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AYUB KHAN (1958-69)
Why did Ayub impose martial law?
 He declared that previous governments were corrupt. He
was convinced that the system of Parliamentary
democracy had failed. He claimed that behavior of
politicians had prevented Pakistan from making economic
and social progress .Thus, he imposed martial law to bring
about important reforms to modernized Pakistan.
 Martial law was imposed to bring stability in the country.
There were a no of prime ministers between 1956 to
1958.President Iskander Mirza had lost support of many
leading politicians. Therefore, Mirza turned to the military
and asked commander in chief of the Army to take charge
of the country to settle its political.
 The politicians criticized the Army and its leadership
for the influence in the matters of the government.
Military high ranks claimed that politicians lacked a
serious commitment towards the development of the
country. Therefore, Ayub was convinced that a
military leadership could rule the country until some
development targets are achieved.
1959 Basic Democracies
 80,000 elected Basic Democrats would also form
the Electoral College for the election of the
President and members of the Central and
Provincial Legislatures.
 First elections were held in January 1960 in which
40,000 Basic Democrats were elected in each
 On February 7 1960, 95% of the Basic Democrats
elected Ayub Khan as the President of Pakistan.
What were Basic Democracies? ( 4 marks)
It was introduced in 1959. It was a four tier structure of
government. In this system ordinary people elected union
council members who in turn elected district and divisional
council members. The elected Democrats formed the
electoral college for the election of the president and
members of Central and Provincial legislatures. Almost 95% of
Basic Democrats voted in favour of Ayub Khan in the
referendum held on 17 February 1960.
1959 Basic Democracies
1. It established a link between the urban and rural
2. Democracy was introduced at grass root level
3. Local people were represented by their own people
thus an approachable platform was established for
the concerns of the masses.
How successful was system of Basic
1. Indirect form of election so adult franchise was
denied. Local people did not elect the executive
authority directly , instead they delegated their vote to
the Basic Democrats.
2. Landlords dominated the elections at lower level so
new leadership did not emerge.
How successful was system of Basic
1962 Constitution
 Announced on 1 March 1962.
 Although Ayub Khan described it
as combining democracy with discipline.
 Its main features were presidential:
 The President nominated the Cabinet from the
members of the National Assembly, but they would
have to resign from the National Assembly if made
 The President could not be removed unless
 The President nominated the heads of the judiciary
and the provincial governors (who then nominated
their Cabinets).
 The National Legislature could not pass a law
without the approval of the President.
 The constitution shall be amended only by a two-
thirds majority of the Assembly and assent of the
president. If the president does not agree, it shall
need a three-quarters majority. Even then, the
president shall choose whether to dissolve the
Assembly or call a referendum.
between two
Republic of
house at
both levels.
Equal citizens
and Minority
1962 Constitution
 Introduced without debate and Ayub Khan brought
martial law to an end soon afterwards.
 The new National Assembly met on 8 June 1962.
 It appeared that Pakistan was moving nearer to a
democratic system, but actually, Ayubs reforms had
increased the powers of the ruling elite.
Criticism-Political Reforms
 1962 Constitution
The Constitution upset the people of East Pakistan. Various
steps were taken for them:
 National languages-Urdu and Bengali.
 The National Assembly Session-Dhaka and
 President and Speaker of the National Assembly.
 Despite these measures, the people of East Pakistan still
believed that Pakistan was, in reality, government of East
Pakistan by West Pakistan.
Ayubs government decided to build a new capital because:
 Traditionally, development in Pakistan was focused on
Karachi, and President Ayub Khan wanted it to be equally
 Karachi was located at one end of the country and could be
easily attacked from the Arabian Sea. A capital which was
easily accessible from all parts of the country was needed.
 Karachi, a business center, was also considered unsuitable
partly because of intervention of business interests in
government affairs.
 Construction was started in October 1961.
 The city came into life on 26 October 1966 when the first
office building of Islamabad was occupied.
 In 1967, Islamabad was officially made the capital.
 It is a modern and
carefully planned city.
Criticism for Shifting of Capital
 The change was yet another cause of discontent in East
Pakistan. They preferred other sites for the national
capital in their part of the country.
 Building Islamabad cost a great deal of money at a time
when many Pakistanis were expecting shortages.
 It was claimed that Ayub Khans friends in the army and
in the industry were making fortunes out of land
speculation in the new city.
