11. And the example of those who donate their wealth, seeking Allahs愕pleasure愕and愕believing愕the愕
reward is certain, is that of a garden on a fertile hill: when heavy rain falls, it yields up twice its
normal produce. If no heavy rain falls, a drizzle is sufficient. And Allah is All-Seeing of what you
惠 悛 惡惘 266
抂ルル 愃ルル 惴ル リ跨ル惠
ル曠 悴悴 ル謂悋 惺惺惓 悴
惘悸惠 悋 惠 惠 抉リ奄悋
ル曠 惓悋 悋 ル謂惺 抉ル ル惘
ルル曠悋 悴 ル謂悋悒 惡惆ル 惠
悋惘悵 惓悋
悋 ル惠抉惘惠
慍ルルルル悵 ル謂惓惡 抉
ル 抉惠悋悋 ル
惘悴 惠
悋惠 擧 悋 悋攤 悧 擧 愕 拆 惠 惡悋 擧 擧 悸愕 擧 惠愕 拆 擧 悸 惡悸 惡悸 惘 惠愃 惘 惡攤 抂
悋惡悸惡 惘惘攤 擧 悸惘 擯惘攤 抂悸 悸惘 愕 惡 擧 攤 拆 悸 悸 悸惘 悋悵 悋 愕悸 擧悸 悋慍 悋
擯 惘 擧 悋惆 悋攤 悛 惡 擧 愕 暸 暸惠悧 擧 暸 ロ惆 悋惠 惘 悸惘 悸愕 擧 擧 莦 惘 悸惘 愕 擧
悋悧 抂 攤 悸愕 愀惡忰 悋 悸拆 悋攤 惠悋 惘 惠惘 悋 莕 悋惠 惘 惠 惡悋 擧 愆惠 擧 悋 愃惘 擧惡
惡 擧
Would any of you wish to have a garden with palm trees, grapevines, and all kinds of fruits
with rivers flowing underneath and as they grow very old with dependent children, a fiery
whirlwind hits the garden, burning it all up? This is how Allah makes His revelations clear to
you, so perhaps you will reflect.