Neutralization Reaction by Sarah Ashfaq 51 5.pptxSarah Ashfaq 51
Neutralization reaction A neutralization reaction is when an acid and a base react to form water and a salt and involves the combination of H+ ions and OH- ions to generate water. The neutralization of a strong acid and strong base has a pH equal to 7.
This document defines and describes different types of plant stems. It begins by introducing stems and their main functions of supporting leaves, flowers, and fruits and transporting water and nutrients. It then defines stems and lists their main characteristics. The bulk of the document categorizes 13 main types of stems, including herbaceous, woody, fistular, solid, jointed, cylindrical, angular, flattened, glaucous, glabrous, succulent, spiny, and prickly stems. Each type is defined and examples are provided. The document concludes that stems are the important structural axes of plants that support growth and transport water.
Virus transmission and dissemination in plants Sarah Ashfaq 51.pdfSarah Ashfaq 51
This document discusses various methods of virus transmission and dissemination in plants. It outlines 10 main methods of transmission: 1) seed transmission, 2) vegetative propagation, 3) mechanical transmission through sap, 4) soil transmission, 5) insect transmission, 6) transmission by fungi, 7) transmission by soil-inhabiting nematodes, 8) mite transmission, 9) pollen transmission, and 10) transmission by dodder. It provides examples for each method and discusses how viruses are transmitted and spread to uninfected plants.
This document provides information about the apple scab disease caused by the fungus Venturia inaequalis. It discusses the systematic position of the fungus, the symptoms of the disease including lesions on leaves and fruit, and the reproduction process involving both sexual reproduction through ascospores and asexual reproduction through conidia. The lifecycle of the fungus and disease management approaches are also summarized. Apple scab is an economically important disease that can significantly reduce apple yields. Proper fungicide application and use of resistant apple varieties are recommended for effective disease control.
living inhabitants of soil by Sarah Ashfaq 5th Semester.pptxSarah Ashfaq 51
1. The document defines soil inhabitants as organisms that live in soil for part or all of their life. It discusses the different types of living organisms found in soil, including archaea, bacteria, fungi, protists, and various fauna ranging from micro to macro in size.
2. Soil organisms play an important role in maintaining soil fertility, structure, and nutrient cycling. They break down organic matter, release nutrients, and convert them to forms usable by plants.
3. The document discusses the different size groups of soil organisms from micro to mega, providing examples such as protists, microfauna including protozoa and nematodes, mesofauna including mites and springtails, macrofauna
Introduction to plant Systematics by sarah Ashfaq.pptxSarah Ashfaq 51
This document provides an introduction to plant systematics. It discusses how early botanists like Theophrastus and Pliny helped establish the field by classifying plant species. It also mentions how Charles Darwin influenced the field with his theory of evolution in Origin of Species. The document defines key terms like plant systematics, taxonomy, and plant taxonomy. It discusses how plants are classified based on characteristics like reproductive structures. It also covers identification of plants using features of leaves, flowers, fruits, and stems. The document mentions the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature which established the binomial naming system for formally naming plant species.
VERTEBRATES.pptx by Sarah Ashfaq botanist and mycologistSarah Ashfaq 51
Vertebrates originated during the Cambrian explosion around 518 million years ago and are defined as animals that have a vertebral column or backbone. There are five main groups of vertebrates: fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. Fish are cold-blooded and live exclusively in water, while amphibians undergo metamorphosis and spend part of their life in water and part on land, and the other groups are warm-blooded and breathe air.
ASCOMYCOTA SLIDE.pptx fungi university of the punjabSarah Ashfaq 51
The document summarizes key characteristics of Ascomycota fungi. It describes:
1) General characteristics including that they sexually produce spores called ascospores contained within an ascus sac.
2) Their diverse fruiting bodies including cleistothecia, perithecia, apothecia, gymnothecia, and pseudothecia.
3) Their asexual spores including arthroconidia, microconidia, proconidia, blastic conidia, and thallic conidia. Examples of each type are provided.
