Twitter is looking to generate revenue through advertisements and promotions on its platform. It aims to convert businesses that currently purchase alternative media into Twitter purchasers. The document outlines Twitter's plan to collect performance data, use informative and interactive tactics to provide statistics and success stories, launch ads on business websites and through search engines, and do so with a modest $20,000 advertising budget. The goal is to prove to businesses that Twitter is the most efficient and effective advertising channel.
2. What’s The Tweet on
• micro-blog
• 140 characters/Multimedia
• Instant view and reply to updates
• valuable information
3. Target Tweeters
• Public relations and Marketing
• small businesses
• GOAL: Convert alternative
media purchases into twitter
• Business accounts have 
opportunity to generate
money—not teenagers and
4. Key Performance Indicators
• Collect data from Twitter’s R&D
• Gross Rating Points GRP
• Compare accounts before and after campaign
5. Big Idea
• Problem: Twitter needs to make money
• accomplish w/ advertisements & promotions
• Objective: convert media purchases
• USP: Twitter = Efficent + Effective
6. Tools & Tactics
• Inform with INFO
• Friendly, open
• interactive
• Provide:
1. statistics,
2. Data
3. success stories
8. Media Selection
• business hubs such as Forbes, Linkedin, Monster,
and other websites
• Launch Google SEM SEO advertisements
• Non-internet related channels
9. The Advertising Budget
• Twitter requires a small budget
• $100/hr (beginner rate)
• 200 hours
• $5 million- SEM
10. Summary
• Show the TA that Twitter is the most efficient
and innovative way to advertise, and Twitter
has the data and statistics to prove it!
honest delivery of info + great product
= Success