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Sunday Oct 19, 2014
The 3 Hebrews IFs 
The 3 Hebrews 
Clean Consciences
Some of the early Jewish Christians 
had a problem! 
They were being tempted to revert to 
Judaism, or to add Jewish 
religious practices to the 
New Covenant Good News. 
(Does this remind anyone of any others 
who had a similar problem?) 
(The Galatians, for example!)
So, God in His wisdom inspired the 
writing of the Book of Hebrews. 
A word you find very often in this 
book is the word, 
Hebrews speaks about: 
 A BETTER Covenant 
 A BETTER Priesthood 
 A BETTER Sacrifice 
 BETTER Promises 
In Hebrews, God makes 3 very important 
statements that begin with IF. 
It was crucial to the Hebrews to understand 
what these IF statements taught so they 
would NOT be tempted to go back to Old 
Covenant practices. Its crucial for US today to 
understand what they teach also. 
Here are the 3 Hebrews IF Statements:
Hebrews 3 IFs 3 Clean Consciences
Hebrews 3 IFs 3 Clean Consciences
Hebrews 3 IFs 3 Clean Consciences
The 3 Hebrews IFs! 
Lets state them again: 
1. IF the priesthood. . . . 
2. IF the first covenant. . . . 
3. IF the Old Covenant sacrifices.
The 3 Hebrews IFs show how the Old 
Covenant was lacking in 3 ways and what 
God in His love did to provide 
what was lacking. 
Lets look first at Hebrews 8: 7 - 12:
Question: Was the first covenant 
Question: Was the fault with the 
covenant or with the people?
So, the fault was with the PEOPLE. 
What was their problem? 
What was Gods solution?
Hebrews 3 IFs 3 Clean Consciences
Gods solution was a wonderful New Covenant! 
In His New Covenant with us, God says He will: 
Forgive the peoples wickedness, 
and never again remember their sins. 
QUESTION: Can a holy and just God forgive 
peoples wickedness and never again remember 
peoples sins JUST LIKE THAT? 
Or does a just God have to JUDGE and PUNISH all such 
wickedness and sin AND TAKE IT AWAY from the 
people BEFORE he can 
forgive it and remember it no more?
We know the answer! 
God DID have to judge and punish sin and TAKE IT 
AWAY from the people before He could forgive it 
and remember it no more. 
And this brings us to the other 2 Hebrews IFs:
(Heb 7: 11) 
3 important questions: 
1. What is this perfection that God intended? 
(Sinners are made Perfect; FULLY cleansed from 
2. Could the Old Covenant priesthood take away the 
peoples sins and make them perfectly holy and 
righteous in Gods sight? 
3. So, why would God
There can be only 1 reason why God 
He wanted to establish a priesthood that 
COULD take away the peoples sins and make 
them perfectly holy and righteous in His sight. 
Here is what God goes on to teach 
in Hebrews Chapters 7  9 about this 
Hebrews 3 IFs 3 Clean Consciences
Hebrews 3 IFs 3 Clean Consciences
Hebrews 3 IFs 3 Clean Consciences
Hebrews 3 IFs 3 Clean Consciences
So, HAS the better priesthood of 
(The perfection that the 
Old Covenant priesthood 
could NOT achieve?)
HOWdid this better priesthood achieve 
the perfection in the people that God 
By offering to God a BETTER SACRIFICE 
for sin. 
And this brings us to our third Hebrews 
(Heb 10: 2) 
3 important questions: 
1. Could the Old Covenant sacrifices provide 
perfect cleansing? Could they take away the 
peoples sins and make them perfectly clean, 
holy and righteous in Gods sight? 
2. Did they ever STOP? 
3. So why would God establish a better sacrifice, 
one that DID STOP?
There can be only 1 reason why God 
established a better sacrifice: 
He wanted to establish a sacrifice that 
COULD make the people perfectly holy 
and righteous in His sight - a sacrifice 
Here are 2 interesting questions for people who 
have a hard time accepting that ALL sin for ALL 
time was taken away by Jesus and that His final 
sacrifice DID provide perfect cleansing for us: 
For the sacrifices to STOP, it would take a sacrifice 
that provided PERFECT cleansing by a Priest who 
DID achieve the perfection 
in people that God wanted! 