This document discusses smog, including its sources, types, effects, and measures to address it. Smog forms from the combination of smoke and fog from natural and human-caused sources like vehicle emissions and industrial pollution. It exists in two main types - Los Angeles photochemical smog formed by chemical reactions involving sunlight, and London reducing smog containing high sulfur dioxide. Smog harms human health, plants, and the environment through respiratory and cardiovascular impacts, reduced visibility, and acid rain. Addressing smog requires reducing emissions and taking precautions during smog episodes. Pakistan faces severe smog problems, with plans to install anti-smog technology in Lahore and other cities in 2023.
1. Antioxidant enzymes play an important role in stabilizing or deactivating free radicals before they can damage cellular components. They work by reducing the energy of free radicals or donating electrons to make them stable.
2. Some key antioxidant enzymes in plants include superoxide dismutase, catalase, ascorbate peroxidase, monodehydroascorbate reductase, dehydroascorbate reductase, and glutathione peroxidase. Glutathione reductase also helps maintain glutathione levels.
3. Antioxidant enzymes use different mechanisms to neutralize reactive oxygen species like hydrogen peroxide and superoxide, which are natural byproducts of cellular processes but can become harmful if
The document summarizes RNA synthesis and splicing. It discusses that in eukaryotes, RNA is processed after synthesis from DNA in the nucleus. There are three main types of RNA splicing - self-splicing via ribozymes, spliceosomal splicing involving protein complexes, and polyadenylation of mRNA. Introns are non-coding regions that are spliced out, while exons are coding regions that are joined to form mature mRNA. Small nuclear RNAs and proteins form spliceosomes that catalyze splicing of spliceosomal introns in eukaryotic pre-mRNA.
Anatomy of reproductive parts. botany assignmentSarah Ashfaq 51
The document provides an overview of the anatomy of reproductive parts in plants, including seeds, flowers, and fruits. It discusses the key components and structures of seeds like the embryo, endosperm, testa, and cotyledons. It also describes the components of flowers like sepals, petals, stamens, and carpals. Additionally, it covers the types of flowers, inflorescence structures, and functions of reproductive organs.
This document discusses the sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV), which causes mosaic patterns and discoloration in sugarcane and related crops like corn. Researchers have used SCMV to screen for proteins that block insect herbivores. SCMV is transmitted by aphids and infects crops in the grass family like sugarcane, sorghum, corn, and millet. It causes yellow and green mottling on leaves and twisted new growth.
Sarah 51 Root knot disease of vegetables.pptxSarah Ashfaq 51
Root knot disease of vegetables is caused by root knot nematodes of the genus Meloidogyne. The nematodes cause galls and knots to form on roots which stunt and damage plant growth. They have a wide host range and infect many economically important crops. The nematodes have a life cycle involving eggs, juveniles and adults. Juveniles penetrate roots and cause galls to form which females feed on. Eggs are then laid outside roots, completing the cycle. Management involves cultural, chemical and biological controls like crop rotation, fumigation and use of antagonistic fungi. Root knot nematodes cause significant losses to vegetable crops in Pakistan, infecting crops like tomato, chili and cotton. Further research is needed to improve
Saline soils contain enough soluble salts to interfere with plant growth of most crop plants and are classified as saline. Reclamation of saline soils refers to removing soluble salts from the root zone. There are several methods to reclaim saline soils, including leaching salts from the soil through irrigation, subsurface drainage to remove excess water and dissolved salts, adding gypsum or organic matter to improve soil properties, and using halophytic plants that are tolerant of saline conditions. Approximately 14% of irrigated lands in Pakistan are affected by soil salinity due to improper irrigation practices and lack of drainage, resulting in significant crop yield losses.
This document defines and describes different types of plant stems. It begins by introducing stems and their main functions of supporting leaves, flowers, and fruits and transporting water and nutrients. It then defines stems and lists their main characteristics. The bulk of the document categorizes 13 main types of stems, including herbaceous, woody, fistular, solid, jointed, cylindrical, angular, flattened, glaucous, glabrous, succulent, spiny, and prickly stems. Each type is defined and examples are provided. The document concludes that stems are the important structural axes of plants that support growth and transport water.
