The need for effective virtual wellness programming is only going to continue to grow as employers evaluate opportunities to work from home for portions of their workforce.
NIFS HealthYou program allows us to creatively engage employees whether they are in the office or working remotely and provides organizations with the flexibility they need to support employees wherever they may be.
3. Bring the right person
with outstanding
credentials to your
program so they can lead
and connect with your staff.
This is a signal that you
care about your corporate
wellness program and want
your employees to use it.
5. Employees crave
accountability and
guidance. Personalized
workouts, programs,
and one-on-one
consultations help
your employees
stay on track and
connected to your
wellness program.
7. Group fitness
classes are a fan
favorite, whether live-
streamed or accessing
a library of recorded
classes. They help
engage employees and
keep them motivated
and moving regularly
wherever they are.
9. Nutrition is essential
and having a Registered
Dietitian provide monthly
educational sessions, virtual
chats and resource materials
to support and educate
employees is important.
10. NIFS HealthYou provides
all of these services in one
program. Your current
employees, and your future
talent, will appreciate a
thoughtful and flexible
approach to your
corporate wellness