This document discusses sustainable algal-based alternatives to long-chain omega-3 fatty acids used in aquaculture feed. Currently, most aquaculture feed relies on fish oil, but supplies are limited. The document proposes that Nivalis' algal cultivation system and extraction process can produce omega-3 rich algal oils more sustainably and at lower cost than other alternatives by eliminating energy-intensive applications. Next steps include validating the technology at larger scales and isolating algal strains with high levels of DHA to fully replace fish oil in aquaculture feeds.
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Fish-oil alternative business development
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2. Key Definitions
Aquaculture: Aquaculture, also known as aquafarming, is the farming of aquatic organisms such as fish,
crustaceans, molluscs and aquatic plants. Aquaculture involves cultivating freshwater and saltwater
populations under controlled conditions, and can be contrasted with commercial fishing, which is
the harvesting of wild fish.
Fish Oil: Fish oil is oil derived from the tissues of oily fish (sardines, anchovies, herring, etc.). Fish oils contain
the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Fish do not
actually produce omega-3 fatty acids, but instead accumulate them by consuming either
microalgae or prey fish that have accumulated them. Fish oil is used as a component in aquaculture
feed. More than 50 percent of the world's fish oil used in aquaculture feed is fed to farmed salmon
Fatty Acid: Important component of lipids in plants, animals, and microorganisms. Many animals cannot
synthesize one or more of the fatty acids and must ingest them in foods.
Long Chain:
In aquaculture, highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA) have been found to be critical for maintaining
high growth, survival rates and high food conversion efficiencies for a wide variety of marine and
freshwater organisms. Plant based oils contain HUFAs of lower carbon length, and typically dont
include EPA or DHA, which are commonly knows as omega-3 oil, and are considered essential fatty
acids in humans.
GMO: Genetically Modified Organism (GMO). An organism whose genetic material has been altered using
genetic engineering techniques. Organisms that have been genetically modified include micro-
organisms such as bacteria and yeast, insects, plants, fish, and mammals.
3. -
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
capture forage fish aquaculture fish oil
Aquaculture is expected to carry seafood industrys growth
Global Aquaculture Production
(metric tons)
Sources: FAO, Fishstat, IFFO. (*)IFFO stats, 2011.
Notes: capture: Mostly for human consumption: freshwater, diadromous & marine fishes, crustaceans and molluscs.
forage fish: Mostly for fish meal & fish oil production: miscellaneous pelagic fishes, herrings, sardines, anchovies, krill and planktonic
crustaceans. Aquaculture and capture figures exclude aquatic plants.
Global Aquaculture Stats
($ USD)
Aquaculture achieved 60million MT in 2010
for a total value of $119 billion.
At current trends, aquaculture will need to
provide additional 23million MT by 2030 to
maintain per-capital consumption.
Fish-oil market, a key feed ingredient in
aquaculture, has been flat at about 1million
MT; current value $2.5 billion.
It is estimated that by 2009, 81% of global
fish oil production went to aquaculture. (*)
(1) (2)
4. Fish oil used in aquaculture has reached production limits
Fish Oil Inclusion
2 2
1995 2007
1995 2007
1995 2007
Total Feeds Used
(thousand tons)
Total Fish Oil Used
(thousand tons)
Salmon Marine Fish Shrimp
Source: Adapted from PNAS. Feeding aquaculture in an era of finite resources. Naylor, et. al., 2009
Despite marked improvements in fish oil inclusion rates, demand for fish inputs by the
aquaculture sector continues to increase.
Salmon, Marine Fish and Shrimp along represent the bulk of fish oil usage, about 60% of
total global production.
5. Real fish oil alternatives are not yet readily available
Single Cell Oils, including algae have many advantages if adequate productions costs can be
Terrestrial Plants
GMO Terrestrial Plants
Lower prices.
Sufficient quantities.
Lack of LC omega-3s (EPA, DHA)
Limited to certain growth stages
Might contain LC omega-3s,
sufficiently high concentrations
expected within a decade.
Customer acceptance of GMOs
Not yet available
Rendered Terrestrial
Animal Products
Can be blended with fish oil
Low digestibility at cold temperatures
High in saturated fats
Customer acceptance/perception
Seafood By-products 20% of available by-products
currently in use.
Complex scale/logistics issues
Mostly used as protein source
Potential risks of PCBs and dioxins
Highly variable source of feed
Single Cell Oils
Can be rich in LC omega-3s
Have successfully been used in trials
Potential for non-GMO strains
Potentially more sustainable
High costs constrains current use
DrawbacksAlternative to Forage Fish Advantages
6. Nivalis algal based technologies offer a near-term solution
Nivalis solid-state algal production system, enables existing harvesting and extraction
technologies to mass produce algal oils at prices affordable by the aquaculture industry.