Virus transmission and dissemination in plants Sarah Ashfaq 51.pdfSarah Ashfaq 51
This document discusses various methods of virus transmission and dissemination in plants. It outlines 10 main methods of transmission: 1) seed transmission, 2) vegetative propagation, 3) mechanical transmission through sap, 4) soil transmission, 5) insect transmission, 6) transmission by fungi, 7) transmission by soil-inhabiting nematodes, 8) mite transmission, 9) pollen transmission, and 10) transmission by dodder. It provides examples for each method and discusses how viruses are transmitted and spread to uninfected plants.
This document provides information about the apple scab disease caused by the fungus Venturia inaequalis. It discusses the systematic position of the fungus, the symptoms of the disease including lesions on leaves and fruit, and the reproduction process involving both sexual reproduction through ascospores and asexual reproduction through conidia. The lifecycle of the fungus and disease management approaches are also summarized. Apple scab is an economically important disease that can significantly reduce apple yields. Proper fungicide application and use of resistant apple varieties are recommended for effective disease control.
living inhabitants of soil by Sarah Ashfaq 5th Semester.pptxSarah Ashfaq 51
1. The document defines soil inhabitants as organisms that live in soil for part or all of their life. It discusses the different types of living organisms found in soil, including archaea, bacteria, fungi, protists, and various fauna ranging from micro to macro in size.
2. Soil organisms play an important role in maintaining soil fertility, structure, and nutrient cycling. They break down organic matter, release nutrients, and convert them to forms usable by plants.
3. The document discusses the different size groups of soil organisms from micro to mega, providing examples such as protists, microfauna including protozoa and nematodes, mesofauna including mites and springtails, macrofauna
Introduction to plant Systematics by sarah Ashfaq.pptxSarah Ashfaq 51
This document provides an introduction to plant systematics. It discusses how early botanists like Theophrastus and Pliny helped establish the field by classifying plant species. It also mentions how Charles Darwin influenced the field with his theory of evolution in Origin of Species. The document defines key terms like plant systematics, taxonomy, and plant taxonomy. It discusses how plants are classified based on characteristics like reproductive structures. It also covers identification of plants using features of leaves, flowers, fruits, and stems. The document mentions the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature which established the binomial naming system for formally naming plant species.
VERTEBRATES.pptx by Sarah Ashfaq botanist and mycologistSarah Ashfaq 51
Vertebrates originated during the Cambrian explosion around 518 million years ago and are defined as animals that have a vertebral column or backbone. There are five main groups of vertebrates: fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. Fish are cold-blooded and live exclusively in water, while amphibians undergo metamorphosis and spend part of their life in water and part on land, and the other groups are warm-blooded and breathe air.
ASCOMYCOTA SLIDE.pptx fungi university of the punjabSarah Ashfaq 51
The document summarizes key characteristics of Ascomycota fungi. It describes:
1) General characteristics including that they sexually produce spores called ascospores contained within an ascus sac.
2) Their diverse fruiting bodies including cleistothecia, perithecia, apothecia, gymnothecia, and pseudothecia.
3) Their asexual spores including arthroconidia, microconidia, proconidia, blastic conidia, and thallic conidia. Examples of each type are provided.
This document discusses smog, including its sources, types, effects, and measures to address it. Smog forms from the combination of smoke and fog from natural and human-caused sources like vehicle emissions and industrial pollution. It exists in two main types - Los Angeles photochemical smog formed by chemical reactions involving sunlight, and London reducing smog containing high sulfur dioxide. Smog harms human health, plants, and the environment through respiratory and cardiovascular impacts, reduced visibility, and acid rain. Addressing smog requires reducing emissions and taking precautions during smog episodes. Pakistan faces severe smog problems, with plans to install anti-smog technology in Lahore and other cities in 2023.
