Households, retail stores, public institutions like canteens, and hotels and restaurants generate the majority of Denmark's annual food waste of around 620,000 tons. Specifically, households account for 260,000 tons per year, retail stores 167,000 tons, public institutions/canteens 31,000 tons, and hotels and restaurants 29,000 tons. Additionally, the food industry generates 133,000 tons of annual food waste while agriculture and fisheries produce 100,000 tons. Denmark has implemented various public-private partnership initiatives and websites like and Wefood to help reduce food waste and transform it into a valuable resource.
2. Food Waste in Consumption –
and Service Stages:
Public institutions/canteens
Hotels & Restaurants:
Proportion of Food Waste:
260.000 t/year
167.000 t/year
31.000 t/year
29.000 ton/year
Food waste in the Production
Food industry:
Agriculture & Fishery
133.000 t/year
100.000 t/year
”Current State of Play”