It's quite common now for code to be generated by some command - with help of Artisan or not. In this presentation I have an overview of existing solutions on the market.
This document provides an overview of popular Laravel tools and resources including forums, news sites, video channels, packages, templates and more. It also outlines some common Laravel modules like user management, content management, shopping carts and how to implement them using Laravel packages, libraries and techniques.
Laravel is a free, open-source PHP web framework, created by Taylor Otwell and intended for the development of web applications taking after the modelviewcontroller (MVC) architectural pattern. Some of the features of Laravel are a secluded packaging system with a dedicated dependency manager, different courses for accessing relational databases, utilities that guide in application deployment and maintenance, and its orientation toward syntactic sugar.
This document introduces PharoJS, a framework that allows developing applications in Pharo and running them on JavaScript and web platforms like browsers. It discusses how PharoJS allows developing the model in Pharo alone, integrating HTML, CSS and JS, and generating JavaScript from Pharo. It also outlines available tools like a playground, inspector and test support. Future plans include migrating to Pharo 6, improving coverage and tools, and addressing challenges like debugging between Pharo and JavaScript.
The document summarizes notable updates in PHP, frameworks, and CMSes from the previous month. Key updates include security patches released for PHP 7.0.3, 5.6.18, and 5.5.32. Drupal 6 reached end-of-life. WordPress 4.4.2 and Slim 3.2.0 were released with security and feature updates. The Laravel and Symfony frameworks also received patches. Upcoming PHP conferences in March-July 2016 are listed, including Midwest PHP, Lone Star PHP, php[tek], and Laracon US. Online Nomad PHP talks for March 24 are announced. The Kansas City PHP user group seeks speakers for next month's
This document provides instructions for deploying PHP applications on Google App Engine using the Quercus Java implementation of PHP. It outlines downloading the necessary components of the Java Development Kit, Google App Engine SDK, and Quercus. It then details configuring the application ID in the appengine-web.xml file and deploying the application using the App Engine SDK tools. A working example is provided to demonstrate a successful PHP deployment on App Engine.
ALPHA is an accessible and lightweight PHP application framework. It provides an architectural overview, installation instructions, and details on its common PHP page execution versus Alpha PHP page execution. ALPHA utilizes a ClassFactory and singleton logic to execute tasks, include classes/helpers, and embed pages in the framework environment. It also allows for features like URL rewriting, debugging, data binding, AJAX, models, events, file management, authentication, and data connectors.
This document summarizes Cesar Hernandez's presentation on Apache Tomcat, TomEE, and tFactory. Cesar is a software architect who works with Java EE technologies and is involved with several technical communities in Guatemala. The presentation covers how Apache Tomcat is commonly used, its technology and commercial aspects, and how tFactory can be used to easily manage multiple Tomcat instances over a network. tFactory provides features like remote server management, instance monitoring and configuration, and template-based instance deployment. The architecture and a demo of tFactory are also presented.
Creating a Smooth Development Workflow for High-Quality Modular Open-Source P...Pantheon
Greg Anderson's slide deck from BADCamp 2016.
Having a fine-tuned continuous integration environment is extremely valuable, even for small projects. Today, there is a wide variety of standalone projects and online Software-As-A-Service offerings that can super-streamline your everyday development tasks that can help you get your projects up and running like a pro. In this session, we'll look at how you can get the most out of:
- GitHub source code repository
- Packagist package manager for Composer
- Travis CI continuous integration service
- Coveralls code coverage service
- Scrutinizer static analysis service
- Box2 phar builder
- PhpDocumentor api documentation generator
- ReadTheDocs online documentation reader service
- Composer scripts and projects for running local tests and builds
BackPAN is a historical archive of the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN) containing 200k files and 10 GB of data. CPAN itself only contains distributions uploaded by authors and has 55k distributions totaling 4 GB. CPAN tools use an index to install files by putting them in the include path (@INC) without tracking file to distribution mappings or managing versions.
This document summarizes Phinx, a PHP database migration tool. It allows developers to programmatically update a database schema over time through migrations written in PHP. Key features include writing migrations, migrating up and down, seeding data, and supporting multiple databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite. The document provides installation instructions, best practices for writing migrations, and an overview of the tool's history and future plans.
This document provides information about the book "Laravel - Up and Running" by Matt Stauffer. The book is a practical guide that introduces Laravel, one of the most popular PHP web frameworks. It provides a high-level overview and concrete examples to help experienced PHP developers get started with Laravel. By the end of the book, readers should feel comfortable writing an entire application from scratch using Laravel's features such as Blade templating, Eloquent ORM, request handling, and tools for APIs, file storage, queues and more. The book aims to teach developers how to quickly build applications with Laravel's clean and readable code.
