations and plans for expanding exploration at the company's key property. The company intends to continue drilling for extensions of known veins to further develop the mineral resource at the property.
This document contains personal and contact information for Vasin Lerdmongkon, as well as details about his education and work experience. It lists his Bachelor's degree in Information Technology from Kaseteart University from 2010-2014. It then describes his various roles as a web programmer, IT support, business analyst and programmer, and system analyst from 2012-2017. It provides details of the programming languages, databases, and reporting tools he has experience with. It also lists several projects he has worked on and his responsibilities in those roles.
This document discusses transsexualism and trans-phobia. It defines transsexualism as identifying with a gender inconsistent with one's assigned sex at birth. It describes male-to-female and female-to-male transsexuals and their desire to live permanently as the gender they identify with. It defines trans-phobia as an irrational fear of or hostility towards transgender people. The document also discusses lower surgery options for trans women and men and notes that genital surgery is often an important step for trans women but is not always necessary for trans men. It provides information on the International Day Against Homophobia and Trans-phobia.
This presentation provides information on Primero Mining Corp's assets and growth outlook. It discusses its flagship San Dimas mine in Mexico, which is expected to produce 155,000-165,000 ounces of gold in 2014. It also profiles its Black Fox mine in Canada, which had strong production in 2013 and is targeting 70,000-80,000 ounces in 2014. Additionally, the presentation outlines Primero's Cerro del Gallo project, which could increase the company's production by 60% once in production.
Este documento proporciona informaci坦n sobre la tecnolog鱈a del t辿. Explica que el t辿 proviene de tres variedades de la planta Camellia y describe sus caracter鱈sticas. Detalla el proceso de elaboraci坦n del t辿, que incluye etapas como el marchitado, enrulado, fermentaci坦n y secado. Cada etapa induce cambios qu鱈micos en las hojas y determina el tipo de t辿 resultante. Finalmente, el t辿 se limpia y clasifica antes de envasarse.
Pencucian batubara kel 4 Operasi pemisahan bak media berat dan operasi siklon...Sylvester Saragih
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang operasi pemisahan batubara dengan bak media berat dan siklon media berat. Operasi pemisahan ini bertujuan untuk memisahkan batubara dari pengotornya dengan menggunakan medium berat seperti magnetit dan air. Siklon media berat lebih efisien dalam memisahkan partikel kecil batubara dibandingkan dengan bak media berat.
Truck Stop Events International Inc. has successfully run health awareness programs for the transportation industry over the last 18 years, reaching over 40 million viewers. Their programs include Walk A Mile America, a walking program introduced in 1998, and Great For You, a program about health choices activated through Walmart that expects to reach over 100 million viewers. They are proposing a new Truck Drivers Health program that would tour a run down 1995 truck to showcase what 20 years of neglecting health can do and promote corporate sponsors who can help bring the program and message of health awareness to drivers.
The document summarizes an upcoming mining expo in Canada and provides information about a mining company. Key points:
- The BIG Event mining expo will take place May 27-28, 2015 in Canada.
- The company has gold and silver mining operations in Mexico and Canada, with production expected to increase up to 20% in 2015.
- It is exploring expansion opportunities at its flagship San Dimas mine in Mexico and Black Fox mine in Canada to further increase production.
This document discusses planning an effective training program for physical education. It recommends considering the activity, type of training, frequency, intensity, duration, specificity, overload, and progression. It then describes different types of training programs including circuit training, continuous training, fartlek training, interval training, and weight training.
This document discusses planning an effective training program for physical education. It recommends considering the activity, type of training, frequency, intensity, duration, specificity, overload, and progression. It then describes different types of training programs including circuit training, continuous training, fartlek training, interval training, and weight training.
This document summarizes the structure and function of muscles, bones, and joints in the human body. It explains that muscles contract to create movement, bones provide structure and attachment points, and joints allow the skeleton to move. It also describes key concepts like levers, ligaments, tendons, and the importance of warming up and cooling down to prevent injury when exercising.
The document discusses skills, techniques, and sequencing of movements in physical education. It defines skills as things done well through practice and techniques as specific styles of performing skills. It provides examples of basic skills and techniques for activities like hockey, basketball, and javelin. The document also explains that skills involve preparing, performing, and recovering from movements and should flow together with rhythm and coordination.
