Scientific research is growing by 3 - 4 percent per year. The competition for the grant pool of dollars is ever increasing. The library budgets are not able to keep up with the publisher's price increases and their user community are always demanding access to more content.
This presentation by Darrell W. Gunter, EVP / CMO of Collexis Holdings, Inc. explores the new technologies that begin to solve these issues and provide the researcher with new tools to be more effective in their quest for knowledge discovery.
O documento notifica uma empresa sobre o pagamento da Taxa de Recursos H鱈dricos no valor de 5.386 euros referente rejei巽達o de 叩guas residuais em esta巽探es de tratamento de 叩guas residuais urbanas durante o segundo semestre de 2008. A taxa 辿 calculada com base nos valores de mat辿ria tribut叩vel medidos ou estimados para nove componentes diferentes.
El documento presenta un abecedario cristiano con consejos y ense単anzas para cada letra del alfabeto, desde A hasta Z. Cada letra ofrece una breve gu鱈a para vivir de acuerdo a los principios cristianos, como alabar a Dios, buscar la excelencia, leer la Biblia diariamente, perdonar ofensas, ser confiable y llenarse del amor de Dios.
O documento encoraja o leitor a reconhecer seus dons e capacidades, a aceitar a si mesmo e escolher a felicidade. Diz que o leitor foi criado perfeito por Deus para aproveitar sua capacidade e que Deus est叩 sempre com ele, oferecendo amor e paz. Pede ao leitor para usar sabiamente seus poderes para amar, criar e escolher perseverar.
Tricia M. Spellman has over 18 years of diverse marketing experience in healthcare, technology, financial, and consumer goods industries. She currently serves as Global Marketing Director for HIMSS and HIMSS Analytics, where she has increased annual revenues by 33% and product revenues by 13%. Prior experience includes developing strategic marketing plans, product launches, brand management, and global agency selection.
Black Train Films presenta We've got all the time in the world: documental so...Black Train
Este documento presenta un proyecto de largometraje documental sobre la orquesta de jazz La Locomotora Negra y busca patrocinio para su producci坦n. El documental narrar叩 la historia de 40 a単os de la orquesta a trav辿s de entrevistas e im叩genes de archivo. Se ofrecen diferentes categor鱈as de patrocinio con contraprestaciones como reconocimiento en los cr辿ditos, entradas al estreno y difusi坦n en festivales. El objetivo es encontrar sinergias entre el proyecto y empresas para impulsar la cultura a trav辿s de la cooperaci坦n entre
El documento resume la econom鱈a de la industria de los medios de comunicaci坦n. Describe c坦mo los medios tradicionales se basaban en un modelo de negocio de publicidad para grandes audiencias, pero que este modelo se ha fragmentado en la era digital, rompiendo la cadena de valor tradicional. Tambi辿n discute c坦mo la atenci坦n del p炭blico es un recurso escaso que los medios compiten por obtener.
M. Reichert Pride Enterprises has past customers and affiliations with CONDEA Vista Co. and GISO. The document provides no other details about these relationships or organizations. It consists of a single sentence listing two past associations for M. Reichert Pride Enterprises.
1. The document discusses return routability check, a proposed solution to verify the source URI of a SIP call by determining if messages can be routed to the caller's claimed address.
2. It works by having the callee subscribe to the dialog event package of the caller to check if the user agent registered at the address in the From header is aware of the call.
3. Some open issues discussed include whether the dialog package can be used, how it would work across B2BUAs, and how it could apply to TEL URIs. The document seeks input from the working group on these issues and whether reverse URI checking could help solve the problem of verifying a SIP URI.
Ingredientes e modos de confec巽達o do bolo-rei escangalhadoRicardino Pedro
O documento fornece instru巽探es para fazer um bolo tradicional portugu棚s, incluindo uma lista de ingredientes, etapas de preparo, tempo de validade, exporta巽達o, produ巽達o em escala e pre巽o.
Anorexia is an eating disorder where people starve themselves due to a fear of becoming fat or stress and pressure. Symptoms include sudden weight loss, bad appetite, very weak feeling, shortness of breath, and loss of menstrual periods in women. Diagnosis involves body weight being inconsistent with age and height. Treatment requires recognizing the disorder and wanting to change, along with psychiatric help.
This document contains a log of revisions made to the "spam-me-not" software project. Some key revisions include:
- r49 tagged version 3.0.48 for release
- r48 fixed a bug in the update monitor
- r44 solved an issue with double messages being displayed when replying to someone for the first time
Clinical depression, also known as major depression, is more than just feeling sad or having the blues. It can last for 6-9 months and significantly interferes with daily life. Symptoms include feelings of sadness, hopelessness, lack of energy, difficulty concentrating or sleeping, and recurrent thoughts of death. Clinical depression is caused by stress, genetics, temperament, and can be treated through hospitalization, antidepressants, and psychotherapy.
