Homocysteine is a toxic amino acid that is normally converted to non-toxic amino acids like methionine with help from B vitamins and the liver. When these pathways are blocked, homocysteine builds up in tissues and can induce early stages of arteriosclerosis in test animals. The body needs a methyl donor like methyltetrahydrofolate to convert homocysteine to methionine through a reaction where methyltetrahydrofolate becomes tetrahydrofolate and its methyl group is transferred. This methylation helps convert aromatic amino acids to ring-hydroxylated derivatives through a reaction requiring tetrahydropterin, important for forming neurotransmitters like norepinephrine and dopamine.
Presentation from the 2013 California Transit Association Conference in Anaheim, CA. This quick overview illustrates how Omnitrans uses online marketing tools and social media to engage its rider community. Includes links to free and low cost marketing tools and examples of how to use Facebook contests to generate interesting content for embeddable slideshows.
The Shekere is a musical instrument from West Africa consisting of a dried gourd covered in a net of beads. Each Shekere produces a unique sound depending on its size. It is used in traditional ceremonies and religious worship in Africa, as well as secular music, and is enjoyed by both adults as an instrument and children as a toy.
This sandstone Shiva Linga from Cambodia dates to the 10th-11th century AD. It represents the union of the Hindu trinity through its cubic base (Brahma), octagonal section (Vishnu), and abstracted phallus at the top (Shiva). While Lingas were made throughout the Angkor period, this one's highly abstracted foreskin suggests a late 10th to early 11th century date. The popularity of the Linga cult in Cambodia blended an earlier Cambodian phallic fertility symbol with Hindu Shivaism, creating a uniquely Khmer version that allowed nature spirits to inseminate the earth.
This document is a teaching about the Jewish holiday of Sukkot. It discusses the meaning behind sitting in the sukkah and experiencing God's presence. It emphasizes having complete joy, trust in God, and strengthening one's faith during this festival. The document encourages spending as much time as possible in the sukkah, using the opportunity to speak to God in prayer and thanks. It stresses dancing and rejoicing for the full seven days of the holiday as a way to sweeten judgments and build the coming year.
The document provides photography tips including shooting subjects from above at an angle, capturing expressions with minimal or busy backgrounds, and taking candid shots.
La propuesta evalu坦 el impacto de usar una plataforma virtual y clases presenciales para mejorar la escritura en ingl辿s de 4 estudiantes de 9 a単os. Los estudiantes participaron activamente en las actividades en l鱈nea y en clase, lo que cumpli坦 con los objetivos de mejorar sus habilidades de escritura y aumentar su inter辿s en el ingl辿s usando referentes de su vida real. Aunque hubo limitaciones como la falta de tiempo y conocimiento tecnol坦gico, los resultados fueron en general positivos. El informe concluye que un enfo
Prezentare Liceul Tehnologic"C-tin Cantacuzino" Baicoi- Oferta educationala 2...Isabela Elena Ciurea
Prezentarea Liceului Baicoi, a resurselor materiale si umane, a rezultatelor, proiectelor educationale si internationale ale scolii. Oferta educationala pentru anul scolar 2015-2016.
El documento describe las diferentes categor鱈as de comercio electr坦nico, incluyendo transacciones entre compa単鱈as, compa単鱈as y clientes, y gobiernos. Tambi辿n discute medidas de seguridad como el uso de HTTPS y n炭meros clave de tarjetas. Define un producto como un conjunto de atributos tangibles e intangibles y describe una plataforma de comercio electr坦nico como teniendo un frente y back-end para administraci坦n y visualizaci坦n.
Laporan praktikum ini membahas tentang instalasi dan pengenalan OS Windows serta pembuatan blog menggunakan Blogger. Laporan dimulai dengan instalasi Mozilla Firefox sebagai web browser, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan langkah-langkah pembuatan blog meliputi pendaftaran, pemilihan template, penulisan postingan, hingga pengeditan dan penghapusan postingan. Laporan diakhiri dengan analisis dan kesimpulan singkat mengenai praktikum yang telah dilakukan.
This document reviews and compares 7 brands of 2kg SDS+ rotary hammers. It provides information on the power input, impact energy, operating modes, maximum drill bit diameter, weight, main advantages and remarks for each brand: Skil, Bosch, Makita, Bosch, DeWalt, Hitachi, and Metabo. The document aims to help with selecting tools and provides recommendations on drill bit sizes for each hammer.
