Learn more: https://www.globalpartnership.org/content/2016-results-report The Results Report 2015/16 highlights progress made during 2016, the first year of GPEs results framework as outlined in GPE 2020, the partnerships strategic plan. Overall, GPE achieved 16 out of 19 milestones set for 2016. More children in GPE partner countries are in school and completing school, particularly girls and children living in fragile and conflict-affected context - and there are more trained teachers. GPE partner countries have also shown strong initial results in domestic resource mobilization for education and GPE also continues to be the largest international funder of comprehensive, evidence based sector analysis and planning in education all of which lays the foundation for strong policies and effective education systems. The report also shows that more progress is necessary in getting children enrolled in pre-primary education, ensuring that girls are not disproportionally affected being out of school and better alignment of GPE grants with national systems.