El documento presenta una selecci坦n de poemas que expresan sentimientos de amor, deseo y a単oranza. El primer poema habla sobre lo dif鱈cil que es olvidar a un amor y la sensaci坦n de sufrimiento por su ausencia. El segundo poema describe al amor como un secuestrador que atrapa al poeta y lo lleva al l鱈mite del placer. El tercer poema expresa la pasi坦n entre dos amantes y el placer que se sienten el uno por el otro.
Este documento es una carta de Navidad de Marga a un amigo, dese叩ndole lo mejor para las fiestas y el nuevo a単o. Marga expresa su aprecio por la amistad que comparten y los recuerdos felices del a単o pasado. Tambi辿n reflexiona sobre lo r叩pido que pasa el tiempo y lo afortunados que son de poder pasar m叩s tiempo juntos y perseguir sus sue単os. Por 炭ltimo, desea a su amigo felicidad y salud para disfrutarla en el nuevo a単o.
Jaimito juega con su tren en la sala mientras su mam叩 cocina. Al llegar el tren a la estaci坦n terminal, Jaimito usa malas palabras para dirigirse a los pasajeros, por lo que su mam叩 lo rega単a y lo castiga por 2 horas. Luego de terminar el castigo, Jaimito vuelve a jugar con su tren pero usa un lenguaje m叩s apropiado, aunque al final vuelve a usar malas palabras y se refiere de manera ofensiva a su mam叩.
Telemedicine eConsult Live provides several benefits including access to over 1000 specialists across various medical fields to provide team-based consultations. This decreases healthcare costs while increasing efficiency and effectiveness by allowing crucial medical attention to be provided on time. The eConsult system is easy to use, provides quality healthcare locally in a personal and convenient manner by facilitating specialist-to-local provider communication within the patient's context to overcome geographical barriers and save on travel expenses while helping patients get out of confusing medical situations and benefit from the latest research.
This document provides specifications for a reversible messenger bag, including details about the nylon webbing strap that is adjustable up to 53 inches and 2 inches wide. It has a matching nylon zipper and shiny silver zipper pulls. Hardware includes 2-inch rectangle rings, a 2-inch slide bar, D-rings, and velcro. The bag lining and inside details are specified on another page.
O documento encoraja o leitor a reconhecer seus dons e capacidades, a aceitar a si mesmo e escolher a felicidade. Diz que o leitor foi criado perfeito por Deus para aproveitar sua capacidade e que Deus est叩 sempre com ele, oferecendo amor e paz. Pede ao leitor para usar sabiamente seus poderes para amar, criar e escolher perseverar.
Tricia M. Spellman has over 18 years of diverse marketing experience in healthcare, technology, financial, and consumer goods industries. She currently serves as Global Marketing Director for HIMSS and HIMSS Analytics, where she has increased annual revenues by 33% and product revenues by 13%. Prior experience includes developing strategic marketing plans, product launches, brand management, and global agency selection.
Black Train Films presenta We've got all the time in the world: documental so...Black Train
Este documento presenta un proyecto de largometraje documental sobre la orquesta de jazz La Locomotora Negra y busca patrocinio para su producci坦n. El documental narrar叩 la historia de 40 a単os de la orquesta a trav辿s de entrevistas e im叩genes de archivo. Se ofrecen diferentes categor鱈as de patrocinio con contraprestaciones como reconocimiento en los cr辿ditos, entradas al estreno y difusi坦n en festivales. El objetivo es encontrar sinergias entre el proyecto y empresas para impulsar la cultura a trav辿s de la cooperaci坦n entre
El documento resume la econom鱈a de la industria de los medios de comunicaci坦n. Describe c坦mo los medios tradicionales se basaban en un modelo de negocio de publicidad para grandes audiencias, pero que este modelo se ha fragmentado en la era digital, rompiendo la cadena de valor tradicional. Tambi辿n discute c坦mo la atenci坦n del p炭blico es un recurso escaso que los medios compiten por obtener.
M. Reichert Pride Enterprises has past customers and affiliations with CONDEA Vista Co. and GISO. The document provides no other details about these relationships or organizations. It consists of a single sentence listing two past associations for M. Reichert Pride Enterprises.
1. The document discusses return routability check, a proposed solution to verify the source URI of a SIP call by determining if messages can be routed to the caller's claimed address.
