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Sarasota, Florida 34321 USA

                                 1548 Caribbean Drive
Virtual Classroom

The new Global Virtual
Classroom (GVC), for-
merly the AT&T Virtual
Classroom, is an inter-
national, philanthropic
educational program that
offers a variety of free,
online educational activi-
ties and resources to
primary and secondary
school students and
teachers worldwide.
From 1996 to 2000, it
was recognized as a
global leader in online
education and the pre-
mier online educational
experience on the Inter-

                                                              Free Online

Programs                                                   Results
                                                       There are currently two basic programs for students        The Virtual Classroom has changed my life is a
                                                       and teachers in the GVC. Additional programs and           common testimonial from participating students
   The Global Virtual Classroom                        special projects will be added in the future.              and teachers. During the initial four-year period,
             Project                                                                                              the GVC experience positively impacted more
                                                                                                                  than 19,000 students and 1,200 teachers from 50
                                                        GVC Contest                                              countries across the globe. The positive ripple
                                                       A highly successful, 5-month long (October through
                                                                                                                  effect among their families, friends, colleagues,
                                                       March) website design contest for multinational pri-
                                                                                                                  and communities is impossible to measure. How-
                                                       mary and secondary school teams. Each GVC team
                            The Global Virtual                                                                    ever, some former students and teachers are
                                                       consists of three schools from different countries and
                            Classroom (GVC) was                                                                   using the Virtual Classroom experience as an
                                                       different continents. The students and teachers begin
                            created in 1996 as the                                                                accomplishment on their resumes and some have
                                                       by learning about each other and jointly selecting a
                            AT&T Virtual Class-                                                                  formed businesses in website design as a result of
                                                       topic to express on a website, followed by planning and
                            room project and it                                                                  their participation in the GVC.
                                                       researching the content, designing the website, and
                            quickly       became
                                                       posting it for final judging. Prizes and trophies are
                            AT&Ts flagship online
                                                       awarded for the winning teams from the best primary
                            educational program.
                                                                                                                  The Global Virtual Classroom project is spon-
                                                       & secondary school categories. During its last year of
                            From 1996 to 2000, it
                                                                                                                  sored by donations and grants to the Give Some-
                                                       operation, over 9,000 students participated along with
                            was recognized as a
                                                                                                                  thing Back International Foundation (GSBI). The
                                                       300 teachers from 300 schools in 41 countries.
                            global leader in online
                                                                                                                  Foundation is a 501(c)(3) qualified public charity
                            education and the pre-
                                                                                                                  and an international non-profit educational or-
                            mier online educa-          GVC Clubhouse                                            ganization. The purpose of the GSBI Foundation
                            tional experience on       A year round, flexible, non-competitive program offer-
                                                                                                                  is to provide life-changing, quality education to
                            the Internet.              ing virtual facilities and online conferences where
                                                                                                                  children, young adults, and teachers around the
                                                       students and classes can meet and work together to
                                                                                                                  world that will have a lasting impact on their fu-
In 2003, AT&T transferred ownership of the pro-        create Internet projects of their choice. These ranged
                                                                                                                  ture lives and that of their families.
ject to the Give Something Back International          from language class exchanges; to ongoing discussions
Foundation (GSBI). The new Global Virtual Class-       of a specific topic; to collaborative research on a spe-
room is an international, philanthropic educational                                                               Donations
                                                       cific topic; to collaboration to create stories, picture
program that offers a variety of free, online educa-                                                              Donations can be made to the Global Virtual
                                                       books or musical compositions. There has been over
tional activities and resources to primary and sec-                                                               Classroom Project or to the GSBI Global Schol-
                                                       400 schools from 36 countries participating in various
ondary school students and teachers worldwide.                                                                    arship Fund at the address below or through our
                                                       projects and it is estimated that over 25,000 students
                                                                                                                  website. Your contributions are deeply appreci-
                                                       and teachers have been involved.
GVC Goal                                                                                                          ated.
Global Virtual Classrooms goal is to empower,
enable and connect young people around the
world. It creates a stimulating environment where
students can learn essential 21st century skills:
including cross-cultural communication and collabo-
ration and information technology skills. Global
Virtual Classrooms success in making learning both                                                                               1548 Caribbean Drive
                                                                                                                              Sarasota, Florida 34231 USA
fun and relevant has earned the program support
from education departments and leading IT teach-                                                                                Phone: 941-924-0025
ers all over the world. It has successfully demon-                                                                              Fax: 941-921-8133
strated the ability to integrate technology into                                                                                 Email: gvc@gsbi.org
                                                                                                                             GSBI Website: www.gsbi.org
classrooms and curriculums while making learning
                                                                                                                         GVC Website: www.virtualclassroom.org