Agricultural Reforms
Q. What were the agricultural reforms introduced by Ayub Khan? (4)
 Pakistan is an agricultural country with almost 70 % of its
population depend on agriculture activities.
 Ayub Khan introduced reforms in agricultural sector to make it
more productive. In this regard they introduced Land Reforms by
limiting the size of farms. They also tried to mechanize agriculture
which was known as Green Revolution.
 These reforms proved productive as yield was considerably
Land Reforms
 A person could not own more than either 500 acres
of canal irrigated land or 1000 acres of unrelated
 Utilization of resumed area.
 Protection to tenants.
 Proprietary rights for the tenants.
 Green Revolution was about mechanization of
agricultural sector.
 Growth took place mainly because the expanded
irrigation facilities were supplemented by the
technology package of
 High yielding varieties (HYV) seeds,
 Chemical fertilizers
 Pesticides and Insecticides
What was the Green Revolution? (4 Marks)
Agricultural Reforms
Q. Why were the Land Reforms introduced in 1958 by Ayub Khan? (7)
 Eliminating the monopoly of the big landowners and particularly
the absentee landlords, in the politics.
 Providing security for tenure
 Providing fairer distribution and ownership of land
 Level 3 :- Positive points of reforms
1. Larger farms/ standard farms produced a steady rise in food output. It brought
benefit to small farmers as well.
2. This helped to break the hold of the large landlords this reduced income disparity.
3. These forms revitalized agriculture . Productivity was raised due to increase in
tenants efficiency and mechanization.
4. Establishment of ADBP for availability of loans on easy installments.
5. 3 Large dams were made after Indus Water Treaty
 Level 4:- Negative points of reforms
1. Modernization of agricultural structure could not be achieved fully as poor people
could not afford it. They preferred their inherited knowledge and traditional methods.
2. Most loans were taken by big farmers on behalf of their trustworthy tenants.
3. Most of the subsidies of tractors, pesticides and fertilizers were taken by landlords.
4. Land reforms were ineffective due to loopholes within the reforms.
 Level 5:- Judgment
How successful were agricultural
reforms of Ayub Khan? (14 Marks)
 Modernization of agriculture was a requirement.
 Most of Pakistani industries were agro-based.
 To increase yield and to broaden the base of
agricultural activity.
Why did Ayub Khan introduce Green
Revolution in 1960?
Industrial Reforms
 Economic development was a priority for Ayub
 He recruited able economists and advisers, many
of whom had been trained in the USA.
 So successful were his policies that businessmen
and leaders around the world began to praise the
Pakistan Miracle.
 In February 1959, the Government announced a
new industrial policy of gradual liberalization of
economy to pave way for smooth industrial
 Main emphasis on the utilization of raw materials
available in the country to benefit small and
medium scale industries.
 The extreme bureaucratic restraints were removed
by a more market-oriented approach.
Establishment of Financial and
Development Corporations
 Pakistan Industrial Development Corporation (PIDC)
was set up with a capital of R.s 1 billion.
 It was put in charge to promote the following industries:
 Jute Paper-board and newsprint
 Heavy engineering
 Textiles, etc.
Industrial Trading Estates
 Four new estates for small industries were
established in
 Larkana and
 This helped in the process of industrialization by
handling the initial difficulties faced by new
Investment Promotion Bureau
 Set up in April 1959.
 To attract foreign investment for the establishment of new
 To provide guidance to industrialists and investors.
 To solve problems of foreign investors in the matter finding
land, water, power, etc.
 Industrial legislation was introduced to facilitate the growth of
industry with minimum government interference.
 Therefore, this led to encouragement of private enterprise.
 Foreign Aid and Loans
o Loans were taken from more industrialized western
countries, particularly the USA, Germany and the UK.
o These played a dominant role in the industrial and
economic development of Pakistan.
o Without that aid, the remarkable growth in that era
could not be possible.
 Water and Power
o Total water and power
investments in West Pakistan
during the 1960s, including
the, exceeded US $2.5 Billion
and accounted for more than
50% of total public sector
Indus Basin
Replacement Works
Warsak Dam on the
Kabul River in 1961
Mangla Dam from
1961 to 1967 across
the Jhelum River.
 Economic growth rose sharply. The average annual
rate by which the economy grew in the 1960s was 7%,
which was three times that of India.
