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WINTERTemplateSuccessful team building in our project
Barcelona, November 2017
Maria Rosaria Gismondi
Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?
That depends a good deal on where you want to get to, said the Cat.
I dont much care where said Alice.
Then it doesnt matter which way you go, said the Cat.
so long as I get somewhere, Alice added as an explanation.
Oh youre sure to do that, said the Cat, if you only walk long enough.
(Alice in Wonderland)
Teamwork or the art of collaborating with others
 In its essence, teamwork is about listening to others and
respecting the way they work as opposed to the way you do. By
doing this as well as taking responsibility for your part of the work,
you are working as part of the team.
 Teamwork involves building relationships and working with others
using a number of skills and and habits:
Working cooperatively
Contributing to groups with ideas, suggestions and efforts
Communication (both giving and receiving)
Sense of responsibility
Respect for different opinions, customs and individual preferences
Ability to participate in group decision-making
How to set goals in a team?
What size team is optimum for team performance?
 It depends on the goals
 in our case the magic number seems to be 6, but...
(any suggestions?....)
How many teams do we need?
6According to our needs..
Each partner school should have a teacher
responsible for
1. Coordination of activities (Coordinators), in accordance with
2. Travel management, accommodation and welcoming of partners
3. Digital competences for communication
4. Dissemination
5. Evaluation
Each partner school should have a group of students
responsible for
1. Preparing activities before mobilities abroad
1. Managing activities during visits of partners
1. Helping teachers in planning visits of partners in each school
1. Disseminating and Communicating among peers and in families
1. Contributing to evaluation of project
Spaces for teamwork
 Our Twinspace?
 A moodle platform?
 Google Classroom?
How to share ideas and brainstorm?
Padlets in Twinspace
Dedicated folders in GoogleDrive
Our Padlet to share ideas about team building
How do teams win?
 By accomplishing what the team has set
out to accomplish
 In our case winning means creating a
work environment that fosters the values
which have inspired our project
Thank you for your attention!

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From me to we building teams

  • 1. WINTERTemplateSuccessful team building in our project Barcelona, November 2017 Maria Rosaria Gismondi 01
  • 2. 02 THE IMPORTANCE OF SETTING GOALS FOR OUR TEAMS Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here? That depends a good deal on where you want to get to, said the Cat. I dont much care where said Alice. Then it doesnt matter which way you go, said the Cat. so long as I get somewhere, Alice added as an explanation. Oh youre sure to do that, said the Cat, if you only walk long enough. (Alice in Wonderland)
  • 3. 03 Teamwork or the art of collaborating with others effectively In its essence, teamwork is about listening to others and respecting the way they work as opposed to the way you do. By doing this as well as taking responsibility for your part of the work, you are working as part of the team. Teamwork involves building relationships and working with others using a number of skills and and habits: Working cooperatively Contributing to groups with ideas, suggestions and efforts Communication (both giving and receiving) Sense of responsibility Respect for different opinions, customs and individual preferences Ability to participate in group decision-making
  • 4. 04 How to set goals in a team? SMART GOALS Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-based
  • 5. 05 What size team is optimum for team performance? It depends on the goals in our case the magic number seems to be 6, but... (any suggestions?....) How many teams do we need?
  • 6. 06 6According to our needs.. Each partner school should have a teacher responsible for 1. Coordination of activities (Coordinators), in accordance with headmasters/mistresses 2. Travel management, accommodation and welcoming of partners 3. Digital competences for communication 4. Dissemination 5. Evaluation
  • 7. WINTERTemplate 07 Each partner school should have a group of students responsible for 1. Preparing activities before mobilities abroad 1. Managing activities during visits of partners 1. Helping teachers in planning visits of partners in each school 1. Disseminating and Communicating among peers and in families 1. Contributing to evaluation of project
  • 8. 08 Spaces for teamwork Our Twinspace? https://twinspace.etwinning.net/35890/home A moodle platform? GoogleDrive Google Classroom?
  • 9. 09 How to share ideas and brainstorm? Twinspace Padlets in Twinspace Googledocs Dedicated folders in GoogleDrive
  • 10. 10 Our Padlet to share ideas about team building
  • 11. 11 How do teams win? By accomplishing what the team has set out to accomplish In our case winning means creating a work environment that fosters the values which have inspired our project
  • 12. 12 Thank you for your attention!