Felipe is a child who gains superpowers after putting on a suit created by his friend Matilda. He uses his new abilities to form a team of superhero friends called Felipe and Friends to protect the city from evil. However, they encounter a powerful enemy named Ranaset who kills many of Felipe's friends. In a final battle, Felipe defeats Ranaset but discovers that Matilda was actually controlling Ranaset as part of her plan for revenge against Felipe. Felipe is unable to stop Matilda's robot from self-destructing and destroying the park.
2. felipe is a child who goes to school and seporta
While everyone wants to explore the city and
there is a problem but can not fly but matilda
bonus will teach you to fly
3. 4 months after a suit was made and put it on
and paresis as big as a great superhero and
said "protejere the world of evil crickets.
after conosio to 5 best friends, leo , john,
paulo, tito, emir, and felipe said they "want to
save the world felipe and friends dijieron"
siiiiiiiiiii and felipe said I let suits and save the
world and his friends "siiiiiiii and felipe said it
4. felipe and said suits will do susu entonses
felipe hard all night doing hata disfrases
achievement and said that if
5. leo yellow red jhon paulo black and blue tito
emir plated and poses great
6. after so much saving the world conosieron a
great and powerful enemy ranaset fought with
spear attack useless but make you something
that happened mui traumatisante
jhon ranaset the floor and died with paulo
emir and tito just stay felipe and told you not
to forgive and become supersayayin
7. and hit almost kills him but stepped ranaset
deal witha felipe hand if you lifted up and
departed selo depues use your fist and lepego
and murderer but before he died he told his
boss who was to avenge the death of his
friends and said matilde your own sister and
said this and said ranaset where in the park
and died
8. felipe and said how could you do this to me
9. went to the park and found her and told her i
started the matilda fight using a robot and it
hurt to much to felipe a laser will hit a felipe
fist her robot and destrullo but felipe not
knew his robot had auto destruccioni matilda
said self destruction and felkipe amazed that