And that's exactly why the sacrifices have stopped. 
The BETTER Sacrifice by the BETTER Priest (Jesus) 
has made believers 
Heres what God teaches in Hebrews Chapters 
7  10 about Jesus BETTER SACRIFICE:
Hebrews 3 IFs 3 Clean Consciences
Hebrews 3 IFs 3 Clean Consciences
Hebrews 3 IFs 3 Clean Consciences
Hebrews 3 IFs 3 Clean Consciences
Hebrews 3 IFs 3 Clean Consciences
Hebrews 3 IFs 3 Clean Consciences
TO SUM UP what the 3 Hebrews Ifs teach us: 
1. God found fault with the people under the Old 
Covenant, so he implemented a BETTER New 
Covenant. In the New Covenant, He remembers our 
sin and wickedness no more. 
2. In the New Covenant, God has provided a BETTER 
Priesthood, one that CAN make people perfect in 
His sight. 
3. In the New Covenant, God has provided a 
BETTER Sacrifice, 
ONE sacrifice that has 
TAKEN AWAY ALL of mankinds sin.
A quick note here: 
Jesus sacrifice took away ALL of mankinds sin. 
But not all of mankind automatically has 
Eternal Life  we must COME TO JESUS 
to receive His Life and His Righteousness. 
(See TGPs Amazing Grace Course 
for more details.)
So! The 3 IFs were written to the early Jewish 
Christians in The Letter to the Hebrews. 
They were being tempted (or even persecuted) to 
go back to Old Covenant practices. 
Do you think that after reading the letter their 
faith in JESUS and their resolve to continue 
trusting in HIM was strengthened? 
What about US  are WE understanding more and 
more what Jesus REALLY did for us? 
Is this increasing our JOY!? 
On to: 
The 3 Hebrews 
Clean Consciences
How do you feel after a long day 
out in the hot sun 
on the road, or doing gardening or 
at a Sports Day somewhere?
And then you have a nice long, 
cool SHOWER!! 
How do you feel NOW!!??
Dont you feel 
NICE and squeaky clean 
after all the 
dirt, sweat and grime 
washes away with that nice SOAP 
and that nice 
What about when we SIN  does that 
make us feel dirty on the outside AND 
on the inside, in our CONSCIENCES? 
Wouldnt it be WONDERFUL if there was 
a way for those dirty and guilty 
CONSCIENCES to be cleansed just like 
our bodies were cleansed 
when we took our lovely SHOWER?
The bad news is, that in the Old Covenant this 
inner cleansing was NOT possible: (Heb 9: 9)
The GOOD NEWS is that we are living 
under Gods wonderful 
better New Covenant. 
The better priesthood and the better 
sacrifices that are part of this covenant 
HAVE provided this 
INNER cleansing of our consciences 
for us! 
Check it out:
Clean Consciences # 1: (Heb 9: 13)
Clean Consciences #2: (Heb 10: 2) 
This is why God established a BETTER SACRIFICE. 
He wanted one that would provide PERFECT 
CLEANSING. One that would cleanse our 
CONSCIENCES and make our 
feelings of GUILT disappear!
This seems incredible! 
REALLY!? God does not want us 
to feel guilty about our sins? 
For those who would like to check this 
Outrageous Teaching by seeing what 
the good old King James Version says, 
lets take a look:
Hebrews 3 IFs 3 Clean Consciences
Clean Consciences #3: (Heb 10: 21-22)
The previous Scripture says it ALL! 
When Jesus died the Sin Curtain in the temple 
was torn in two. 
This showed that the sin of ALL MANKIND had 
been TAKEN AWAY by the sacrifice of Jesus. 
Sinful people were once separated from a holy God 
by the curtain. 
Now believers live IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD, FREE 
from the PENALTY and the GUILT of ALL SIN. 
We have had a SHOWER in Jesus Blood and our 
previously guilty consciences have been CLEANSED.
So now the two next BIG questions are: 
1. WHY would God NOT want us to feel guilty 
when we sin? 