Introduction to anykernels using rump kernelsCharlie Li
A primer on the anykernel concept and how they lead to unikernels. Uses the NetBSD rump kernel project as the application and demo.
This version presented at the February 2018 Philadelphia Linux Users Group North meeting.
This document provides an overview of the Laravel PHP framework. It introduces Laravel, noting it is a free and open-source PHP web framework created by Taylor Otwell in 2011. Key features of Laravel discussed include its use of the MVC pattern, authentication, database support via Eloquent ORM, mail drivers, caching with Memcached and Redis, automated testing, and blade templating. Advantages include easier development, automation, security features, and separation of concerns. Disadvantages include a learning curve and less community support than other frameworks. Statistics on Laravel's growing popularity and customer base are also presented.
Smolder is a web-based test reporting tool that provides visualization of test results from multiple platforms and languages. It aggregates test output following the TAP format into archived files and displays trends over time through a web interface. This allows developers to monitor test runs from different environments and projects in a single place.
Why Your Site is Slow: Performance Answers for Your ClientsPantheon
The document discusses reasons why websites can be slow and provides solutions to common performance issues. It covers server-side issues like slow response times from the server, lack of caching, and too many modules slowing down the server. Network-related causes like too many separate file requests and lack of HTTPS or CDN are addressed. Client-side problems like slow rendering times, large amounts of CSS and JavaScript, blocking scripts, and unnecessary third-party widgets slowing down page loads are also summarized. Specific techniques to improve performance like HTTP/2, responsive images, optimizing fonts and assets, and using frameworks like AMP are recommended.
Developing Cross Platform Applications with GolangErhan Yakut
This document discusses developing cross-platform applications with Go. It covers how Go is designed to be cross-platform, using interfaces to abstract platform specifics, and build constraints to control compilation. It also discusses cross compilation, system calls, file system behavior differences between Linux and Windows, and how to access Windows APIs from Go.
Phinx is one of the most popular standalone database migration tools. Learn the basic concepts of Phinx with its creator Rob Morgan. This presentation covers adding it to a project, creating new migrations and then executing them, . You are also exposed to more advanced features of Phinx and everyday use cases.
The document discusses several tools for managing Perl environments and dependencies: local::lib helps work with multiple Perl versions without affecting the system; perlbrew and plenv allow installing multiple Perl versions to the home directory; Carton provides dependency management and allows specifying version ranges; and Carmel and Pinto offer experimental alternatives for managing private module repositories.
This document discusses CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network) and why it is a killer feature of Perl. It provides information about various CPAN resources including PAUSE for uploading and maintaining modules, for finding modules, RT for reporting issues, AnnoCPAN for annotating modules, and CPAN Testers for testing modules. It expresses appreciation for the work of PAUSE administrators and their efforts to maintain abandoned code and find new maintainers.
Luiz Sales: Primeiros passos na API do Zabbix com pythonZabbix BR
This document discusses getting started with the Zabbix API using Python. It covers accessing groups, hosts, host IP addresses, items, item names and keys, triggers, trigger names, severities and statuses. It also mentions generating a general report and the methods used to access these API endpoints.
Primeiros Passos na API do Zabbix com PythonLuiz Sales
This document discusses getting started with the Zabbix API using Python including accessing groups, hosts, items, and triggers. It also lists methods used and provides links to Zabbix API documentation and contact information for the author.
10 Laravel packages everyone should knowPovilas Korop
This document lists and summarizes 10 Laravel packages that developers should know. It describes Carbon, a PHP date and time API extension, Illuminate/html for forms, Laravel generators for speeding up development, Doctrine/DBAL for database operations, Intervention/image for image handling, and others for user agent parsing, PDF generation, slug creation, improving IDE autocompletion, and debugging tools. Each package is briefly described and examples of usage are provided.
Software Design Patterns in Laravel by Phill SparksPhill Sparks
Laravel makes use of quite a few well-established design patterns that promote reusable object-oriented code. Together, we will investigate the design patterns used in the core of Laravel 4 and discuss how they encourage reusable software.
This document provides instructions for deploying PHP applications on Google App Engine using the Quercus Java implementation of PHP. It outlines downloading the necessary components of the Java Development Kit, Google App Engine SDK, and Quercus. It then details configuring the application ID in the appengine-web.xml file and deploying the application using the App Engine SDK tools. A working example is provided to demonstrate a successful PHP deployment on App Engine.
