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Lots of young people want to
know about drugs and alcohol.
It is important to know, that   ESTUDIANTES:        CRIMINA L VICES:
despite one's willpower, it's   Lorena Pertuz
very easy to end up finding     Etelvina parra     DRUGS A ND A LCOHOL.
that you have a problem. You    Raiza posada
may initially think that you    Kevin becerra
have your drug or alcohol use   Moisés García
`under           control',           GRADO: 11°b
however, these things can be         GIMNASIO
very addictive and may soon          DEL SABER        ¡Change her life!
start to control you.
                                                                             COMMON DRUGS

Alcohol is created when grains,                                        There are so      many kinds of
fruits, or vegetables are fer-                                         drugs: Here are the facts on some
mented. Fermentation is a pro-                                         of the more common drugs.:
cess that uses yeast or bacteria
to change the sugars in the food   Drugs are chemicals or substances      Ampheta-         Inhalants
into alcohol. Alcohol is a de-                                             mines            Ketamine
                                   that change the way our bodies
pressant, which means it slows                                            Cocaine          LSD
                                   work. When you put them into            and Crack         Marijuana
the function of the central                                                              

nervous system. Alcohol actu-      your body, drugs find their way        Depressants      Metham-
ally blocks some of the messag-    into your bloodstream and are          Ecstasy           phetamine
es trying to get to the brain.     transported to parts of your           GHB              Nicotine
This alters a person's percep-                                            Heroin
                                   body, such as your brain. A drug
tions, emotions, movement, vi-
                                   may be helpful or harmful.
sion, and hearing.


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  • 1. CRIMINAL VICES Lots of young people want to know about drugs and alcohol. It is important to know, that ESTUDIANTES: CRIMINA L VICES: despite one's willpower, it's Lorena Pertuz very easy to end up finding Etelvina parra DRUGS A ND A LCOHOL. that you have a problem. You Raiza posada may initially think that you Kevin becerra have your drug or alcohol use Moisés García `under control', GRADO: 11°b however, these things can be GIMNASIO very addictive and may soon DEL SABER ¡Change her life! start to control you.
  • 2. CRIMINAL VICES: DGRUS AND ALCOHOL COMMON DRUGS ALCOHOL Alcohol is created when grains, There are so many kinds of fruits, or vegetables are fer- drugs: Here are the facts on some mented. Fermentation is a pro- of the more common drugs.: cess that uses yeast or bacteria to change the sugars in the food Drugs are chemicals or substances  Ampheta-  Inhalants into alcohol. Alcohol is a de- mines  Ketamine that change the way our bodies pressant, which means it slows  Cocaine  LSD work. When you put them into and Crack Marijuana the function of the central  nervous system. Alcohol actu- your body, drugs find their way  Depressants  Metham- ally blocks some of the messag- into your bloodstream and are  Ecstasy phetamine es trying to get to the brain. transported to parts of your  GHB  Nicotine This alters a person's percep-  Heroin body, such as your brain. A drug tions, emotions, movement, vi- may be helpful or harmful. sion, and hearing. YOU CAN MAKE A CHANGE IN YOUR LIFE. ¡SAY NO TO DRUGS AND ALCOHOL!