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Futuristic Technology
 Technology is the application of scientificTechnology is the application of scientific
knowledge for practical purposes that mayknowledge for practical purposes that may
possibly make our every-day lives muchpossibly make our every-day lives much
easier. Technology is evolving andeasier. Technology is evolving and
industrializing every minute or every day, allindustrializing every minute or every day, all
around the world. Soon enough we, asaround the world. Soon enough we, as
humans of the modern world, will be able tohumans of the modern world, will be able to
do things that were never even imaginabledo things that were never even imaginable
such as commute in driver-less cars, sendsuch as commute in driver-less cars, send
commands to machines using nothing but ourcommands to machines using nothing but our
brains, and possibly even live in outer-space.brains, and possibly even live in outer-space.
 For my interview part of this project IFor my interview part of this project I
interviewed Shay Shemesh. He is a constructioninterviewed Shay Shemesh. He is a construction
manager, constantly trying to improve hismanager, constantly trying to improve his
companys success by finding newcompanys success by finding new
technologies to supply his workers with totechnologies to supply his workers with to
better their performance. He helped me bybetter their performance. He helped me by
telling me about an all-rubber tire that is beingtelling me about an all-rubber tire that is being
developed by Dunlop Tires, and a car that runsdeveloped by Dunlop Tires, and a car that runs
on water instead of fuel.on water instead of fuel.
All-Rubber WheelAll-Rubber Wheel
 Dunlop Tires are currently working on aDunlop Tires are currently working on a
revolutionary car wheel which, instead of ourrevolutionary car wheel which, instead of our
common air-filled rubber tire, will be made ofcommon air-filled rubber tire, will be made of
completely rubber- inside and out. This is ancompletely rubber- inside and out. This is an
amazing improvement to wheel technologyamazing improvement to wheel technology
since this will completely eliminate thesince this will completely eliminate the
possibility of a flat tire, which means we willpossibility of a flat tire, which means we will
have to change our tires much less often, andhave to change our tires much less often, and
the tire will act as a much more efficient shock-the tire will act as a much more efficient shock-
Driver-less CarDriver-less Car
 Google is currently working towardsGoogle is currently working towards
distributing their driver-less car for thedistributing their driver-less car for the
public. This car has a sensor its roof whichpublic. This car has a sensor its roof which
sends out lasers in every direction of the car,sends out lasers in every direction of the car,
allowing it to immediately determine theallowing it to immediately determine the
distance between itself and its surroundings.distance between itself and its surroundings.
The car accelerates, breaks, turns left,The car accelerates, breaks, turns left,
right, goes forward and in reverse all byright, goes forward and in reverse all by
Driver-less Car (PART 2)Driver-less Car (PART 2)
 This driver-less car allows a driver (passenger,This driver-less car allows a driver (passenger,
rather) to get from point A to point B withoutrather) to get from point A to point B without
having to actually drive. This means not havinghaving to actually drive. This means not having
to deal with traffic and rude drivers. Even moreto deal with traffic and rude drivers. Even more
impressive is the fact that the car itself neverimpressive is the fact that the car itself never
gets tired, it is never drunk driving, it nevergets tired, it is never drunk driving, it never
texts, and it does not get distracted, unliketexts, and it does not get distracted, unlike
todays drivers. Distributing these cars to thetodays drivers. Distributing these cars to the
public will drastically reduce the amount ofpublic will drastically reduce the amount of
accidents all around the world.accidents all around the world.
Driver-less Car (PART 3)Driver-less Car (PART 3)
Outer-Space LivingOuter-Space Living
 Space X is a company in charge of spaceSpace X is a company in charge of space
shuttle launches and space shuttle productions.shuttle launches and space shuttle productions.
It is currently developing shuttles that will beIt is currently developing shuttles that will be
able to transport people and cargo millions ofable to transport people and cargo millions of
miles away, as far as Mars and possibly evenmiles away, as far as Mars and possibly even
Jupiter. Their hope is to find a planet that willJupiter. Their hope is to find a planet that will
be able to sustain life so that in the future,be able to sustain life so that in the future,
instead of living here on Earth, we could callinstead of living here on Earth, we could call
another planet in space home.another planet in space home.
Water-fuelled CarWater-fuelled Car
 Aviv Tzidon, an Israeli engineer, is in charge ofAviv Tzidon, an Israeli engineer, is in charge of
producing a car that runs almost fully on waterproducing a car that runs almost fully on water
and air. The car has a battery which acts as itsand air. The car has a battery which acts as its
engine. Clean water is what the car feedsengine. Clean water is what the car feeds
on, and is what is being put inside the gas tankon, and is what is being put inside the gas tank
(or water tank, for this matter). The battery is(or water tank, for this matter). The battery is
so advanced that it has the ability to extractso advanced that it has the ability to extract
energy from the water, which actually chargesenergy from the water, which actually charges
the car battery, allowing it to go for athe car battery, allowing it to go for a
staggering 1,000 miles per full tank.staggering 1,000 miles per full tank.