ALPHA is an accessible and lightweight PHP application framework. It provides an architectural overview, installation instructions, and details on its common PHP page execution versus Alpha PHP page execution. ALPHA utilizes a ClassFactory and singleton logic to execute tasks, include classes/helpers, and embed pages in the framework environment. It also allows for features like URL rewriting, debugging, data binding, AJAX, models, events, file management, authentication, and data connectors.
This document summarizes Cesar Hernandez's presentation on Apache Tomcat, TomEE, and tFactory. Cesar is a software architect who works with Java EE technologies and is involved with several technical communities in Guatemala. The presentation covers how Apache Tomcat is commonly used, its technology and commercial aspects, and how tFactory can be used to easily manage multiple Tomcat instances over a network. tFactory provides features like remote server management, instance monitoring and configuration, and template-based instance deployment. The architecture and a demo of tFactory are also presented.
Creating a Smooth Development Workflow for High-Quality Modular Open-Source P...Pantheon
Greg Anderson's slide deck from BADCamp 2016.
Having a fine-tuned continuous integration environment is extremely valuable, even for small projects. Today, there is a wide variety of standalone projects and online Software-As-A-Service offerings that can super-streamline your everyday development tasks that can help you get your projects up and running like a pro. In this session, we'll look at how you can get the most out of:
- GitHub source code repository
- Packagist package manager for Composer
- Travis CI continuous integration service
- Coveralls code coverage service
- Scrutinizer static analysis service
- Box2 phar builder
- PhpDocumentor api documentation generator
- ReadTheDocs online documentation reader service
- Composer scripts and projects for running local tests and builds
BackPAN is a historical archive of the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN) containing 200k files and 10 GB of data. CPAN itself only contains distributions uploaded by authors and has 55k distributions totaling 4 GB. CPAN tools use an index to install files by putting them in the include path (@INC) without tracking file to distribution mappings or managing versions.
This document summarizes Phinx, a PHP database migration tool. It allows developers to programmatically update a database schema over time through migrations written in PHP. Key features include writing migrations, migrating up and down, seeding data, and supporting multiple databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite. The document provides installation instructions, best practices for writing migrations, and an overview of the tool's history and future plans.
This document provides information about the book "Laravel - Up and Running" by Matt Stauffer. The book is a practical guide that introduces Laravel, one of the most popular PHP web frameworks. It provides a high-level overview and concrete examples to help experienced PHP developers get started with Laravel. By the end of the book, readers should feel comfortable writing an entire application from scratch using Laravel's features such as Blade templating, Eloquent ORM, request handling, and tools for APIs, file storage, queues and more. The book aims to teach developers how to quickly build applications with Laravel's clean and readable code.
Introduction to anykernels using rump kernelsCharlie Li
A primer on the anykernel concept and how they lead to unikernels. Uses the NetBSD rump kernel project as the application and demo.
This version presented at the February 2018 Philadelphia Linux Users Group North meeting.
This document provides an overview of the Laravel PHP framework. It introduces Laravel, noting it is a free and open-source PHP web framework created by Taylor Otwell in 2011. Key features of Laravel discussed include its use of the MVC pattern, authentication, database support via Eloquent ORM, mail drivers, caching with Memcached and Redis, automated testing, and blade templating. Advantages include easier development, automation, security features, and separation of concerns. Disadvantages include a learning curve and less community support than other frameworks. Statistics on Laravel's growing popularity and customer base are also presented.
Smolder is a web-based test reporting tool that provides visualization of test results from multiple platforms and languages. It aggregates test output following the TAP format into archived files and displays trends over time through a web interface. This allows developers to monitor test runs from different environments and projects in a single place.
Why Your Site is Slow: Performance Answers for Your ClientsPantheon
The document discusses reasons why websites can be slow and provides solutions to common performance issues. It covers server-side issues like slow response times from the server, lack of caching, and too many modules slowing down the server. Network-related causes like too many separate file requests and lack of HTTPS or CDN are addressed. Client-side problems like slow rendering times, large amounts of CSS and JavaScript, blocking scripts, and unnecessary third-party widgets slowing down page loads are also summarized. Specific techniques to improve performance like HTTP/2, responsive images, optimizing fonts and assets, and using frameworks like AMP are recommended.
Developing Cross Platform Applications with GolangErhan Yakut
This document discusses developing cross-platform applications with Go. It covers how Go is designed to be cross-platform, using interfaces to abstract platform specifics, and build constraints to control compilation. It also discusses cross compilation, system calls, file system behavior differences between Linux and Windows, and how to access Windows APIs from Go.