2. Wont removing that weight of guilt cause 
us to go out and sin twice as much?
The answer to question 1 is found right in 
The word worship here means: 
To worship or serve God, 
but NOT out of compulsion.
Can you freely worship and serve someone 
who makes you feel guilty all the time? 
Can you have a loving relationship with a 
person like this? 
What did Adam discover about this? After he 
sinned, what did he do when God approached? 
He HID  giving us a perfect example of how a 
loving relationship is NOT possible when GUILT 
exists between two people. 
Does God want us to FREELY worship and serve 
This is only possible if there is NO GUILT 
between Him and us!
Thats why God provided the Blood of Jesus, to:
Question 2 is: 
Will we sin MORE now that God has 
taken away all our sin and all our guilt 
and has declared us to be perfectly 
righteous in Jesus? 
Romans 6: 14, Titus 2: 11  14 
and the Book of Ephesians, 
which we are presently studying, 
all clearly answer this question.
The book of Ephesians from 
Chapter 4 on is FULL of 
teaching and encouragement about 
how we will live as Blood-washed, 
guilt-free believers. 
Our new lives In Jesus are NOT lives 
which are full of sin! 
They USED to be, but NOT any more!
Paul tells us: (Eph 4: 17  19)
Paul continues:
Hebrews 3 IFs 3 Clean Consciences
The world should want what we 
Christians have because of our 
May these 
3 IFs and 3 Clean 
Conscience TRUTHS 
Bring us great 
as we understand them and 
learn to rest in them.
Hebrews 3 IFs 3 Clean Consciences
Hebrews 3 IFs 3 Clean Consciences
What is heb about? 
Quote3 ifs (check diff versions) 
Analyze (not in order) 
Check kjv for conscious of sin. (10:2) idea: put up 
kjv with this then nlt so people can see the diff 
Eg of melch = not proves we must tithe, proves 
jesus is better! (check tithing scr in nt) 
Check greek/amplified for meaning of perfect 
later on. 
Steve request  eph ok forgiven pp and f so wht 
do we do when we sin he says the answer is here.
Hebrews 3 IFs 3 Clean Consciences
Hebrews 3 IFs 3 Clean Consciences
Gods Amazing Grace frees us from the GUILT and 
the PENALTY of sin. 
Does this Amazing Grace cause us to sin more? 
The very book we are currently studying (Eph) 
teasches us very much about our lives under gods 
wond nc grace 
Steve request  eph ok forgiven pp and f so wht do 
we do when we sin he says the answer is here. 
 Under the oc we tried to keep thw law 
 Under the nc we TRY to bear fruit!

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Hebrews 3 IFs 3 Clean Consciences

  • 2. The 3 Hebrews IFs And The 3 Hebrews Clean Consciences
  • 3. Some of the early Jewish Christians had a problem! They were being tempted to revert to Judaism, or to add Jewish religious practices to the New Covenant Good News. (Does this remind anyone of any others who had a similar problem?) (The Galatians, for example!)
  • 4. So, God in His wisdom inspired the writing of the Book of Hebrews. A word you find very often in this book is the word, BETTER!
  • 5. Hebrews speaks about: A BETTER Covenant A BETTER Priesthood A BETTER Sacrifice BETTER Promises A BETTER Hope
  • 6. In Hebrews, God makes 3 very important statements that begin with IF. It was crucial to the Hebrews to understand what these IF statements taught so they would NOT be tempted to go back to Old Covenant practices. Its crucial for US today to understand what they teach also. Here are the 3 Hebrews IF Statements:
  • 10. The 3 Hebrews IFs! Lets state them again: 1. IF the priesthood. . . . 2. IF the first covenant. . . . 3. IF the Old Covenant sacrifices.
  • 11. The 3 Hebrews IFs show how the Old Covenant was lacking in 3 ways and what God in His love did to provide what was lacking. Lets look first at Hebrews 8: 7 - 12:
  • 12. Question: Was the first covenant faultless? Question: Was the fault with the covenant or with the people?
  • 13. So, the fault was with the PEOPLE. What was their problem? What was Gods solution?