Brain-Powered WheelchairBrain-Powered Wheelchair
 Toyota has come up with an amazing deviceToyota has come up with an amazing device
that will change mobility for the immobilethat will change mobility for the immobile
forever. They have created a brain-operatedforever. They have created a brain-operated
wheelchair. This amazing machine is hookedwheelchair. This amazing machine is hooked
up to the users brain by simply wearing whatup to the users brain by simply wearing what
looks like a swimmers cap on top of his/herlooks like a swimmers cap on top of his/her
head, and from then on the user is free tohead, and from then on the user is free to
navigate his/her way, simply by thinking aboutnavigate his/her way, simply by thinking about
where he/she wants to go.where he/she wants to go.
Brain-Powered WheelchairBrain-Powered Wheelchair
(PART 2)(PART 2)
 The user navigated this spectacular piece ofThe user navigated this spectacular piece of
machinery by just focusing on his/her right or leftmachinery by just focusing on his/her right or left
hand. Simply enough, the user focuses on his/herhand. Simply enough, the user focuses on his/her
left hand when he/she wishes to turn left, andleft hand when he/she wishes to turn left, and
her/her right hand when a right turn is requested.her/her right hand when a right turn is requested.
The wheelchair quickly picks up the users brainThe wheelchair quickly picks up the users brain
waves and turns according to his/her demand.waves and turns according to his/her demand.
Since the brain uses significantly different partsSince the brain uses significantly different parts
when choosing to focus on either the left or thewhen choosing to focus on either the left or the
right hand, it is easy for the wheelchair to pick upright hand, it is easy for the wheelchair to pick up
these directions.these directions.
 Technology is a field that will never stopTechnology is a field that will never stop
prospering, improving, and making our lives muchprospering, improving, and making our lives much
easier and perhaps more exciting. Every day we areeasier and perhaps more exciting. Every day we are
presented with new inventions, technologies, andpresented with new inventions, technologies, and
ideas, which are only getting more and moreideas, which are only getting more and more
impressive as time goes by. Soon enough we mayimpressive as time goes by. Soon enough we may
find ourselves living in outer space, getting aroundfind ourselves living in outer space, getting around
by being the passengers of a driver-less water-by being the passengers of a driver-less water-
fuelled car and instead of walking, we may befuelled car and instead of walking, we may be
moving around by operating a wheelchair usingmoving around by operating a wheelchair using
nothing but our brains.nothing but our brains.
Futuristic Technology

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Futuristic Technology

  • 2. IntroductionIntroduction Technology is the application of scientificTechnology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes that mayknowledge for practical purposes that may possibly make our every-day lives muchpossibly make our every-day lives much easier. Technology is evolving andeasier. Technology is evolving and industrializing every minute or every day, allindustrializing every minute or every day, all around the world. Soon enough we, asaround the world. Soon enough we, as humans of the modern world, will be able tohumans of the modern world, will be able to do things that were never even imaginabledo things that were never even imaginable such as commute in driver-less cars, sendsuch as commute in driver-less cars, send commands to machines using nothing but ourcommands to machines using nothing but our brains, and possibly even live in outer-space.brains, and possibly even live in outer-space.
  • 3. InterviewInterview For my interview part of this project IFor my interview part of this project I interviewed Shay Shemesh. He is a constructioninterviewed Shay Shemesh. He is a construction manager, constantly trying to improve hismanager, constantly trying to improve his companys success by finding newcompanys success by finding new technologies to supply his workers with totechnologies to supply his workers with to better their performance. He helped me bybetter their performance. He helped me by telling me about an all-rubber tire that is beingtelling me about an all-rubber tire that is being developed by Dunlop Tires, and a car that runsdeveloped by Dunlop Tires, and a car that runs on water instead of fuel.on water instead of fuel.
  • 4. All-Rubber WheelAll-Rubber Wheel Dunlop Tires are currently working on aDunlop Tires are currently working on a revolutionary car wheel which, instead of ourrevolutionary car wheel which, instead of our common air-filled rubber tire, will be made ofcommon air-filled rubber tire, will be made of completely rubber- inside and out. This is ancompletely rubber- inside and out. This is an amazing improvement to wheel technologyamazing improvement to wheel technology since this will completely eliminate thesince this will completely eliminate the possibility of a flat tire, which means we willpossibility of a flat tire, which means we will have to change our tires much less often, andhave to change our tires much less often, and the tire will act as a much more efficient shock-the tire will act as a much more efficient shock- absorbent.absorbent.
  • 5. Driver-less CarDriver-less Car Google is currently working towardsGoogle is currently working towards distributing their driver-less car for thedistributing their driver-less car for the public. This car has a sensor its roof whichpublic. This car has a sensor its roof which sends out lasers in every direction of the car,sends out lasers in every direction of the car, allowing it to immediately determine theallowing it to immediately determine the distance between itself and its surroundings.distance between itself and its surroundings. The car accelerates, breaks, turns left,The car accelerates, breaks, turns left, right, goes forward and in reverse all byright, goes forward and in reverse all by itself.itself.
