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                 DATABASE COSTS BY 30%

                 Multi-national company has extra-ordinary IT needs and expenditures.
                 A large, industrial conglomerate, involved in such diverse activities as oil and gas exploration, fertilizer pro-
                 duction and light metals, wanted to assess how its computer resources were being used to better manage
                 its IT expenditures. With a complex IT infrastructure distributed in multiple sites around the globe, getting a
                 system-wide overview of its resource usage patterns and needs seemed a formidable task.

                 Perception of software need
                 vs. reality of software usage
                 Management was aware that ac-
                 curate and comprehensive knowl-
                 edge of IT and usage patterns
                 could potentially yield enormous
                 savings in software alone. One
                 known area of widespread costs
                 was in database software. World-
                 wide, the company had approx.
                 30 different license agreements
                 with their database suppliers.
                 These agreements were based
                 upon estimated usage, while ac-
                 tual user statistics remained un-

                  60% more licenses than necessary
                  The Gartner Group predicts that
                  companies lacking a reporting
                  system for their software usage
                  will have 60% more licenses
                  than necessary.

                  Overlicensing in many compa-
                  nies is due to the fact that pur-
                  chases are initiated by software
                  users, who typically over-esti-
                  mate the time to be spent using
                  the applications  and they are
                  made at the local level, robbing
                  the company of the bene鍖ts of
                  centralized purchasing, such as                  that its maximum number of si-                      Why Open iT LicenseAnalyzer?
                  鍖exibility and savings found in                  multaneous database service us-                       Identi鍖es application users and
                  corporate license deals.                         ers was signi鍖cantly lower than                        distributes licenses to the users
                                                                   had been estimated and paid for.                       who need them
                                                                   With this knowledge, the com-                         Measures usage continually, so
                                                                   pany was able to match software
                 Open iT Software provides ac-                     license purchases to actual need
                                                                                                                          trends can easily be seen
                 curate overview thus reducing li-                                                                       Counts the user once, regard-
                                                                   and reduce license costs by 30%.                       less of whether he/she is using
                 cense costs                                       Additionally, with a better under-
                 Open iT Software was purchased                                                                           more than one application at a
                                                                   standing of software user trends                       time
                 to measure a variety of IT system                 through-out the organization, the
                 statistics, with the Open iT Licen-                                                                     Provided by an independent
                                                                   company was able to save more                          vendor
                 seAnalyzer module applied to                      money by consolidating software
                 documenting its company-wide                                                                            Stores measurements as signed,
                                                                   license purchases and bene鍖t                           encrypted, read-only logs,
                 software license usage. Upon                      from enterprise discounts.
                 viewing the license usage reports,                                                                       preventing data manipulation
                 the company quickly discovered

                 息 2004 Open iT, Inc. All rights reserved.
                 This case study is for informational purposes only. Open iT makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.
                 Open iT is a registered trademark of Open iT Inc.

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  • 1. CASE STUDY www.openit.com HOW A FORTUNE 500 COMPANY REDUCED ITS DATABASE COSTS BY 30% Multi-national company has extra-ordinary IT needs and expenditures. A large, industrial conglomerate, involved in such diverse activities as oil and gas exploration, fertilizer pro- duction and light metals, wanted to assess how its computer resources were being used to better manage its IT expenditures. With a complex IT infrastructure distributed in multiple sites around the globe, getting a system-wide overview of its resource usage patterns and needs seemed a formidable task. Perception of software need vs. reality of software usage Management was aware that ac- curate and comprehensive knowl- edge of IT and usage patterns could potentially yield enormous savings in software alone. One known area of widespread costs was in database software. World- wide, the company had approx. 30 different license agreements with their database suppliers. These agreements were based upon estimated usage, while ac- tual user statistics remained un- known. 60% more licenses than necessary The Gartner Group predicts that companies lacking a reporting system for their software usage will have 60% more licenses than necessary. Overlicensing in many compa- nies is due to the fact that pur- chases are initiated by software users, who typically over-esti- mate the time to be spent using the applications and they are made at the local level, robbing the company of the bene鍖ts of centralized purchasing, such as that its maximum number of si- Why Open iT LicenseAnalyzer? 鍖exibility and savings found in multaneous database service us- Identi鍖es application users and corporate license deals. ers was signi鍖cantly lower than distributes licenses to the users had been estimated and paid for. who need them With this knowledge, the com- Measures usage continually, so pany was able to match software Open iT Software provides ac- license purchases to actual need trends can easily be seen curate overview thus reducing li- Counts the user once, regard- and reduce license costs by 30%. less of whether he/she is using cense costs Additionally, with a better under- Open iT Software was purchased more than one application at a standing of software user trends time to measure a variety of IT system through-out the organization, the statistics, with the Open iT Licen- Provided by an independent company was able to save more vendor seAnalyzer module applied to money by consolidating software documenting its company-wide Stores measurements as signed, license purchases and bene鍖t encrypted, read-only logs, software license usage. Upon from enterprise discounts. viewing the license usage reports, preventing data manipulation the company quickly discovered 息 2004 Open iT, Inc. All rights reserved. This case study is for informational purposes only. Open iT makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary. Open iT is a registered trademark of Open iT Inc.