 Export Bonus Scheme allowed exporters to keep up
to 40% of their foreign earnings in the form of foreign
exchange because of this incentive industrialists
increased exports.
 Free-Market economy was introduced which offered
subsidies and tax relaxations.
 To boost regional trade RCD was signed.
How did Industrial Reforms of Ayub Khan help
boost Industrialization in Pakistan? ( 7 Marks)
 Income disparity was even greater in 1968. It was
estimated that 22 families controlled 66% of the total
countries' industrial assets.
 Most of industry development took place in West Pakistan
so grievances of East Pakistanis increased.
 The industrialists who were landlords as well could hide
their industrial income in agriculture as there was no tax on
 Loans were taken for these development projects
consequently by 1970s debt increased.
Why did Industrial Reforms not
produce required results? (7 Marks)
After the Report of the Commission on National
Education which identified the importance of
education as an investment in national growth:
 Education up to Class V was made free and
 Secondary education boards were set up to oversee
secondary schooling up to Class XII.
 A new curriculum for schools was drawn up and it
was suggested that new textbooks should be
 An extensive literacy program was started, building
new schools and colleges.
 Technical education was made mandatory.
 University degree courses were extended from two to
three years.
 Progress was made to improve scientific education
and research.
 Civil Defense training was made mandatory in the
schools and colleges.
 These reforms helped to raise educational standards.
 Primary enrolment ratio was increased to 36% in 1965.
 There was an increase in the research centers and
scientific education.
 Technical education improved and provided more
skilled labor to the industries.
Success of Educational Reforms
 University students were unhappy on the government
decision to extend degree courses from 2 to 3 years, the
opposition was so great that the decision had to be
reversed after 2 years.
 Introduction of university ordinance which banned student
unions turned the students against Ayub Khan.
 The target set for enrolment in primary education could
not be achieved and expenditure on education was
Failures of Educational Reforms
 In 1955 a legal commission was set up to suggest
reforms of the family and marriage laws.
 In 1961, Family Laws Ordinance issued.
 A Family Planning Program was set up which
was largely funded by American loans.
 The government used radio, cinema, newspapers,
posters and leaflets to persuade Pakistanis to limit
the size of their families.
 In 1961, the Muslim Family Laws Ordinance helped improve
the position of women.
 Divorce by simple repudiation was no longer allowed.
 Marriages and divorces had to be registered and approved by a
 Further marriages also had to be approved by a court.
 The minimum age for marriage was set at 16 for women and 18
for men.
 The grandson of a pre-deceased son was allowed to inherit the
property of his grandfather.
 An important step towards improving women rights.
New Housing Developments and
Refugee Settlements
 A new and enthusiastic minister for Rehabilitation,
lieutenant- General Azam Khan, started tackling the
refugee problems.
 A massive new housing development at Korangi
provided new homes for refugees living in Karachi.
 75,000 refugees were settled in newly built dwellings
near Karachi.
 Laws were passed that factory owners had to provide
accommodation for their workers at a reasonable rent.
1. 1961 Muslim Family Law Ordinance helped to
improve position of women, protected rights of
women and a general awareness was created about
women rights.
2. Improvement in literacy rate, educational
institutions, health facilities and job opportunities.
3. Improvement in Science and technology which was
a step towards self reliance.
 The biggest policy failure in the Ayub era was in the social
 The Family Planning Program had limited impact on birth rate
because the health workers themselves were illiterate and the
program became prone to corruption. It was also criticized by
the religious sections of the society.
 The laws introduced for improving the status of women in the
society also were unable to change the patriarchal society of
Pakistan and they were also resisted by the ulemas.
RCD 1964
 India controlled the head works of the pre-partition
irrigation canals.
 Pakistan feared that India might repeat a 1948
incident that curtailed the water supply as a means
of coercion.
 The Indus Waters Treaty of 1960, backed by the
World Bank and the United States, finally found
favor with Ayub Khan and Jawaharlal Nehru.
 The agreement also had
detailed transitional
arrangements, new
irrigation and
hydroelectric power
works, and the
waterlogging and
salinity problems in Pakistan's Punjab.
 The Indus Basin Development Fund was also
RCD 1964
 In 1964, an economic union was formed with
Iran and Turkey, the Regional Cooperation for
Development (RCD) in which the three
countries agreed to develop ties in trade,
commerce and industry.
Ayub Khan had to deal with the war between India and
Pakistan that took place in 1965, which caused further
problems for his regime.