  • 6. Driver-less Car (PART 2)Driver-less Car (PART 2) This driver-less car allows a driver (passenger,This driver-less car allows a driver (passenger, rather) to get from point A to point B withoutrather) to get from point A to point B without having to actually drive. This means not havinghaving to actually drive. This means not having to deal with traffic and rude drivers. Even moreto deal with traffic and rude drivers. Even more impressive is the fact that the car itself neverimpressive is the fact that the car itself never gets tired, it is never drunk driving, it nevergets tired, it is never drunk driving, it never texts, and it does not get distracted, unliketexts, and it does not get distracted, unlike todays drivers. Distributing these cars to thetodays drivers. Distributing these cars to the public will drastically reduce the amount ofpublic will drastically reduce the amount of accidents all around the world.accidents all around the world.
  • 7. Driver-less Car (PART 3)Driver-less Car (PART 3)
  • 8. Outer-Space LivingOuter-Space Living Space X is a company in charge of spaceSpace X is a company in charge of space shuttle launches and space shuttle productions.shuttle launches and space shuttle productions. It is currently developing shuttles that will beIt is currently developing shuttles that will be able to transport people and cargo millions ofable to transport people and cargo millions of miles away, as far as Mars and possibly evenmiles away, as far as Mars and possibly even Jupiter. Their hope is to find a planet that willJupiter. Their hope is to find a planet that will be able to sustain life so that in the future,be able to sustain life so that in the future, instead of living here on Earth, we could callinstead of living here on Earth, we could call another planet in space home.another planet in space home.
  • 9. Water-fuelled CarWater-fuelled Car Aviv Tzidon, an Israeli engineer, is in charge ofAviv Tzidon, an Israeli engineer, is in charge of producing a car that runs almost fully on waterproducing a car that runs almost fully on water and air. The car has a battery which acts as itsand air. The car has a battery which acts as its engine. Clean water is what the car feedsengine. Clean water is what the car feeds on, and is what is being put inside the gas tankon, and is what is being put inside the gas tank (or water tank, for this matter). The battery is(or water tank, for this matter). The battery is so advanced that it has the ability to extractso advanced that it has the ability to extract energy from the water, which actually chargesenergy from the water, which actually charges the car battery, allowing it to go for athe car battery, allowing it to go for a staggering 1,000 miles per full tank.staggering 1,000 miles per full tank.
  • 10. Brain-Powered WheelchairBrain-Powered Wheelchair Toyota has come up with an amazing deviceToyota has come up with an amazing device that will change mobility for the immobilethat will change mobility for the immobile forever. They have created a brain-operatedforever. They have created a brain-operated wheelchair. This amazing machine is hookedwheelchair. This amazing machine is hooked up to the users brain by simply wearing whatup to the users brain by simply wearing what looks like a swimmers cap on top of his/herlooks like a swimmers cap on top of his/her head, and from then on the user is free tohead, and from then on the user is free to navigate his/her way, simply by thinking aboutnavigate his/her way, simply by thinking about where he/she wants to go.where he/she wants to go.
  • 11. Brain-Powered WheelchairBrain-Powered Wheelchair (PART 2)(PART 2) The user navigated this spectacular piece ofThe user navigated this spectacular piece of machinery by just focusing on his/her right or leftmachinery by just focusing on his/her right or left hand. Simply enough, the user focuses on his/herhand. Simply enough, the user focuses on his/her left hand when he/she wishes to turn left, andleft hand when he/she wishes to turn left, and her/her right hand when a right turn is requested.her/her right hand when a right turn is requested. The wheelchair quickly picks up the users brainThe wheelchair quickly picks up the users brain waves and turns according to his/her demand.waves and turns according to his/her demand. Since the brain uses significantly different partsSince the brain uses significantly different parts when choosing to focus on either the left or thewhen choosing to focus on either the left or the right hand, it is easy for the wheelchair to pick upright hand, it is easy for the wheelchair to pick up these directions.these directions.
  • 12. ConclusionConclusion Technology is a field that will never stopTechnology is a field that will never stop prospering, improving, and making our lives muchprospering, improving, and making our lives much easier and perhaps more exciting. Every day we areeasier and perhaps more exciting. Every day we are presented with new inventions, technologies, andpresented with new inventions, technologies, and ideas, which are only getting more and moreideas, which are only getting more and more impressive as time goes by. Soon enough we mayimpressive as time goes by. Soon enough we may find ourselves living in outer space, getting aroundfind ourselves living in outer space, getting around by being the passengers of a driver-less water-by being the passengers of a driver-less water- fuelled car and instead of walking, we may befuelled car and instead of walking, we may be moving around by operating a wheelchair usingmoving around by operating a wheelchair using nothing but our brains.nothing but our brains.