Phinx is one of the most popular standalone database migration tools. Learn the basic concepts of Phinx with its creator Rob Morgan. This presentation covers adding it to a project, creating new migrations and then executing them, . You are also exposed to more advanced features of Phinx and everyday use cases.
The document discusses several tools for managing Perl environments and dependencies: local::lib helps work with multiple Perl versions without affecting the system; perlbrew and plenv allow installing multiple Perl versions to the home directory; Carton provides dependency management and allows specifying version ranges; and Carmel and Pinto offer experimental alternatives for managing private module repositories.
This document discusses CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network) and why it is a killer feature of Perl. It provides information about various CPAN resources including PAUSE for uploading and maintaining modules, for finding modules, RT for reporting issues, AnnoCPAN for annotating modules, and CPAN Testers for testing modules. It expresses appreciation for the work of PAUSE administrators and their efforts to maintain abandoned code and find new maintainers.
Luiz Sales: Primeiros passos na API do Zabbix com pythonZabbix BR
This document discusses getting started with the Zabbix API using Python. It covers accessing groups, hosts, host IP addresses, items, item names and keys, triggers, trigger names, severities and statuses. It also mentions generating a general report and the methods used to access these API endpoints.
Primeiros Passos na API do Zabbix com PythonLuiz Sales
This document discusses getting started with the Zabbix API using Python including accessing groups, hosts, items, and triggers. It also lists methods used and provides links to Zabbix API documentation and contact information for the author.
10 Laravel packages everyone should knowPovilas Korop
This document lists and summarizes 10 Laravel packages that developers should know. It describes Carbon, a PHP date and time API extension, Illuminate/html for forms, Laravel generators for speeding up development, Doctrine/DBAL for database operations, Intervention/image for image handling, and others for user agent parsing, PDF generation, slug creation, improving IDE autocompletion, and debugging tools. Each package is briefly described and examples of usage are provided.
Software Design Patterns in Laravel by Phill SparksPhill Sparks
Laravel makes use of quite a few well-established design patterns that promote reusable object-oriented code. Together, we will investigate the design patterns used in the core of Laravel 4 and discuss how they encourage reusable software.
This document discusses old architecture from India, Malaysia, and Montreal. It notes that architecture is one of the finest aspects of historical backgrounds and one of the first things looked at when visiting a new city. The document concludes by stating it contains photographs of different structures and statues from those locations.
O documento fornece instru巽探es sobre o uso e programa巽達o de centrais telef担nicas h鱈bridas Intelbras. Detalha as especifica巽探es t辿cnicas dos modelos Impacta, instru巽探es de instala巽達o e opera巽達o, al辿m de facilidades program叩veis nos ramais.
El aparato digestivo es un tubo que transforma los alimentos en sustancias utilizables por el organismo. Est叩 compuesto por la boca, es坦fago, est坦mago, intestino delgado, intestino grueso, h鱈gado y p叩ncreas. La digesti坦n comienza en la boca y termina cuando los restos de alimentos no digeridos son expulsados por el ano como heces.
Este documento describe las caracter鱈sticas del n炭cleo celular, incluyendo el n炭mero de n炭cleos en diferentes tipos de c辿lulas, la localizaci坦n de leucocitos en muestras de sangre, las estructuras del n炭cleo en interfase como la membrana nuclear y el nucl辿olo, y los tipos de cromatina como la heterocromatina y la eucromatina. Tambi辿n describe la morfolog鱈a del cromosoma metaf叩sico, los tipos de cromosomas seg炭n la posici坦n del centr坦mero, y enlaces
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The Rise of AI and Machine Learning in Mobile App Development.pdfLilly Gracia
AI and ML are transforming mobile apps with smart automation, personalized user experiences, and enhanced security. From AI-powered chatbots to predictive analytics, these technologies drive efficiency and engagement. This PDF explores key trends and strategies for leveraging AI and ML in mobile app development. Download now to stay ahead!
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Wondershare Filmora Crack is a professional video editor that allows you to express your creativity while also surprising you with beautiful results. Furthermore, you will be able to incorporate your favorite music right into your film to create the appropriate atmosphere. You can also use the content and titles library to create stunning animated messages.
LLM Security - Smart to protect, but too smart to be protectedIvo Andreev
LLMs are too smart to be secure! In this session we elaborate about monitoring and auditing, managing ethical implications and resolving common problems like prompt injections, jailbreaks, utilization in cyberattacks or generating insecure code.
