El Colegio de Ingenieros de Venezuela es un organismo público fundado en 1861 para regular la profesión de ingenierÃa y servir como consultor del gobierno. Tiene más de 120,000 miembros e ingenieros, arquitectos y profesionales afines. El Colegio surgió para promover el progreso cientÃfico y tecnológico, vigilar el ejercicio profesional, y proteger los intereses y derechos de los ingenieros.
Aloitteen kirjoittajan Mikael Kallavuon mukaan julkisen sektorin laitoksille tulisi taata pitkäkestoinen vakaa rahoitus, koska tämä kannustaisi kehittämään ennaltaehkäiseviä palveluita. Suurempi luottamus julkisen sektorin asiantuntijoihin eri palveluiden piirissä (vakaamman rahoituksen muodossa) parantaisi Kallavuon mukaan myös työmoraalia julkisella sektorilla. Tällä hetkellä kannustimet ennaltaehkäiseviin projekteihin ovat riittämättömiä. Kallavuon mukaan tämä olisi tervetullut vastaveto ulkoistamistrendille, joka on hallinnut julkista sektoria viime vuodet ja vuosikymmenet. Tällä hetkellä on jo nähtävissä, että ulkoistaminen on pikemmin lisännyt kuin vähentänyt kustannuksia.
This document is a resume for Anthony Luu, a graphic designer based in Bradford, Ontario. It outlines his design skills including print, web design, branding and more. He is proficient in Adobe Creative Suite software. His resume lists academic credentials from Seneca College and work experience including positions at Siemens Canada, Blue Mountain Chrysler, and Business & Office Centro where he performed graphic design, photography, and print production tasks.
Original Cup of Joe, a local Philadelphia coffee business, has applied for a $250,000 grant from Chase as part of their Mission Main Street Grants program. To be eligible, Original Cup of Joe must receive at least 250 online votes by November 15th and submit a business plan outlining how the grant would help them grow. Receiving the grant would help Original Cup of Joe expand to a two-story property, hire more local employees, and become a major competitor in the coffee industry. The grant would be an opportunity to ensure the continued work of Original Cup of Joe in their hometown of Philadelphia.
Original Cup of Joe, a local Philadelphia coffee business, has applied for a $250,000 grant from Chase as part of their Mission Main Street Grants program. To be eligible, Original Cup of Joe must receive at least 250 online votes by November 15th and submit a business plan outlining how the grant would help them grow. Receiving the grant would help Original Cup of Joe expand to a two-story property, hire more local employees, and become a major competitor in the coffee industry. The grant would be an opportunity to ensure the continued work of Original Cup of Joe in their hometown of Philadelphia.