The document provides examples of using the future tense "going to" in English to talk about plans and predictions. It includes exercises filling in blanks with "going to", forming questions, correcting sentences, and completing sentences about various plans and predictions in both the affirmative and negative form. The exercises cover a range of topics including travel, activities, events, and actions people plan to do in the near future.
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Going to exercises
1. Going to
I) Complete the sentenceswith GOING TO and the verbs in brackets: Example:We are goingto cook (cook)
1. Nextsummer,I(travel) toEngland.
2. My sisterMaría (live) inMadrid.
3. They(play) tennisthisafternoon.
4. My father(buy) anew car.
5. Susanand David(see) the film
6. I (visit) the dentisttomorrow.
II) Make questionswithto be going to usingthese words and answer themin the negative form:
Example:Tony /read / this/ book. Is Tony going to read this book?No,Tony isn’tgoing to read this book.
1. Your friends/listentomusic. ? - No,
2. Peter/ wash/ hiscar. ? - No,
3. She / write a letter. ?- No,
4. PhilipandFrank/ have a birthday party. ? - No,
5. He / repairmybicycle. ?- No,
6. Your grandparents/visityou/nextweekend. ?– No
III) Write the followingwordsin the right order to form sentences:
Example:is/to / a / Fred/ doctor/ going/ be. Fred is going to be a doctor.
1. to / am / dentist/the / I / this/ going/ visit/afternoon.
2. swim/ aren’t/ They/ to / going/ tomorrow.
3. her/ paint/ isn’t/ to / room / going/ She.
4. do / his/ Philip/going/homework/is/ to?
5. am / not / I / to / France / going/ travel / to.
6. study/ to / are / They/ English/ on / going/ Monday
IV) Write the sentencesusing`goingto´.
1. I / buyan MP4 player.
2. They/ not / wearjeansonSaturday.
3. You / not / stayin Oxford.
4.He / do an examtomorrow. 5.Sally /not / invite Markto her party
1. I ____ (notbe) withmyfamily.
2. I ____ (meet) myfriends.
3. We ___ (play) football onthe beach.
4. I ___ (notswim).
5. We __ (have) agreattime!
VI) Write questionsand short answers about the weekendplansof Jose,Eli and Rafa.
1. Eli and Rafa / getup earlyon Saturday?No,
2. Jose / playtennisinthe morning? Yes,
3. Jose / watcha DVDon Saturday? No,
4. Rafa / getup earlyon Saturday? No,
5. Rafa and Eli / do anyhomeworkonSunday? Yes,
VII) Correct the sentences. Example: My parentsare go to meetmyteacherstomorrow. X
My parentsare goingto meetmyteacherstomorrow.
1. Rob andI aren´tgoingweartrainers. X
2. We goingto visitmygrandparentstomorrow. X
3. Is itgoingto rains today? X
4. I´m no goingto doany homeworkthisevening? X
5. What ishe goingto doingtomorrow? X
VIII) Complete usingGOING TO.
1. _____ you______ school on Friday?
2. Nextweekyou_____ use the computer.
3. You ___ (not) use the internet.
4. We ____ finishatthree o´clock.
5. Chris____ designwebsites.
6. Eli ____ be a filmdirector.
7. Ben_____ (not) workwithcomputers.
8. Isabel ____ designsoftware.
9. Mark andMandy _____ be rich.
10. Sarah ____ (not) be a writer.
11. What _____ you____ do thisevening?
12. ____ youand yourfamily____ go outthisweekend?
13. ___ you andyour family___ go on holidaythis year?
14. What _____ you____ buyfor yourbestfriend?
15. What _____ you_____ do whenyouleave school?
16. ____ you_____ be famousone day?
17. TonightI ______ cook.
18. ThisweekendI_____ Granada.
19. they____ (not) goingto a computershop.
20. Sam ____ town withhisfriends.
21. Eli and Ayla_____ to designcomputergames.
22. ___ you _____ buya new phone?
23. My sister_____ leave school nextyear.
24. She _____ listentomusicthisafternoon.
25. We _____ watchTV at the weekend.
26. They____ a party on Saturday.
27. I _____ (not) visitmybest friendtomorrow.
28. We _____ stayin on Friday.
2. 29. He ______ do hishomeworkthisevening.
30. My sister___go to a restaurant.
31. I ____ designawebsite.
32. My brothers____ playfootball.
33. I ____ watcha video.
34. You ____ meetmy parents.
35. TomorrowafternoonI____ surf the internet.
36. Jack´s mum_____ make pizza.
37. I ____ (not) listentomusictoday.
38. Toby andBen _____ watch TV.
39. Isabel andI ____ eat hamburgersforlunch.
40. _____ Bart´s brother_____ the park?
41. I ____ universitynextyear.
42. My sister_____ getmarriednextyear.
43. My cousin____ go to Americanextsummer.
44. The children____ flyto Englandtomorrow.
45. They_____ (not) meetinLondon.
46. Lucas ____ phone the hotel soon.
47. The boys ____ ride theirbikestoschool nextweek.
48. Daniel _____ playtennisonSaturday.
49. We _____ (not) visitthe museumtomorrow.
50. Greg ____ sleepinthe forest.
51. Antonio____ ride a bicycle.
52. Miguel andRafa ____ prepare food.24. They__ go
swimminginthe sea.
53. Kim____ meetfriendsintown.
54. My parents____ (not) goout thisevening.
55. ___ Miguel and Maite ___ see a filmtogether?
56. Afterschool,I____ mysister´shouse.
57. Cathy___ walkinthe mountains.
58. Peter____ have a picnicthisafternoon.
59. They____ visitamuseum.
60. The girls___ see a film.
61. ____Sandra _____ have lunchwithherfriends?
62. I ____ (not) listentomusic.
63. ____ you____ come to the meetingtomorrow?
64. I ____ helpyouasmuch as I can.
65. We ___ have a quietdayon Saturday.
66. I ____ visitBobtomorrow.
67. I ___ cleanmy car tomorrow.
68. Eva ___ call Silvianextweek.
69. What ____ you____ dowiththe moneyyouwon?
70. María ___ stopsmoking.
71. NextMonday,mydad ___ the cinema.
72. ____ yourfriends____ travel to France nextsummer?
73. Elaine ___ buy a new car inthe summer.
74. Where ___ you____ put the new table?
75. _____ yourteacher____ be at school nextweek?
76. We ____ take a busup inthe mountainsonSunday.
77. ____ you___ flyto Londontomorrow?
78. ___ Olga ___ go swimmingatthe swimming pool.
79. Jill ___ have a surprise party.