The document discusses several key mechanical principles:
- Resistance can help or hinder movement depending on the situation. Air resistance slows runners at the end of a sprint.
- Transferring weight is important for generating power and distance in activities like badminton and discus throw.
- Propulsion in water sports like swimming involves using arms and legs as levers to push against the water.
- Force and friction can both help and hinder depending on the situation. Friction from studs helps footballers but ice skaters try to reduce friction.
This document outlines key concepts in physical education including skills and techniques, aspects of fitness, training methods, mechanical principles, human anatomy, the nature and purpose of different physical activities, tactics, and creativity. It discusses defining and developing skills through repetition and gradual progression. It also covers fitness components like stamina, speed, strength, and flexibility as well as assessing fitness through testing.
Standard Grade P.E. covers a variety of competitive and non-competitive physical activities. Competitive activities can be directly competitive like badminton where opponents directly influence each other's game, or indirectly competitive like track events where participants compete independently. The outcome of activities can be determined by highest score, fastest time, or best performance, and some activities have a set time limit while others depend on completion time. Competitive activities involve trying to win against opponents, while non-competitive activities are for enjoyment, fitness, or self-improvement without competition. Results can also be decided subjectively by judges or objectively based on measurable outcomes like goals or points. Creativity, tactics, and strategy are important for out
The document discusses several key mechanical principles:
- Resistance can help or hinder depending on the situation. It slows swimmers but helps slow runners at the end of a sprint.
- Transferring weight is important for movement and generating power in activities like badminton and discus throw.
- Propulsion in water sports like swimming comes from using arms and legs as levers to push against the water.
- Force and friction can be advantageous or disadvantageous depending on the activity and situation.
- Centre of gravity determines balance - it must stay within the base of support for stability.
- Levers in the body allow for speed or control depending on their length.
- Streamlining reduces resistance by making
This document outlines different roles and functions in sports, as well as personal and physical qualities needed for those roles. It discusses roles like competitor, coach, judge, and organizer and their functions or responsibilities. Personal qualities that help in roles include determination, leadership, cooperation and consideration. Physical qualities like strength, agility and fitness are especially important for performers.
This document outlines different roles and functions in sporting activities, as well as personal and physical qualities needed for those roles. It discusses roles like competitor, coach, judge, and organizer and their functions or responsibilities. It also lists personal qualities like determination, leadership, and cooperation and physical qualities like strength, agility, and fitness that help with adopting roles, especially for performers.
Codes of conduct in physical education outline the written and unwritten rules that govern sporting behavior. They establish etiquette and promote good manners, such as playing fairly, being respectful of opponents and officials, and accepting decisions gracefully. Both written rules set by governing bodies and unspoken social norms help ensure games are played in a sporting manner that is fun and easy to oversee.
This document discusses different physical skills: balance, coordination, reaction time, and agility. It provides tests to measure each skill. Balance is measured with a single-leg stance test. Coordination is measured with an alternating ball throw test. Reaction time is measured with a ruler drop test. Agility is measured with an Illinois Agility test. Examples of skills that require these abilities in different sports are also provided.
Local muscular endurance (LME) is the ability to repeatedly use muscles without tiring. It can be tested through exercises like 1-minute sit-ups and step-ups. Circuit training and weight training with high reps and low sets can build LME. An effective LME training program follows principles like training muscles at least 3 times per week at 50% of maximum intensity for 20 minutes, progressively overloading the muscles over time, and maintaining training to prevent reversibility of gains. LME provides benefits like performing repeated movements without fatigue, maintaining quality throughout activity, and keeping skills consistent.
Speed refers to how quickly muscles can move joints. It can be measured using a 30m sprint test. To improve speed, one should do interval training with short high-intensity intervals followed by longer rest periods. Examples of speed in activities include an attacker needing leg speed to outrun defenders in football and a badminton player needing arm speed for smashes. Factors affecting running speed include leg/arm speed, stride length, hip range of movement, and leg-arm coordination.
The document discusses the key aspects of physical fitness, including cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance, flexibility, strength, speed, and power. It explains the importance of each aspect and how to measure and improve them. The document also covers aerobic and anaerobic fitness, as well as the importance of warm-ups and cool-downs. Warm-ups raise body temperature, stretch muscles, and practice skills to prepare the body for exercise, while cool-downs allow the heart rate to slowly reduce to remove waste from muscles.