Pre-War Escalation
 After its success in the Rann of Kutch, Pakistan, under
the leadership of General Ayub Khan, believed the
Indian Army would be unable to defend itself against a
quick military campaign in the disputed territory of
 Pakistan started Operation Gibraltar. The Pakistani
infiltrators were soon discovered and the operation
ended in a complete failure.
 On 5 August 1965 around 30,000 Pakistani
soldiers crossed the Line of Control dressed as
Kashmiri locals.
 By the end of August, however, both sides had
relative progress.
 India crossed the International Border on the Western
front on 6 September, marking an official beginning of
the war.
 A heroic defense by the troops in and near Lahore
prevented it form being captured by the Indian troops.
 After three weeks of fighting, peace was achieved on 23
September by the intervention of the great powers.
 The Tashkent Declaration was a peace agreement between
India and Pakistan after the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965.
 A meeting was held between Indian Prime Minister Lal
Bahadur Shastri and Ayub Khan, in Tashkent in the USSR
(now in Uzbekistan) from 4 January to 10 January 1966.
 The conference was viewed as a great success but it
compelled Pakistan and India to restore their national
boundary and the 1949 ceasefire line in Kashmir. This
eventually led to dissatisfaction and protests against the Ayub
Khan leadership.
 One reason was Tashkent Agreement. Due to this Pakistan had
to return all the areas of India which were captured in war of
1965. This was unacceptable to general public who withdrew
their support for Ayub Khan. This weakened his power and his
decline began.
 This also led to sacking of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, the foreign
minister, who then became a focal point for opposition against
Ayub. He mobilized the masses and politicians against him and
put together a firm opposition which Ayub could not handle.
 Another reason was the resignation of Basic Democrats in large
numbers. As they had been major supporters of Ayub Khan, their
resignation meant drastic decrease of support for him.
 Another failure of his regime was that Ulemmas were unhappy
due his family planning laws.
 General Public were against him as they believed that only 22
families were favored.
Why did Ayub Khan fall from power? (7 Marks)
Thank you
For Your

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  • 2. Why did Ayub impose martial law? He declared that previous governments were corrupt. He was convinced that the system of Parliamentary democracy had failed. He claimed that behavior of politicians had prevented Pakistan from making economic and social progress .Thus, he imposed martial law to bring about important reforms to modernized Pakistan. Martial law was imposed to bring stability in the country. There were a no of prime ministers between 1956 to 1958.President Iskander Mirza had lost support of many leading politicians. Therefore, Mirza turned to the military and asked commander in chief of the Army to take charge of the country to settle its political.
  • 3. The politicians criticized the Army and its leadership for the influence in the matters of the government. Military high ranks claimed that politicians lacked a serious commitment towards the development of the country. Therefore, Ayub was convinced that a military leadership could rule the country until some development targets are achieved.
  • 4. 1959 Basic Democracies 80,000 elected Basic Democrats would also form the Electoral College for the election of the President and members of the Central and Provincial Legislatures. First elections were held in January 1960 in which 40,000 Basic Democrats were elected in each province. On February 7 1960, 95% of the Basic Democrats elected Ayub Khan as the President of Pakistan.
  • 5. What were Basic Democracies? ( 4 marks) It was introduced in 1959. It was a four tier structure of government. In this system ordinary people elected union council members who in turn elected district and divisional council members. The elected Democrats formed the electoral college for the election of the president and members of Central and Provincial legislatures. Almost 95% of Basic Democrats voted in favour of Ayub Khan in the referendum held on 17 February 1960. 1959 Basic Democracies
  • 6. Success:- 1. It established a link between the urban and rural areas 2. Democracy was introduced at grass root level 3. Local people were represented by their own people thus an approachable platform was established for the concerns of the masses. How successful was system of Basic Democracies?
  • 7. Failure:- 1. Indirect form of election so adult franchise was denied. Local people did not elect the executive authority directly , instead they delegated their vote to the Basic Democrats. 2. Landlords dominated the elections at lower level so new leadership did not emerge. How successful was system of Basic Democracies?
  • 8. 1962 Constitution Announced on 1 March 1962. Although Ayub Khan described it as combining democracy with discipline. Its main features were presidential: The President nominated the Cabinet from the members of the National Assembly, but they would have to resign from the National Assembly if made ministers.
