Kenichi Kambara gave a presentation on Flutter at the Flutter Meetup Tokyo #1. He introduced Flutter and discussed how to save sample data using the shared_preferences plugin. Kambara emphasized that Dart is the programming language used to build Flutter GUIs and that Google announced Flutter at I/O 2018. He closed by thanking the audience and providing links to his social media profiles.
6. About me
? Droidcon Stockholm 2014
? Droidcon Spain 2014
? Droidcon Amsterdam 2013
? Droidcon Paris 2013
? Smartphone & Tablet 2014 Spring Tokyo
? Developers Summit 2013 Summer & 2015
? Mobile Dev Blog
? Android
21. - Please let me know if you have any requests ?
such as technical speeches, technical writings and so on.
Google+:+Kenichi Kambara
Thank you so much.