23. Some ways fire is helpful:
*Gives us light
*Helps us celebrate
*Keeps us warm
*Looks beautiful when contained (as in a fireplace)
*Burns away old growth to make room for new
*Cooks our food
*Can be a unifying symbol (as in the Olympic torch)
*Helps us make useful things from metal
25. Some ways fire is NOT helpful:
*It can spread quickly and burn
down entire fields and forests
*It can destroy all kinds of
things, including homes and lives
27. Gods Word is like FIRE. It:
*Brings light into our lives (shows us right from wrong)
*Warms our hearts (brings joy)
*Adds beauty (beautiful things to think on)
*Can bring comfort but can also make us
uncomfortable when we have sinned
*Gets rid of the bad things in our lives so that
new good things can grow
*Spreads quickly when we share it with others
29. Among other things,
he was beaten,
put in stocks,
and thrown into a
dungeon (a muddy pit)
30. Then I said, I will not make mention of Him, nor speak
anymore in His name. But His word was
in my heart like a
burning fire
shut up in my bones;
and I was weary of holding it back,
and I could not.
Jeremiah 20:9 (NKJV)
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