  • 9. The President could not be removed unless impeached. The President nominated the heads of the judiciary and the provincial governors (who then nominated their Cabinets). The National Legislature could not pass a law without the approval of the President. The constitution shall be amended only by a two- thirds majority of the Assembly and assent of the president. If the president does not agree, it shall need a three-quarters majority. Even then, the president shall choose whether to dissolve the Assembly or call a referendum.
  • 10. 1962 Constitution Parity between two wings. Republic of Pakistan. Federal-single house at both levels. Equal citizens and Minority interests.
  • 11. 1962 Constitution Introduced without debate and Ayub Khan brought martial law to an end soon afterwards. The new National Assembly met on 8 June 1962. It appeared that Pakistan was moving nearer to a democratic system, but actually, Ayubs reforms had increased the powers of the ruling elite.
  • 12. Criticism-Political Reforms 1962 Constitution The Constitution upset the people of East Pakistan. Various steps were taken for them: National languages-Urdu and Bengali. The National Assembly Session-Dhaka and Islamabad. President and Speaker of the National Assembly. Despite these measures, the people of East Pakistan still believed that Pakistan was, in reality, government of East Pakistan by West Pakistan.
  • 13. SHIFTING OF CAPITAL Ayubs government decided to build a new capital because: Traditionally, development in Pakistan was focused on Karachi, and President Ayub Khan wanted it to be equally distributed. Karachi was located at one end of the country and could be easily attacked from the Arabian Sea. A capital which was easily accessible from all parts of the country was needed. Karachi, a business center, was also considered unsuitable partly because of intervention of business interests in government affairs.
  • 14. SHIFTING OF CAPITAL Construction was started in October 1961. The city came into life on 26 October 1966 when the first office building of Islamabad was occupied. In 1967, Islamabad was officially made the capital. It is a modern and carefully planned city.
  • 15. Criticism for Shifting of Capital The change was yet another cause of discontent in East Pakistan. They preferred other sites for the national capital in their part of the country. Building Islamabad cost a great deal of money at a time when many Pakistanis were expecting shortages. It was claimed that Ayub Khans friends in the army and in the industry were making fortunes out of land speculation in the new city.
  • 17. Agricultural Reforms Q. What were the agricultural reforms introduced by Ayub Khan? (4) Pakistan is an agricultural country with almost 70 % of its population depend on agriculture activities. Ayub Khan introduced reforms in agricultural sector to make it more productive. In this regard they introduced Land Reforms by limiting the size of farms. They also tried to mechanize agriculture which was known as Green Revolution. These reforms proved productive as yield was considerably increased.
  • 18. Land Reforms A person could not own more than either 500 acres of canal irrigated land or 1000 acres of unrelated land. Utilization of resumed area. Jagirs. Protection to tenants. Proprietary rights for the tenants.
  • 19. Green Revolution was about mechanization of agricultural sector. Growth took place mainly because the expanded irrigation facilities were supplemented by the technology package of High yielding varieties (HYV) seeds, Chemical fertilizers Pesticides and Insecticides What was the Green Revolution? (4 Marks)
  • 20. Agricultural Reforms Q. Why were the Land Reforms introduced in 1958 by Ayub Khan? (7) Eliminating the monopoly of the big landowners and particularly the absentee landlords, in the politics. Providing security for tenure Providing fairer distribution and ownership of land
  • 21. Level 3 :- Positive points of reforms 1. Larger farms/ standard farms produced a steady rise in food output. It brought benefit to small farmers as well. 2. This helped to break the hold of the large landlords this reduced income disparity. 3. These forms revitalized agriculture . Productivity was raised due to increase in tenants efficiency and mechanization. 4. Establishment of ADBP for availability of loans on easy installments. 5. 3 Large dams were made after Indus Water Treaty Level 4:- Negative points of reforms 1. Modernization of agricultural structure could not be achieved fully as poor people could not afford it. They preferred their inherited knowledge and traditional methods. 2. Most loans were taken by big farmers on behalf of their trustworthy tenants. 3. Most of the subsidies of tractors, pesticides and fertilizers were taken by landlords. 4. Land reforms were ineffective due to loopholes within the reforms. Level 5:- Judgment How successful were agricultural reforms of Ayub Khan? (14 Marks)
  • 22. Modernization of agriculture was a requirement. Most of Pakistani industries were agro-based. To increase yield and to broaden the base of agricultural activity. Why did Ayub Khan introduce Green Revolution in 1960?