  • 15. Gods solution was a wonderful New Covenant! In His New Covenant with us, God says He will: Forgive the peoples wickedness, and never again remember their sins. QUESTION: Can a holy and just God forgive peoples wickedness and never again remember peoples sins JUST LIKE THAT? Or does a just God have to JUDGE and PUNISH all such wickedness and sin AND TAKE IT AWAY from the people BEFORE he can forgive it and remember it no more?
  • 16. We know the answer! God DID have to judge and punish sin and TAKE IT AWAY from the people before He could forgive it and remember it no more. And this brings us to the other 2 Hebrews IFs:
  • 17. (Heb 7: 11) 3 important questions: 1. What is this perfection that God intended? (Sinners are made Perfect; FULLY cleansed from sin.) 2. Could the Old Covenant priesthood take away the peoples sins and make them perfectly holy and righteous in Gods sight? 3. So, why would God
  • 18. There can be only 1 reason why God He wanted to establish a priesthood that COULD take away the peoples sins and make them perfectly holy and righteous in His sight. Here is what God goes on to teach in Hebrews Chapters 7 9 about this BETTER PRIESTHOOD:
  • 23. Question: So, HAS the better priesthood of JESUS ACHIEVED THE PERFECTION IN US THAT GOD INTENDED? (The perfection that the Old Covenant priesthood could NOT achieve?)
  • 24. HOWdid this better priesthood achieve the perfection in the people that God intended? By offering to God a BETTER SACRIFICE for sin. And this brings us to our third Hebrews IF:
  • 25. (Heb 10: 2) 3 important questions: 1. Could the Old Covenant sacrifices provide perfect cleansing? Could they take away the peoples sins and make them perfectly clean, holy and righteous in Gods sight? 2. Did they ever STOP? 3. So why would God establish a better sacrifice, one that DID STOP?
  • 26. There can be only 1 reason why God established a better sacrifice: He wanted to establish a sacrifice that COULD make the people perfectly holy and righteous in His sight - a sacrifice that COULD PROVIDE PERFECT CLEANSING FOR THE PEOPLE
  • 27. Here are 2 interesting questions for people who have a hard time accepting that ALL sin for ALL time was taken away by Jesus and that His final sacrifice DID provide perfect cleansing for us: HAVE THE SACRIFICES STOPPED? WHAT DID GOD SAY IT WOULD TAKE FOR THE SACRIFICES TO STOP?
  • 28. For the sacrifices to STOP, it would take a sacrifice that provided PERFECT cleansing by a Priest who DID achieve the perfection in people that God wanted! And that's exactly why the sacrifices have stopped. The BETTER Sacrifice by the BETTER Priest (Jesus) has made believers PERFECT and COMPLETE In Christ. Heres what God teaches in Hebrews Chapters 7 10 about Jesus BETTER SACRIFICE:
  • 35. TO SUM UP what the 3 Hebrews Ifs teach us: 1. God found fault with the people under the Old Covenant, so he implemented a BETTER New Covenant. In the New Covenant, He remembers our sin and wickedness no more. 2. In the New Covenant, God has provided a BETTER Priesthood, one that CAN make people perfect in His sight. 3. In the New Covenant, God has provided a BETTER Sacrifice, ONE sacrifice that has TAKEN AWAY ALL of mankinds sin.
  • 36. A quick note here: Jesus sacrifice took away ALL of mankinds sin. But not all of mankind automatically has Eternal Life we must COME TO JESUS and BELIEVE IN HIM to receive His Life and His Righteousness. (See TGPs Amazing Grace Course for more details.)
  • 37. So! The 3 IFs were written to the early Jewish Christians in The Letter to the Hebrews. They were being tempted (or even persecuted) to go back to Old Covenant practices. Do you think that after reading the letter their faith in JESUS and their resolve to continue trusting in HIM was strengthened? What about US are WE understanding more and more what Jesus REALLY did for us? Is this increasing our JOY!? THE JOY OF THE LORD IS OUR STRENGTH!
  • 38. On to: The 3 Hebrews Clean Consciences
  • 39. How do you feel after a long day out in the hot sun on the road, or doing gardening or at a Sports Day somewhere?