VADY: Revolutionizing Business Intelligence with AI-Powered InsightsNewFangledVision
In todays fast-paced business world, making data-driven decisions is essential. VADY AI analytics delivers AI-powered business intelligence, transforming raw data into real-time insights that drive growth. By leveraging data analytics for business, organizations can identify trends, optimize operations, and gain an AI-driven competitive advantage. With enterprise AI solutions, businesses can streamline workflows, automate decision-making, and improve overall efficiency. VADYs context-aware AI analytics adapts to your industry, offering actionable intelligence tailored to your needs. Whether youre in finance, marketing, or operations, VADY data analytics solutions provide AI-powered data visualization and automated data insights software to ensure that every business decision is backed by powerful analytics.
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The Role of Blockchain in Transparent & Secure Procurement.pptxasmith539880
Blockchain technology enhances transparency and security in procurement by providing an immutable, decentralized ledger for tracking transactions. It reduces fraud, streamlines supply chain management, ensures contract integrity through smart contracts, and fosters trust among stakeholders. By eliminating intermediaries and enabling real-time auditing, blockchain transforms procurement into a more efficient, cost-effective, and tamper-proof process.
Choosing the right OTT platform development partner is crucial for success in the streaming industry. XongoLab offers end-to-end OTT solutions with a robust technology stack, seamless multi-device support, and strong security compliance. This presentation outlines the key advantages of working with XongoLab, including AI-driven recommendations, monetization strategies, cloud integration, and scalable architecture to help businesses launch a powerful OTT platform.
For more details, visit:
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Trivium: A Framework For Symbolic Metaprogramming in C++andreasmaniotis
Metaprogrammed code in C++ can be as simple, clear, reusable, modular and configurable as code that is written in a functional language like Lisp or Haskell.
Template metaprogramming (TMP) code tends to be unfriendly to humans. The code is generally neither easy to read nor easy to write.
The Trivium framework gives a solution to this problem by organising TMP indirectly by the means of Trivium Lisp, a symbolic domain specific language (DSL) for metaprogramming. Metaprograms are not encoded directly in C++, but as symbolic expressions in Trivium-Lisp.
Web Development Services by Icubetechnolabs.pdfICUBETECHNOLABS
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Alluxio Webinar | Whats New in Alluxio AI: 3X Faster Checkpoint File Creatio...Alluxio, Inc.
Alluxio Webinar
Feb. 25, 2025
For more Alluxio Events:
Bill Hodak (VP of Marketing and Product Marketing, Alluxio)
Tom Luckenbach (Solutions Engineering Manager, Alluxio)
Join us to learn about the latest release of Alluxio Enterprise AI. In this webinar, well provide an overviewof the new features and capabilities of Alluxio Enterprise AI, built to accelerate AI workloads and maximize GPU utilization.
Key highlights include:
- New caching mode accelerates AI checkpoints
- Advanced cache eviction policies provide fine-grained control
- Python SDK integrations enhance AI framework compatibility
- A demo of Alluxio accelerating AI training workloads in AWS
MariaDB Server comes with MariaDB Galera Cluster built-in, and it has a new release model, and a lot of new Galera Cluster features, since the replication layer within MariaDB Server is also rapidly changing. We are going to use 11.8 RC for this webinar. Come learn how about the new features, and how to use:
Vectors with Galera Cluster
Mix asynchronous replication with wsrep replication of Galera Cluster
Use features like system versioned tables with Galera Cluster
Allowlist for IST/SST requests in Galera Cluster
The JSON interface to wsrep node/SST state progress reporting
Move from unencrypted to TLS encryption with no downtime for Galera Cluster traffic
Wsrep_mode changes
Galera Cluster full GTID support for MariaDB Server, which includes replicating the MariaDB GTID to all nodes in the cluster
Making MariaDB Galera Cluster more robust with lots of bug fixes
Using MariaDB MaxScale with MariaDB Galera Cluster
A Brief Introduction About Raman BhaumikRaman Bhaumik
Raman Bhaumik is a driven Junior Software Developer with over three years of experience crafting efficient web applications. With expertise in Java, Python, JavaScript, SQL, and frameworks like React, Django, and Node.js, Raman is dedicated to improving system performance. She is passionate about mentoring young developers through coding workshops.
2. General notice
If you look at - most of new packages are:
- Forks of the older packages
- Doing same things as older (better) packages
- Wrappers for some external tools
- Just playing and testing
So its HARD to find GOOD new packages!
3. Disclaimer
Not all the packages listed here are entirely new, some of them are updated
versions or forks/clones of already existing ones.
The goal here is not to recommend these exact packages, but to raise
discussion on how do you solve that particular problems that package is trying
to solve.
- Better packages?
- Or maybe no packages needed?
- Or maybe there isnt a problem at all?