This document contains a 10 question quiz about FIFA and World Cup facts:
1) Lionel Messi scored the goal of the tournament at the 2010 FIFA Club World Cup.
2) The first FIFA video game was released in 1993.
3) In 1982, Hungary beat El Salvador 10-1, which is the only time a team has scored double figures in a World Cup match.
4) The mascot of the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil was Fuleco the armadillo.
19. They are the only players that have won The FIFA
WORLD CUP as Players as well as Coaches.
21. Q.10 This Goal was scored by X. Also known as
the ‘Improbable Goal’, X scored the goal by
kicking a bouncing ball while running at his
top speed from an angle of 1 degree to the
goal. The Goal was declared as mathematically