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Labor/Employee Relations ProfessionalGreg PassantIntroducingGreg PassantSPHRProven Problem Solver  Persuasive Advocate Change Facilitator
Your People Can Be Both Your Greatest Asset And Your Greatest Challenge.Greg Passant
Greg Passant Can Help You Maximize Your AssetsAnd Overcome Your Challenges Greg Passant
Areas of Demonstrated SuccessAdvocacyContract NegotiationsCountering Corporate CampaignsEmployee Communication StrategiesGrievance and Dispute ResolutionLabor Relations StrategyPositive  Employee Relations ProgramsTraining Greg Passant
Advocacy(Experience & Accomplishments)Won dozens of arbitrations for employers.
Won a landmark arbitration decision for a San Francisco window washing company.
Won a California Labor Commission Wage and Hour case that was crucial to the viability and survival of a small business.Greg Passant
Grievance and Dispute Resolution (Experience & Accomplishments)Resolved over one hundred union grievances avoiding the time and expense of arbitration.
Settled rancorous dispute for California furniture manufacturer when retained after the union had already gone on strike.
Described by a San Francisco Bay Area arbitrator as a creative problem solver. Greg Passant
Contract Negotiations(Experience & Accomplishments)Chief negotiator in more than sixty contract negotiations accomplishing my clients primary objectives of cost control and greater flexibility.
Transformed contentious negotiations into collaborative problem solving by using  Interest Based/MutualGains bargaining approach.
Gained critical concessions without strikes for numerous clients.

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Greg Passant 2011

  • 1. Labor/Employee Relations ProfessionalGreg PassantIntroducingGreg PassantSPHRProven Problem Solver Persuasive Advocate Change Facilitator
  • 2. Your People Can Be Both Your Greatest Asset And Your Greatest Challenge.Greg Passant
  • 3. Greg Passant Can Help You Maximize Your AssetsAnd Overcome Your Challenges Greg Passant
  • 4. Areas of Demonstrated SuccessAdvocacyContract NegotiationsCountering Corporate CampaignsEmployee Communication StrategiesGrievance and Dispute ResolutionLabor Relations StrategyPositive Employee Relations ProgramsTraining Greg Passant
  • 5. Advocacy(Experience & Accomplishments)Won dozens of arbitrations for employers.
  • 6. Won a landmark arbitration decision for a San Francisco window washing company.
  • 7. Won a California Labor Commission Wage and Hour case that was crucial to the viability and survival of a small business.Greg Passant
  • 8. Grievance and Dispute Resolution (Experience & Accomplishments)Resolved over one hundred union grievances avoiding the time and expense of arbitration.
  • 9. Settled rancorous dispute for California furniture manufacturer when retained after the union had already gone on strike.
  • 10. Described by a San Francisco Bay Area arbitrator as a creative problem solver. Greg Passant
  • 11. Contract Negotiations(Experience & Accomplishments)Chief negotiator in more than sixty contract negotiations accomplishing my clients primary objectives of cost control and greater flexibility.
  • 12. Transformed contentious negotiations into collaborative problem solving by using Interest Based/MutualGains bargaining approach.
  • 13. Gained critical concessions without strikes for numerous clients.
  • 14. Secured needed operational changes through negotiations. Greg Passant
  • 15. Countering Corporate CampaignsA Corporate Campaign is an attack on an organizations reputation and attempt to prevent an organization from doing business as usual.The methods utilized involve a variety of attacks including; legislative, regulatory, legal, economic and psychological.The unions goal is to make it less painful to give in to its demands than fight on. Greg PassantHow do organizations withstand and overcome these kinds of attacks?
  • 16. Countering Corporate Campaigns(Experience & Accomplishments)Reputation Management using successful communication strategies to educate: Employees; Customers; The Public; and other Stakeholders! Greg Passant
  • 17. Positive Employee Relations Programs Employee Communication StrategiesYears of listening to employees as a Union Rep., a Manager and a Management Consultant has taught:Greg PassantGood Relationships depend on Good Communication.
  • 18. Positive Employee Relations mean employees:
  • 21. Become engaged participants.
  • 24. Communicate - Clearly, Directly & Regularly; and
  • 25. Effectively Handle Change.TrainingTraining is especially critical for new supervisors. They probably werent hired for their HR knowledge. But they can be trained.Greg PassantSample Programs:Management vs. Leadership and their interdependence
  • 26. Learning to be a Manager; Not a Messenger
  • 27. Setting, Communicating & Coaching Expectations
  • 29. Progressive & Corrective Discipline
  • 30. Managing Through ChangeWhat Gregs Clients Say:Greg is a pleasure to work with. He is very detail-oriented, thorough, and honest.Laura Berg HR Director at Schiff Nutrition InternationalGreg PassantGreg is an expert in his field, who balances what needs to be done with the goals of the company and the employees, there is no better resource. Todd Burger Automotive Exec AAA Northern California Nevada UtahHe has an incredible mind, with the ability to see many different sides to the same issue, allowing him to anticipate the other parties with whom he is dealing. I can't recommend him highly enough. Tracey (Smith) Lyman, SPHR HR Manager at The Northwest School Greg is a no-nonsense professional who is excellent in his field of work. What I admired the most of Greg's skills was his ability to read and quickly connect with our employees. Kim Kellner Human Resources Manager at Orcon Corporation
  • 31. Labor/Employee Relations ProfessionalGreg PassantGreg PassantProven Problem Solver Persuasive Advocate Change Facilitator