  • 23. Industrial Reforms Economic development was a priority for Ayub Khan. He recruited able economists and advisers, many of whom had been trained in the USA. So successful were his policies that businessmen and leaders around the world began to praise the Pakistan Miracle.
  • 24. INDUSTRIAL REFORMS In February 1959, the Government announced a new industrial policy of gradual liberalization of economy to pave way for smooth industrial growth. Main emphasis on the utilization of raw materials available in the country to benefit small and medium scale industries. The extreme bureaucratic restraints were removed by a more market-oriented approach.
  • 25. Establishment of Financial and Development Corporations Pakistan Industrial Development Corporation (PIDC) was set up with a capital of R.s 1 billion. It was put in charge to promote the following industries: Jute Paper-board and newsprint Heavy engineering Fertilizers Sugar Cement Textiles, etc.
  • 26. Industrial Trading Estates Four new estates for small industries were established in Bahawalpur, Gujarat, Larkana and Peshawar This helped in the process of industrialization by handling the initial difficulties faced by new industrialists.
  • 27. Investment Promotion Bureau Set up in April 1959. To attract foreign investment for the establishment of new industries To provide guidance to industrialists and investors. To solve problems of foreign investors in the matter finding land, water, power, etc. Industrial legislation was introduced to facilitate the growth of industry with minimum government interference. Therefore, this led to encouragement of private enterprise.
  • 28. Foreign Aid and Loans o Loans were taken from more industrialized western countries, particularly the USA, Germany and the UK. o These played a dominant role in the industrial and economic development of Pakistan. o Without that aid, the remarkable growth in that era could not be possible.
  • 29. Water and Power Investments o Total water and power investments in West Pakistan during the 1960s, including the, exceeded US $2.5 Billion and accounted for more than 50% of total public sector spending. Indus Basin Replacement Works spending Warsak Dam on the Kabul River in 1961 Mangla Dam from 1961 to 1967 across the Jhelum River.
  • 30. Economic growth rose sharply. The average annual rate by which the economy grew in the 1960s was 7%, which was three times that of India. Export Bonus Scheme allowed exporters to keep up to 40% of their foreign earnings in the form of foreign exchange because of this incentive industrialists increased exports. Free-Market economy was introduced which offered subsidies and tax relaxations. To boost regional trade RCD was signed. How did Industrial Reforms of Ayub Khan help boost Industrialization in Pakistan? ( 7 Marks)
  • 31. Income disparity was even greater in 1968. It was estimated that 22 families controlled 66% of the total countries' industrial assets. Most of industry development took place in West Pakistan so grievances of East Pakistanis increased. The industrialists who were landlords as well could hide their industrial income in agriculture as there was no tax on it. Loans were taken for these development projects consequently by 1970s debt increased. Why did Industrial Reforms not produce required results? (7 Marks)
  • 33. EDUCATIONAL REFORMS After the Report of the Commission on National Education which identified the importance of education as an investment in national growth: Education up to Class V was made free and compulsory. Secondary education boards were set up to oversee secondary schooling up to Class XII. A new curriculum for schools was drawn up and it was suggested that new textbooks should be published.
  • 34. An extensive literacy program was started, building new schools and colleges. Technical education was made mandatory. University degree courses were extended from two to three years. Progress was made to improve scientific education and research. Civil Defense training was made mandatory in the schools and colleges.
  • 35. These reforms helped to raise educational standards. Primary enrolment ratio was increased to 36% in 1965. There was an increase in the research centers and scientific education. Technical education improved and provided more skilled labor to the industries. Success of Educational Reforms
  • 36. University students were unhappy on the government decision to extend degree courses from 2 to 3 years, the opposition was so great that the decision had to be reversed after 2 years. Introduction of university ordinance which banned student unions turned the students against Ayub Khan. The target set for enrolment in primary education could not be achieved and expenditure on education was insufficient Failures of Educational Reforms
  • 37. FAMILY PLANNING In 1955 a legal commission was set up to suggest reforms of the family and marriage laws. In 1961, Family Laws Ordinance issued. A Family Planning Program was set up which was largely funded by American loans. The government used radio, cinema, newspapers, posters and leaflets to persuade Pakistanis to limit the size of their families.