1) Insidious is a 2011 horror/thriller film that was very profitable, making $59 million worldwide.
2) The film poster features the possessed son Dalton, using lighting and imagery to signify that he is the antagonist.
3) The video clip occurs near the end of the film, showing the protagonist Josh attempting to rescue his son Dalton from the demon. Tension and suspense are built through the lighting, camera angles, unsettling music and inhuman qualities of the demon.
El documento describe tres 叩reas funcionales de un escritorio: 1) elaboraci坦n, 2) planificaci坦n, y 3) impresi坦n. La segunda 叩rea se utiliza para revisar cotizaciones, planos y papeleo, y cuenta con una luz oculta en una repisa. El usuario prefiere objetos funcionales y duraderos sobre su est辿tica, lo que indica que es altamente pr叩ctico.
Ier朝cei pirmo reizi piesldzoties, sistma automtiski piedvs jums veikt iestat朝jumus.
Varat tos ierakst朝t ar朝 vlk:
- piespiediet Iestat朝jumi;
- aizpildiet laukus;
- pievienojiet sava brna fotogrfiju;
- ierakstiet to abonentu tlrua numurus, kas saems informciju no Mobigatora (parasti tie ir vecki vai citi brna tuvkie radinieki);
- saglabjiet ierakst朝tos datus;
- lai atgrieztos galvenaj lap un izmantotu pakalpojumu Mans Brns.lv, piespiediet Uz skumu.
El documento describe las diferentes categor鱈as de comercio electr坦nico, incluyendo transacciones entre compa単鱈as, compa単鱈as y clientes, y gobiernos. Tambi辿n discute medidas de seguridad como el uso de HTTPS y n炭meros clave de tarjetas. Define un producto como un conjunto de atributos tangibles e intangibles y describe una plataforma de comercio electr坦nico como teniendo un frente y back-end para administraci坦n y visualizaci坦n.
Laporan praktikum ini membahas tentang instalasi dan pengenalan OS Windows serta pembuatan blog menggunakan Blogger. Laporan dimulai dengan instalasi Mozilla Firefox sebagai web browser, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan langkah-langkah pembuatan blog meliputi pendaftaran, pemilihan template, penulisan postingan, hingga pengeditan dan penghapusan postingan. Laporan diakhiri dengan analisis dan kesimpulan singkat mengenai praktikum yang telah dilakukan.
This document reviews and compares 7 brands of 2kg SDS+ rotary hammers. It provides information on the power input, impact energy, operating modes, maximum drill bit diameter, weight, main advantages and remarks for each brand: Skil, Bosch, Makita, Bosch, DeWalt, Hitachi, and Metabo. The document aims to help with selecting tools and provides recommendations on drill bit sizes for each hammer.
1) Insidious is a 2011 horror/thriller film that was very profitable, making $59 million worldwide.
2) The film poster features the possessed son Dalton, using lighting and imagery to signify that he is the antagonist.
3) The video clip occurs near the end of the film, showing the protagonist Josh attempting to rescue his son Dalton from the demon. Tension and suspense are built through the lighting, camera angles, unsettling music and inhuman qualities of the demon.
El documento describe tres 叩reas funcionales de un escritorio: 1) elaboraci坦n, 2) planificaci坦n, y 3) impresi坦n. La segunda 叩rea se utiliza para revisar cotizaciones, planos y papeleo, y cuenta con una luz oculta en una repisa. El usuario prefiere objetos funcionales y duraderos sobre su est辿tica, lo que indica que es altamente pr叩ctico.
Ier朝cei pirmo reizi piesldzoties, sistma automtiski piedvs jums veikt iestat朝jumus.
Varat tos ierakst朝t ar朝 vlk:
- piespiediet Iestat朝jumi;
- aizpildiet laukus;
- pievienojiet sava brna fotogrfiju;
- ierakstiet to abonentu tlrua numurus, kas saems informciju no Mobigatora (parasti tie ir vecki vai citi brna tuvkie radinieki);
- saglabjiet ierakst朝tos datus;
- lai atgrieztos galvenaj lap un izmantotu pakalpojumu Mans Brns.lv, piespiediet Uz skumu.