2. It works by having the callee subscribe to the dialog event package of the caller to check if the user agent registered at the address in the From header is aware of the call.
3. Some open issues discussed include whether the dialog package can be used, how it would work across B2BUAs, and how it could apply to TEL URIs. The document seeks input from the working group on these issues and whether reverse URI checking could help solve the problem of verifying a SIP URI.
Ingredientes e modos de confec巽達o do bolo-rei escangalhadoRicardino Pedro
O documento fornece instru巽探es para fazer um bolo tradicional portugu棚s, incluindo uma lista de ingredientes, etapas de preparo, tempo de validade, exporta巽達o, produ巽達o em escala e pre巽o.
Anorexia is an eating disorder where people starve themselves due to a fear of becoming fat or stress and pressure. Symptoms include sudden weight loss, bad appetite, very weak feeling, shortness of breath, and loss of menstrual periods in women. Diagnosis involves body weight being inconsistent with age and height. Treatment requires recognizing the disorder and wanting to change, along with psychiatric help.
This document contains a log of revisions made to the "spam-me-not" software project. Some key revisions include:
- r49 tagged version 3.0.48 for release
- r48 fixed a bug in the update monitor
- r44 solved an issue with double messages being displayed when replying to someone for the first time
Clinical depression, also known as major depression, is more than just feeling sad or having the blues. It can last for 6-9 months and significantly interferes with daily life. Symptoms include feelings of sadness, hopelessness, lack of energy, difficulty concentrating or sleeping, and recurrent thoughts of death. Clinical depression is caused by stress, genetics, temperament, and can be treated through hospitalization, antidepressants, and psychotherapy.
El documento presenta una selecci坦n de poemas que expresan sentimientos de amor, deseo y a単oranza. El primer poema habla sobre lo dif鱈cil que es olvidar a un amor y la sensaci坦n de sufrimiento por su ausencia. El segundo poema describe al amor como un secuestrador que atrapa al poeta y lo lleva al l鱈mite del placer. El tercer poema expresa la pasi坦n entre dos amantes y el placer que se sienten el uno por el otro.
Este documento es una carta de Navidad de Marga a un amigo, dese叩ndole lo mejor para las fiestas y el nuevo a単o. Marga expresa su aprecio por la amistad que comparten y los recuerdos felices del a単o pasado. Tambi辿n reflexiona sobre lo r叩pido que pasa el tiempo y lo afortunados que son de poder pasar m叩s tiempo juntos y perseguir sus sue単os. Por 炭ltimo, desea a su amigo felicidad y salud para disfrutarla en el nuevo a単o.
Jaimito juega con su tren en la sala mientras su mam叩 cocina. Al llegar el tren a la estaci坦n terminal, Jaimito usa malas palabras para dirigirse a los pasajeros, por lo que su mam叩 lo rega単a y lo castiga por 2 horas. Luego de terminar el castigo, Jaimito vuelve a jugar con su tren pero usa un lenguaje m叩s apropiado, aunque al final vuelve a usar malas palabras y se refiere de manera ofensiva a su mam叩.
Telemedicine eConsult Live provides several benefits including access to over 1000 specialists across various medical fields to provide team-based consultations. This decreases healthcare costs while increasing efficiency and effectiveness by allowing crucial medical attention to be provided on time. The eConsult system is easy to use, provides quality healthcare locally in a personal and convenient manner by facilitating specialist-to-local provider communication within the patient's context to overcome geographical barriers and save on travel expenses while helping patients get out of confusing medical situations and benefit from the latest research.
This document provides specifications for a reversible messenger bag, including details about the nylon webbing strap that is adjustable up to 53 inches and 2 inches wide. It has a matching nylon zipper and shiny silver zipper pulls. Hardware includes 2-inch rectangle rings, a 2-inch slide bar, D-rings, and velcro. The bag lining and inside details are specified on another page.
This document lists bag styles and their prices, ranging from $128 to $178. It includes hobo, flap, and satchel styles. The bags come in star print designs and various colorways like silver, navy, black, and custom Pantone colors.
This document provides technical specifications for a product called "Monkey Attachments". It includes dimensions for holes, sizing, and embossing on the product. The back view and labeling it as original art suggests it is a design for a toy or decorative item.
Elizabeth Hubbard has over 19 years of experience in the handbag industry. She has worked as a senior designer for several companies, designing and launching handbag lines and accessories for brands like Karen Neuburger, Rocawear, and Diane von Furstenburg. Her responsibilities included product research and development, overseas sourcing and production, and working with manufacturers.