The gift-giving season brings both joy and frustration to those determined to find just the right pr...
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Gadget Lab
1. Gadget Lab
The gift-giving season brings both joy and frustration to those
determined to find just the right present for their loved ones. Those
of us who love tech heads, gadget gurus and geeks know that the
right electronic doohickey can go a long way to getting that picture-perfect
moment when it's time to open gifts. But sorting through all
the options is an exhausting and overwhelming prospect.
Tech open houses are held to help library patrons on any device they
own. These events are typically held 1-2 times each month, and usually bring in 5-20 people to be
helped by 2-3 staff. Patrons most commonly bring in questions related to e-readers, and ask for
assistance downloading e-media from library databases such as Overdrive and Freading. The library
has created handouts with screenshots to assist people with the most commonly used devices. It is
also common to get questions about unfamiliar devices during the tech open house events, and staff
respond by researching the new device on the spot. Learning About New Devices
CADL began offering tech petting zoo events several years ago. 54 yrs old Painter (Graphic Arts ) Sal
from Val-Belair, usually spends time with hobbies and interests for instance creating model cars,
Technology,Gadget and sleeping. Enjoys travel and had been motivated after planing a trip to
Temple of Preah Vihear.
These learning events provide an opportunity for people to try out gadgets, or to get assistance on
gadgets which they own. Many of the questions they receive are about downloading books to e-readers.
At tech petting zoo events they also make appointments for people to get more
individualized assistance on their devices at a later date. Serving Seniors Richtel has spent the past
several months researching the toll technology and "information juggling" are taking on our lives
???? and our brains. His series " Your Brain On Computers " describes how multitasking on
computers and digital gadgets affects the way people process information ???? and how quickly
they can then become distracted.
As if roaches, beetles and other creepy-crawlies weren't already unwelcome in your home, you'll be
even warier of them as they gain disturbing spy capabilities thanks to the latest in cyborg tech. In
2006, Tokyo University researchers created an army of zombie cockroaches that can be directed by
remote control; scientists are now taking their work one step further by using the cockroaches'
bodily functions to power the CPUs and radio components of spy devices. Researchers have also
been able to create remote-controlled cyborg beetles by attaching computer chips to the brains of
the insects, equipping them with cameras and other devices. Face-Scanning Sunglasses