This document lists the dates, times, and topics of six upcoming webinars hosted by HomeInstead on issues related to aging and care. The webinars will cover recognizing signs of aging and the need for care, challenges in communication between older adults and children, how to select an in-home care provider, long distance caregiving, in-home care during an economic recession, and patient/doctor communication. Each webinar is scheduled on a Wednesday at 10 AM Pacific time.
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October 27, 2010: Recognizing the Signs of Aging and Need for Care
10:00 AM Pacific / 11:00 AM Mountain / 12:00 PM Central / 1:00 PM Eastern
November 17, 2010: Challenges of Communication between Older Adults and their Children
10:00 AM Pacific / 11:00 AM Mountain / 12:00 PM Central / 1:00 PM Eastern
February 9, 2011: How to Select an In-Home Care Provider
10:00 AM Pacific / 11:00 AM Mountain / 12:00 PM Central / 1:00 PM Eastern
May 11, 2011: Long Distance Caregiving
10:00 AM Pacific / 11:00 AM Mountain / 12:00 PM Central / 1:00 PM Eastern
August 17, 2011: In-Home Care during a Recession
10:00 AM Pacific / 11:00 AM Mountain / 12:00 PM Central / 1:00 PM Eastern
November 16, 2011: Patient/Doctor Communication
10:00 AM Pacific / 11:00 AM Mountain / 12:00 PM Central / 1:00 PM Eastern