  • 38. FAMILY LAWS In 1961, the Muslim Family Laws Ordinance helped improve the position of women. Divorce by simple repudiation was no longer allowed. Marriages and divorces had to be registered and approved by a court. Further marriages also had to be approved by a court. The minimum age for marriage was set at 16 for women and 18 for men. The grandson of a pre-deceased son was allowed to inherit the property of his grandfather. An important step towards improving women rights.
  • 39. New Housing Developments and Refugee Settlements A new and enthusiastic minister for Rehabilitation, lieutenant- General Azam Khan, started tackling the refugee problems. A massive new housing development at Korangi provided new homes for refugees living in Karachi. 75,000 refugees were settled in newly built dwellings near Karachi. Laws were passed that factory owners had to provide accommodation for their workers at a reasonable rent.
  • 40. 1. 1961 Muslim Family Law Ordinance helped to improve position of women, protected rights of women and a general awareness was created about women rights. 2. Improvement in literacy rate, educational institutions, health facilities and job opportunities. 3. Improvement in Science and technology which was a step towards self reliance. SUCCESS OF SOCIAL REFORMS
  • 41. FAILURE OF SOCIAL REFORMS The biggest policy failure in the Ayub era was in the social area. The Family Planning Program had limited impact on birth rate because the health workers themselves were illiterate and the program became prone to corruption. It was also criticized by the religious sections of the society. The laws introduced for improving the status of women in the society also were unable to change the patriarchal society of Pakistan and they were also resisted by the ulemas.
  • 43. India controlled the head works of the pre-partition irrigation canals. Pakistan feared that India might repeat a 1948 incident that curtailed the water supply as a means of coercion. The Indus Waters Treaty of 1960, backed by the World Bank and the United States, finally found favor with Ayub Khan and Jawaharlal Nehru. INDUS WATER TREATY 1960
  • 44. The agreement also had detailed transitional arrangements, new irrigation and hydroelectric power works, and the waterlogging and salinity problems in Pakistan's Punjab. The Indus Basin Development Fund was also established. Pakistan Indus Chenab Jhelum India Ravi Beas Sutlej
  • 45. RCD 1964 In 1964, an economic union was formed with Iran and Turkey, the Regional Cooperation for Development (RCD) in which the three countries agreed to develop ties in trade, commerce and industry.
  • 46. INDO-PAK WAR 1965 Ayub Khan had to deal with the war between India and Pakistan that took place in 1965, which caused further problems for his regime. Pre-War Escalation After its success in the Rann of Kutch, Pakistan, under the leadership of General Ayub Khan, believed the Indian Army would be unable to defend itself against a quick military campaign in the disputed territory of Kashmir.
  • 47. INDO-PAK WAR 1965 Pakistan started Operation Gibraltar. The Pakistani infiltrators were soon discovered and the operation ended in a complete failure. On 5 August 1965 around 30,000 Pakistani soldiers crossed the Line of Control dressed as Kashmiri locals. By the end of August, however, both sides had relative progress.
  • 48. INDO-PAK WAR 1965 India crossed the International Border on the Western front on 6 September, marking an official beginning of the war. A heroic defense by the troops in and near Lahore prevented it form being captured by the Indian troops. After three weeks of fighting, peace was achieved on 23 September by the intervention of the great powers.
  • 49. TASHKENT DECLERATION The Tashkent Declaration was a peace agreement between India and Pakistan after the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965. A meeting was held between Indian Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri and Ayub Khan, in Tashkent in the USSR (now in Uzbekistan) from 4 January to 10 January 1966. The conference was viewed as a great success but it compelled Pakistan and India to restore their national boundary and the 1949 ceasefire line in Kashmir. This eventually led to dissatisfaction and protests against the Ayub Khan leadership.
  • 50. One reason was Tashkent Agreement. Due to this Pakistan had to return all the areas of India which were captured in war of 1965. This was unacceptable to general public who withdrew their support for Ayub Khan. This weakened his power and his decline began. This also led to sacking of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, the foreign minister, who then became a focal point for opposition against Ayub. He mobilized the masses and politicians against him and put together a firm opposition which Ayub could not handle. Another reason was the resignation of Basic Democrats in large numbers. As they had been major supporters of Ayub Khan, their resignation meant drastic decrease of support for him. Another failure of his regime was that Ulemmas were unhappy due his family planning laws. General Public were against him as they believed that only 22 families were favored. Why did Ayub Khan fall from power? (7 Marks)