A subset of slides from a session introduction deck I put together for a leadership development offsite workshop in which I was a presenter and facilitator
8. A powerful global
conversation has begun.
Through the Internet,
people are discovering and
inventing new ways to
share relevant knowledge
with blinding speed. As a
direct result, markets are
getting smarterand
getting smarter faster than
most companies.
April 1999
9. A powerful global
conversation has begun.
Through the Internet,
people are discovering and
inventing new ways to
share relevant knowledge
with blinding speed. As a
direct result, markets are
getting smarterand are
getting smarter faster than
most companies.
April 1999
11. Markets are conversations.
Their members communicate in
language that is natural, open, honest,
direct, funny and often shocking.
Whether explaining or complaining,
joking or serious, the human voice is
unmistakably genuine.
12. Markets are conversations.
Their members communicate in
language that is natural, open, honest,
direct, funny and often shocking.
Whether explaining or complaining,
joking or serious, the human voice is
unmistakably genuine.
22. Power is shifting from businesses
to individuals...it is fundamentally
changing how marketing works...
empowerment through
information is happening all over
the world.
Personality not included: Why Companies Lose Their Authenticity And How Great Brands Get It
23. Power is shifting from businesses
to individuals...it is fundamentally
changing how marketing works...
empowerment through
information is happening all over
the world.
Personality not included: Why Companies Lose Their Authenticity And How Great Brands Get It