Tapahtumat matkakohteen br辰nd辰yksess辰 - Tuloksia "Tapahtumat matkailualueen imagon rakentajina" -hankkeesta.
Results from the project "The role of events in destination image building".
This document summarizes a presentation given at EMAC 2012 in Lisbon, Portugal about segmenting Facebook users who are rural tourists based on their geo-demographics, travel motivations, and activities. The study analyzed survey responses from over 1,000 Finnish Facebook users who had used the platform in the previous week. Chi-square tests found differences among age, gender, region of residence in terms of travel motivations and preferred activities. The results suggest socio-demographic variables remain important for segmentation and targeting on Facebook. New approaches may be needed to embrace online market segmentation.
Los carros y el rap son aficiones populares que atraen a muchas personas. Estos intereses reflejan la realidad de la vida y lo que le gusta a la gente.
This presentation discusses testing the quality of segments in rural tourism. It analyzes data from two surveys of users of a Finnish rural accommodation website. Four previously identified rural tourist segments are validated based on how well tourists relate to the segments and the stability of the segments over time. While segment sizes from clustering are not fully reliable, there is little overlap between segments. The cluster descriptions accurately portray tourists. Differences between the survey samples include motivations scoring higher in the first sample and the second sample having more male and younger respondents. Limitations of online data collection are noted.
This document contains engineering drawings and specifications for parts of a hydraulic forging machine. It includes 18 individual part drawings with dimensions and tolerances, labeled with part numbers. It also includes an assembly drawing with a parts list identifying each part and its quantity in the overall assembly. The drawings are for a hydraulic forging machine being designed and manufactured by Modern Academy for Engineering & Technology.
The document describes the design of a machine controller. It includes:
1) The required motions and actions of the press that the controller must perform, such as stopping or changing direction when various switches are pressed.
2) The components needed for the controller, including an Arduino board, relays, switches, and indicators.
3) The circuit diagram and Arduino program for controlling the press motions based on input from the switches.
T辰ss辰 dokumentissa esitell辰辰n Saimaan alueen matkailumarkkinoinnin p辰辰kohderyhm辰t (Kiina, Saksa, Japani ja Ven辰j辰) ja k辰yd辰辰n l辰pi asiakassegmenttej辰, asiakask辰ytt辰ytymist辰 sek辰 matkailumarkkinointia kullekin kohderyhm辰lle.
UU No 12 th 2006 tentang KewarganegaraanAskar Metta
Undang-undang ini mengatur tentang syarat dan tata cara memperoleh dan kehilangan kewarganegaraan Indonesia. Ada dua cara untuk menjadi warga negara, yaitu secara lahir dan secara naturalisasi. Syarat untuk mendapatkan kewarganegaraan melalui naturalisasi antara lain telah berusia 18 tahun, tinggal di Indonesia selama 5 tahun berturut-turut, lancar berbahasa Indonesia, serta bersedia mengucapkan sumpah atau janji set
Este documento resume los temas cubiertos en una clase de herramientas inform叩ticas nivel 1, incluyendo software libre como Ubuntu, tipos de navegadores, procesadores de texto como LibreOffice, c坦mo capturar pantallas y quemar CDs. Los estudiantes aprendieron sobre estas herramientas desde lo b叩sico hasta lo m叩s complejo.
Kuinka suunnitella matkailutuotteita erilaisille ulkomaalaisille kohderyhmille? Raportissa analysoidaan ven辰l辰isi辰, kiinalaisia, japanilaisia ja saksalaisia matkailijoita ja heille sopivia matkailutuotteita Saimaan matkailutuotteiden kehitt辰misen ja markkinoinnin n辰k旦kulmasta. Raportti on tuotettu osana Savonlinna Destination Visit Saimaa 2020 hanketta.
The document contains the main program and subprograms for a CNC milling machine. It describes:
1. The main program calls several subprograms to perform operations like contouring, pocketing, circular pocketing, slot milling, and tapping holes.
2. The subprograms contain G-code instructions for specific milling operations like contouring an area, milling a pocket, or drilling holes in a pattern.
3. The main program executes the subprograms in sequence to machine features of a workpiece, using different tools for operations like end milling, drilling, and tapping. It provides information on tools, feedrates, and coordinates for each operation.
The document contains a CNC program for machining multiple contours on a workpiece using two different tools. The program includes code for setting tool offsets, selecting tools, and machining various profiles including squares, triangles, and open pockets using linear and circular interpolation moves. It also provides alternative code for one of the contour machining sections and includes diagrams of the different features to be cut.
Yoga philosophy emphasizes self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation and empathy, which are key components of emotional intelligence. Yoga practices like chitta-prasadana, kriyayoga and astangayoga help you develop these skills.
T辰ss辰 dokumentissa esitell辰辰n Saimaan alueen matkailumarkkinoinnin p辰辰kohderyhm辰t (Kiina, Saksa, Japani ja Ven辰j辰) ja k辰yd辰辰n l辰pi asiakassegmenttej辰, asiakask辰ytt辰ytymist辰 sek辰 matkailumarkkinointia kullekin kohderyhm辰lle.
UU No 12 th 2006 tentang KewarganegaraanAskar Metta
Undang-undang ini mengatur tentang syarat dan tata cara memperoleh dan kehilangan kewarganegaraan Indonesia. Ada dua cara untuk menjadi warga negara, yaitu secara lahir dan secara naturalisasi. Syarat untuk mendapatkan kewarganegaraan melalui naturalisasi antara lain telah berusia 18 tahun, tinggal di Indonesia selama 5 tahun berturut-turut, lancar berbahasa Indonesia, serta bersedia mengucapkan sumpah atau janji set
Este documento resume los temas cubiertos en una clase de herramientas inform叩ticas nivel 1, incluyendo software libre como Ubuntu, tipos de navegadores, procesadores de texto como LibreOffice, c坦mo capturar pantallas y quemar CDs. Los estudiantes aprendieron sobre estas herramientas desde lo b叩sico hasta lo m叩s complejo.
Kuinka suunnitella matkailutuotteita erilaisille ulkomaalaisille kohderyhmille? Raportissa analysoidaan ven辰l辰isi辰, kiinalaisia, japanilaisia ja saksalaisia matkailijoita ja heille sopivia matkailutuotteita Saimaan matkailutuotteiden kehitt辰misen ja markkinoinnin n辰k旦kulmasta. Raportti on tuotettu osana Savonlinna Destination Visit Saimaa 2020 hanketta.
The document contains the main program and subprograms for a CNC milling machine. It describes:
1. The main program calls several subprograms to perform operations like contouring, pocketing, circular pocketing, slot milling, and tapping holes.
2. The subprograms contain G-code instructions for specific milling operations like contouring an area, milling a pocket, or drilling holes in a pattern.
3. The main program executes the subprograms in sequence to machine features of a workpiece, using different tools for operations like end milling, drilling, and tapping. It provides information on tools, feedrates, and coordinates for each operation.
The document contains a CNC program for machining multiple contours on a workpiece using two different tools. The program includes code for setting tool offsets, selecting tools, and machining various profiles including squares, triangles, and open pockets using linear and circular interpolation moves. It also provides alternative code for one of the contour machining sections and includes diagrams of the different features to be cut.
Yoga philosophy emphasizes self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation and empathy, which are key components of emotional intelligence. Yoga practices like chitta-prasadana, kriyayoga and astangayoga help you develop these skills.