DrawbacksAlternative to Forage Fish Advantages
Single Cell Oils Can be rich in LC omega-3s
Has successfully been used in trials
Potential for non-GMO strains
Potentially more sustainable
High costs constrains current use
NivalisTM Cold adapted EPA rich algal strain
Low cost solid algal growth technology
Non-GMO production
Geographic Flexibility (close to use)
Simplified harvesting and extraction(*)
Reduced water and energy usage.
Low-tech greenhouse structure serves
as main production infrastructure.
Off-site biomass extraction plant.
DHA strain needs to be isolated.
Feasibility of large scale production
and feed trials yet to be conducted.
Notes: (*) when compared to alternative algal growth systems using ponds and photo bioreactors.
7. Nivalis Technology Advantages
Technology benefits enable a low-cost system by eliminating energy and resource intense
applications commonly related to photo-bioreactors and pond cultivation systems.
Cold adapted strains open the possibility to new geographies for algal cultivation
For the production of the omega-3 rich oils, Nivalis is using a proprietary solid-
state algal cultivation system combined with a low-energy fatty acid recovery
Integrated system minimizes energy input requirements and water consumption,
while recycling nutrients, resulting in drastically lower environmental impact when
compared to alternative methods (photo-bioreactors and pond cultivation
At the same time, preference of Nivalis production strains for temperate climates
opens new geographies to algal cultivation.
Energy reduction leads to
overall cost elimination.
Re-utilization of resources
and nutrients leads to
higher sustainability.
Cold weather strain leads to
improved market logistics.
8. Market Segmentation
Marketing efforts will be concentrated on large multinational feed and feed additives
companies for integration into their product offerings. Also, selected aquaculture
producers with vertically integrated business models for direct purchase and formulation.
Chareon Pokphand
Notes: (*) preliminary indications of purchasing interests once product claims has been demonstrated.
Feed Additive &
Supplement Companies
DSM Nutritional
Elanco Animal Health
Taplow Feeds(*)
The Scoular Group(*)
Large Aquaculture
Marine Harvest
Open Ocean Systems(*)
Cooke Aquaculture
9. Alternatives to fish oil in aquaculture. Competitive map(*)
Nivalis primary competition is derived from alternative ingredients already in the market.
We have not identified a current market player in the industry with the ability to provide a
1:1 replacement to fish oil at a commercial level.
Fish Oil
Other algae oils
Ocean Harvest
BioProcess Algae
Canola oil
Soybean oil
Palm oil
GMO plant oils
Nivalis oils
Note: (*) Illustrative, not meant to be exhaustive of industry players. Not all potential markets and competitive products represented.
10. Isolate and test marine strains for different oil
compositions, e.g., high DHA.
Validate productivity when deployed in outdoor growth
Select optimal parameters for oil extraction technology
and determine refining expected costs.
Demonstrated Capabilities and Immediate Next Steps
Immediate Next Steps
Tests have been completed in high density small
growth system to characterize biomass accumulation
with different medium compositions.
Oil composition already known for cells with high (67%)
and low (12%) oil content
20 m2 growth surface reactor operated under an
artificial 12-hour light:dark illumination cycle. Highly
correlated fatty-acid profile to previous tests.
Crude oil successfully separated from solids using
common solvent-extraction after hydro-thermal
processing. Processing parameters defined at lab scale.
Demonstrated Capabilities
In order to finalize the Concept Development, feasibility studies most be performed in
outdoor growth conditions.
Extraction characterization can be conducted based on biomass availability. Marine strain
selection is independent of Concept Development, but a priority for Deployment
11. 0 6 12 18 24 30 36
Pilot Greenhouse Construction
2nd Generation Strain Selection
Team Recruiting
Full Greenhouse Trials
Oil Production
Process Optimization
Product Registration
Fish Trials
Finalize IP Package
Critical Path from Concept Development to Deployment
A set of clearly defined milestones have been established to align derisking of the
investment with the application of funds.
1 2 3Prototype Scale Up Deployment
12. Application of Funds - Overview
Pilot Greenhouse and
Extraction Plant:
The technology is currently available for other commercial processes, it has not been fully validated
for our cultivation system and for algae in general. Data obtained with this investment is expected
to highly derisk technology in the overall business opportunity.
of organisms:
Required to enhance the portfolio and flexibility of the product offerings. In particular the
characterization of an organism with high level of DHA is required to fully enable a 1:1 replacement
of fish oil on most aquaculture diets.
Human Resources: Based on the Milestone Process, additional staff will be required to lead specific technology and
business development activities.
Feed Trials: The most critical part of the demonstration phase involves validation on commercial settings and
rigorous controlled-environment analysis of product performance and multi-variable analysis on
animal response.
Specific monetary funding amounts are available to interested investors. Proformas and a
detailed business plan for the Commercial Stage are also available. These incorporate
multiple scenarios based on a Critical Path and therefore are linked with expected scenarios
at the end of each milestone.
Regulatory & IP: Required expenses for product registration and additional filing of patents on specific markets and
for integrated processes.