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  • 1. Sarasota, Florida 34321 USA Global 1548 Caribbean Drive Virtual Classroom The new Global Virtual Classroom (GVC), for- merly the AT&T Virtual Classroom, is an inter- national, philanthropic educational program that offers a variety of free, online educational activi- ties and resources to primary and secondary school students and teachers worldwide. From 1996 to 2000, it was recognized as a global leader in online education and the pre- mier online educational experience on the Inter- net. Free Online Educational Programs www.VirtualClassroom.org
  • 2. Programs Results There are currently two basic programs for students The Virtual Classroom has changed my life is a and teachers in the GVC. Additional programs and common testimonial from participating students The Global Virtual Classroom special projects will be added in the future. and teachers. During the initial four-year period, Project the GVC experience positively impacted more than 19,000 students and 1,200 teachers from 50 GVC Contest countries across the globe. The positive ripple A highly successful, 5-month long (October through effect among their families, friends, colleagues, March) website design contest for multinational pri- and communities is impossible to measure. How- mary and secondary school teams. Each GVC team The Global Virtual ever, some former students and teachers are consists of three schools from different countries and Classroom (GVC) was using the Virtual Classroom experience as an different continents. The students and teachers begin created in 1996 as the accomplishment on their resumes and some have by learning about each other and jointly selecting a AT&T Virtual Class- formed businesses in website design as a result of topic to express on a website, followed by planning and room project and it their participation in the GVC. researching the content, designing the website, and quickly became posting it for final judging. Prizes and trophies are AT&Ts flagship online Sponsor awarded for the winning teams from the best primary educational program. The Global Virtual Classroom project is spon- & secondary school categories. During its last year of From 1996 to 2000, it sored by donations and grants to the Give Some- operation, over 9,000 students participated along with was recognized as a thing Back International Foundation (GSBI). The 300 teachers from 300 schools in 41 countries. global leader in online Foundation is a 501(c)(3) qualified public charity education and the pre- and an international non-profit educational or- mier online educa- GVC Clubhouse ganization. The purpose of the GSBI Foundation tional experience on A year round, flexible, non-competitive program offer- is to provide life-changing, quality education to the Internet. ing virtual facilities and online conferences where children, young adults, and teachers around the students and classes can meet and work together to world that will have a lasting impact on their fu- In 2003, AT&T transferred ownership of the pro- create Internet projects of their choice. These ranged ture lives and that of their families. ject to the Give Something Back International from language class exchanges; to ongoing discussions Foundation (GSBI). The new Global Virtual Class- of a specific topic; to collaborative research on a spe- room is an international, philanthropic educational Donations cific topic; to collaboration to create stories, picture program that offers a variety of free, online educa- Donations can be made to the Global Virtual books or musical compositions. There has been over tional activities and resources to primary and sec- Classroom Project or to the GSBI Global Schol- 400 schools from 36 countries participating in various ondary school students and teachers worldwide. arship Fund at the address below or through our projects and it is estimated that over 25,000 students website. Your contributions are deeply appreci- and teachers have been involved. GVC Goal ated. Global Virtual Classrooms goal is to empower, enable and connect young people around the world. It creates a stimulating environment where students can learn essential 21st century skills: including cross-cultural communication and collabo- ration and information technology skills. Global Virtual Classrooms success in making learning both 1548 Caribbean Drive Sarasota, Florida 34231 USA fun and relevant has earned the program support from education departments and leading IT teach- Phone: 941-924-0025 ers all over the world. It has successfully demon- Fax: 941-921-8133 strated the ability to integrate technology into Email: gvc@gsbi.org GSBI Website: www.gsbi.org classrooms and curriculums while making learning GVC Website: www.virtualclassroom.org fun.