  • 40. And then you have a nice long, cool SHOWER!! How do you feel NOW!!??
  • 41. Dont you feel NICE and squeaky clean after all the dirt, sweat and grime washes away with that nice SOAP and that nice COOOOOOLLLL WATER!!!???
  • 42. What about when we SIN does that make us feel dirty on the outside AND on the inside, in our CONSCIENCES? Wouldnt it be WONDERFUL if there was a way for those dirty and guilty CONSCIENCES to be cleansed just like our bodies were cleansed when we took our lovely SHOWER?
  • 43. The bad news is, that in the Old Covenant this inner cleansing was NOT possible: (Heb 9: 9)
  • 44. The GOOD NEWS is that we are living under Gods wonderful better New Covenant. The better priesthood and the better sacrifices that are part of this covenant HAVE provided this INNER cleansing of our consciences for us! Check it out:
  • 45. Clean Consciences # 1: (Heb 9: 13)
  • 46. Clean Consciences #2: (Heb 10: 2) This is why God established a BETTER SACRIFICE. He wanted one that would provide PERFECT CLEANSING. One that would cleanse our CONSCIENCES and make our feelings of GUILT disappear!
  • 47. This seems incredible! REALLY!? God does not want us to feel guilty about our sins? For those who would like to check this Outrageous Teaching by seeing what the good old King James Version says, lets take a look:
  • 49. Clean Consciences #3: (Heb 10: 21-22)
  • 50. The previous Scripture says it ALL! When Jesus died the Sin Curtain in the temple was torn in two. This showed that the sin of ALL MANKIND had been TAKEN AWAY by the sacrifice of Jesus. Sinful people were once separated from a holy God by the curtain. Now believers live IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD, FREE from the PENALTY and the GUILT of ALL SIN. We have had a SHOWER in Jesus Blood and our previously guilty consciences have been CLEANSED.
  • 51. So now the two next BIG questions are: 1. WHY would God NOT want us to feel guilty when we sin? 2. Wont removing that weight of guilt cause us to go out and sin twice as much?
  • 52. The answer to question 1 is found right in Hebrews: The word worship here means: To worship or serve God, but NOT out of compulsion.
  • 53. Can you freely worship and serve someone who makes you feel guilty all the time? Can you have a loving relationship with a person like this? What did Adam discover about this? After he sinned, what did he do when God approached? He HID giving us a perfect example of how a loving relationship is NOT possible when GUILT exists between two people. Does God want us to FREELY worship and serve Him? This is only possible if there is NO GUILT between Him and us!
  • 54. Thats why God provided the Blood of Jesus, to:
  • 55. Question 2 is: Will we sin MORE now that God has taken away all our sin and all our guilt and has declared us to be perfectly righteous in Jesus? Romans 6: 14, Titus 2: 11 14 and the Book of Ephesians, which we are presently studying, all clearly answer this question.
  • 56. The book of Ephesians from Chapter 4 on is FULL of teaching and encouragement about how we will live as Blood-washed, guilt-free believers. Our new lives In Jesus are NOT lives which are full of sin! They USED to be, but NOT any more!
  • 57. Paul tells us: (Eph 4: 17 19)
  • 61. The world should want what we Christians have because of our JOY
  • 62. May these 3 IFs and 3 Clean Conscience TRUTHS Bring us great JOY and PEACE as we understand them and learn to rest in them.
  • 65. What is heb about? Quote3 ifs (check diff versions) Analyze (not in order) Check kjv for conscious of sin. (10:2) idea: put up kjv with this then nlt so people can see the diff Eg of melch = not proves we must tithe, proves jesus is better! (check tithing scr in nt) Check greek/amplified for meaning of perfect later on. Steve request eph ok forgiven pp and f so wht do we do when we sin he says the answer is here.
  • 68. Gods Amazing Grace frees us from the GUILT and the PENALTY of sin. Does this Amazing Grace cause us to sin more? The very book we are currently studying (Eph) teasches us very much about our lives under gods wond nc grace Steve request eph ok forgiven pp and f so wht do we do when we sin he says the answer is here. Under the oc we tried to keep thw law Under the nc we TRY to bear fruit!