There are several methods used to determine the age of rocks:
1. Radiometric dating examines the proportion of isotopes in rocks to determine their age based on known decay rates.
2. Relative dating studies the order of rock layers and fossils to determine the relative ages of rocks.
3. Absolute dating analyzes the chemical composition of rocks, including the ratio of uranium to lead, to calculate the precise numerical age based on known half-lives of radioactive isotopes.
2. The Radiometric dating
Radiometric dating which look at the proportion of two different isotopes break down in a
predictable amount of time enabling geologist to determine the age
3. Relative dating
Stratigraphy is the study of the order of the layers of the rock and where they fit in the
geological timescale this method most effective on sedimentary rocks cross dating is a method
of using fossil to determine the relative age of rock
4. Absolute dating
Young rocks will have high uranium content and low lead content where as very old rocks will
have low uranium content and high lead contents by studying the chemical composition of rocks
and knowing the half life the radiosotopes present we can determine the age of rock in years
5. Uranium lead dating
Uranium-lead dating is a geological age determined method that uses radioactive decay of
6. Potassium-argon dating
Is a radiometric dating method used in geochronogy and archeology it is bade on measurements
7. Radio-carbon dating
Radiocarbon is a method of determining the age of an object containing organic material by
using the properties of radiocarbon