This document provides instructions for a quiz on identifying Gothic artworks. It lists the titles of 5 artworks and provides multiple choice options for identifying the artist of each work, with the answers found in the textbook "Discovering Art History".
2. Instructions:
look at each work of art and from
the multi choice answers choose
the correct answer. *Hint the works
of art are in the textbook
Discovering Art History.
3. 1. Coronation of the Virgin, 1420
a. Giotto
b. Duccio
c. Simone Martini
d. Ambrogio Lorenzetti
e. Gentile da Fabriano
4. 2. Christ Raising Lazarus from the Dead
a. Giotto
b. Duccio
c. Simone Martini
d. Ambrogio Lorenzetti
e. Gentile da Fabriano
5. 3. Annunciation, 1333
a. Giotto
b. Duccio
c. Simone Martini
d. Ambrogio Lorenzetti
e. Gentile da Fabriano
6. 4. Allegory of Good Government: The Effects of Good Government in the City and
Country, 1338-1339
a. Giotto
b. Duccio
c. Simone Martini
d. Ambrogio Lorenzetti
e. Gentile da Fabriano
7. 5. Madonna and Child, 1320-1330
a. Giotto
b. Duccio
c. Simone Martini
d. Ambrogio Lorenzetti
e. Gentile da Fabriano