This document summarizes key events of World War 2 from 1939 to 1945. It outlines Germany's initial military success using blitzkrieg tactics, but notes failures in Russia and inability to force Britain's surrender. It then discusses the turning points as Germany lost ground, including Allied victories at El Alamein and Stalingrad. The document concludes with Germany fighting a defensive war by 1943 and Hitler's increasing detachment from reality, leading to unconditional surrender in 1945.
2. 1. The military
2. The economy
3. Genocide
1. Responsibility for the holocaust
4. The Civilian struggle
5. Resistance and repression
6. Defeat
3. ï‚¡ Not a surprise to readers of Mein Kampf
ï‚¡ From 1935-38 Germany made overt moves to prepare for
European War
ï‚¡ Most of this was tolerated by Britain and France on the
grounds of averting another ‘Great War’
ï‚¡ The actions on September 3rd were unexpected, not least so
by Germany.
 Hitler’s plan intended War for the mid 40s
 As result we witnessed ‘The Phoney war’
 Despite this Germany was militarily superior at first- Blitzkrieg
 Not until 1943 was Germany reversed
 However defeat was never inevitable!
4. ï‚¡ Blitzkreig opened up a mass of Lebensraum
ï‚¡ With it came an abundance of raw materials
ï‚¡ The Nazi-Soviet pact enabled
 A war on one front
 Material aid from the USSR
 Hitler wanted to push on to France in late ‘39
 His Generals urged caution
ï‚¡ The Phoney war ensued and there is a
defacto freeze on hostilities till May 1940
5. ï‚¡ Initial victory over Belgium and the
Netherlands (the Low Countries) and France
was due to Hitler's skilful military and
economic planning.
ï‚¡ Third Reich is bordered by three neutral /
friendly countries.
ï‚¡ Hitler rules in
Berlin, Paris, Oslo, Vienna, Prague and
 The war was ‘as good as over’
6. ï‚¡ Did Germany lose or Britain win?
ï‚¡ British self interest was put aside, it would
not settle with Germany as Hitler hoped.
ï‚¡ Hugely significant strategically, tactically and
politically for Germany.
ï‚¡ Germany failure to force Britain to capitulate
during the BoB resulted in a change of
direction for Hitler
 Russia!
7. ï‚¡ 18th December 1940 |Hitler's Directive No.21
 A strategic failure from the outset?
ï‚¡ Promised a quick campaign
 Hitler embarks upon this ‘new crusade’ before the surrender
/ defeat of Britain.
ï‚¡ Hitler had become convinced that Blitzkrieg tactics
would work against the USSR
ï‚¡ Delays in securing the German flanks (Greece and
Balkans) delayed the start till 22nd June 1941.
ï‚¡ Initial success was reversed at Leningrad and
 From Nov 1941 Blitzkrieg turned into Sitzkrieg.
8. ï‚¡ France and Britain failed to realise the intent of
Germany and lacked initiative at the vital moment(s).
ï‚¡ F&B were unable to counter Blitzkrieg tactics
ï‚¡ French strategy was based upon the Maginot Line. Its
total failure stripped away the military and political
will to resist.
ï‚¡ British efforts were based upon containment and
appeasement, backed up by the military strategy of
ï‚¡ German expansion opened up immense resources
ï‚¡ The USSR was taken by complete surprise
9.  December 7th 1941 – Pearl Harbour
 Despite under no obligation Hitler allied himself with Japan –
Globalising the conflict.
ï‚¡ Resultantly;
 USA joins Atlantic War
 Germany faces another enemy
 Still no victory over Britain or USSR
ï‚¡ Context
 No strategic impetus to fight USA
 Evidence that Hitler had lost grip on military and diplomatic
 British Victory at El Alamein – Nov ’42
 German encirclement at Stalingrad Dec 42 - Jan 43
10. ï‚¡ From 1943 Germany essentially fought a
defensive war to protect ‘Fortress Europe’
ï‚¡ Hitler was diverging more and more from the
reality of the situation
ï‚¡ His personal ideological prejudice over race and
communism dictated policy.
 Assuming the Allied-USSR pact would not last
ï‚¡ Allied bombing continued to grow in reach and
ï‚¡ Italy proved an unreliable ally and by 43 the
Allies had control over Africa and Southern Italy.
11. ï‚¡ Unconditional surrender the only viable option
ï‚¡ The reality of this prompted assassination
attempts on Hitler
ï‚¡ However German resistance did not collapse
 Serious opposition in the break out from Normandy
 Battle of the Bulge
 Soviet Advance was hard won
ï‚¡ Hitler's suicide on 30th April 45
ï‚¡ German surrender 7-8th of May 45