The student environmental club presented data showing that over 1.5 million pieces of paper will be used by the school for the current year based on usage from the prior summer through January. They provided ideas to faculty for reducing paper usage such as giving digital assignment options, reusing handouts, and double-sided printing to save paper and school funds. The club requested faculty contact them with other ideas.
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Global Action
1. Reducing Paper Usage Presented by Global Action Hallie Sanders, Elana Lubka, Taylor Lipo Zovic, Laura Schroeder, Morgan Baker
2. As the schools environmental club, we are concerned by the amount of paper consumed by the high school. Since lots of paper is used every day as classroom handouts, we decided to approach the faculty to discuss ways to eliminate excess paper usage. Here is some data we have collected about the amount of paper used this school year.
3. From Summer 2008 to January 30, 2009, 919,628 pieces of paper were copied by the main copier, with over 1.5 million projected by the end of the year
5. Not only does the consumption of excess paper hurt the environment, it also drains money from the school that could be better used on more necessary items! Here are some ideas for saving paper and alternative ways to communicate with students
6. Give students the option of communicating and turning in assignments through email Use a powerpoint to present information and let students take their own notes instead of passing out handouts Make a classroom set of handouts or reading packets and reuse them throughout the day
7. Create a website with links to resources instead of printing them out Make sure every handout serves a purpose and is meaningful for students Always print double-sided documents Reuse the blank backs of leftover copies Recycle unused extras if both sides have been printed on
8. Thank you for listening to our presentation and please contact us if you have any further questions or recommendations!