1. Antioxidant enzymes play an important role in stabilizing or deactivating free radicals before they can damage cellular components. They work by reducing the energy of free radicals or donating electrons to make them stable.
2. Some key antioxidant enzymes in plants include superoxide dismutase, catalase, ascorbate peroxidase, monodehydroascorbate reductase, dehydroascorbate reductase, and glutathione peroxidase. Glutathione reductase also helps maintain glutathione levels.
3. Antioxidant enzymes use different mechanisms to neutralize reactive oxygen species like hydrogen peroxide and superoxide, which are natural byproducts of cellular processes but can become harmful if
The document summarizes RNA synthesis and splicing. It discusses that in eukaryotes, RNA is processed after synthesis from DNA in the nucleus. There are three main types of RNA splicing - self-splicing via ribozymes, spliceosomal splicing involving protein complexes, and polyadenylation of mRNA. Introns are non-coding regions that are spliced out, while exons are coding regions that are joined to form mature mRNA. Small nuclear RNAs and proteins form spliceosomes that catalyze splicing of spliceosomal introns in eukaryotic pre-mRNA.
Anatomy of reproductive parts. botany assignmentSarah Ashfaq 51
The document provides an overview of the anatomy of reproductive parts in plants, including seeds, flowers, and fruits. It discusses the key components and structures of seeds like the embryo, endosperm, testa, and cotyledons. It also describes the components of flowers like sepals, petals, stamens, and carpals. Additionally, it covers the types of flowers, inflorescence structures, and functions of reproductive organs.
This document discusses the sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV), which causes mosaic patterns and discoloration in sugarcane and related crops like corn. Researchers have used SCMV to screen for proteins that block insect herbivores. SCMV is transmitted by aphids and infects crops in the grass family like sugarcane, sorghum, corn, and millet. It causes yellow and green mottling on leaves and twisted new growth.
Sarah 51 Root knot disease of vegetables.pptxSarah Ashfaq 51
Root knot disease of vegetables is caused by root knot nematodes of the genus Meloidogyne. The nematodes cause galls and knots to form on roots which stunt and damage plant growth. They have a wide host range and infect many economically important crops. The nematodes have a life cycle involving eggs, juveniles and adults. Juveniles penetrate roots and cause galls to form which females feed on. Eggs are then laid outside roots, completing the cycle. Management involves cultural, chemical and biological controls like crop rotation, fumigation and use of antagonistic fungi. Root knot nematodes cause significant losses to vegetable crops in Pakistan, infecting crops like tomato, chili and cotton. Further research is needed to improve
Saline soils contain enough soluble salts to interfere with plant growth of most crop plants and are classified as saline. Reclamation of saline soils refers to removing soluble salts from the root zone. There are several methods to reclaim saline soils, including leaching salts from the soil through irrigation, subsurface drainage to remove excess water and dissolved salts, adding gypsum or organic matter to improve soil properties, and using halophytic plants that are tolerant of saline conditions. Approximately 14% of irrigated lands in Pakistan are affected by soil salinity due to improper irrigation practices and lack of drainage, resulting in significant crop yield losses.
11. And the example of those who donate their wealth, seeking Allahs愕pleasure愕and愕believing愕the愕
reward is certain, is that of a garden on a fertile hill: when heavy rain falls, it yields up twice its
normal produce. If no heavy rain falls, a drizzle is sufficient. And Allah is All-Seeing of what you
惠 悛 惡惘 266
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ル曠 悴悴 ル謂悋 惺惺惓 悴
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ル曠 惓悋 悋 ル謂惺 抉ル ル惘
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慍ルルルル悵 ル謂惓惡 抉
ル 抉惠悋悋 ル
惘悴 惠
悋惠 擧 悋 悋攤 悧 擧 愕 拆 惠 惡悋 擧 擧 悸愕 擧 惠愕 拆 擧 悸 惡悸 惡悸 惘 惠愃 惘 惡攤 抂
悋惡悸惡 惘惘攤 擧 悸惘 擯惘攤 抂悸 悸惘 愕 惡 擧 攤 拆 悸 悸 悸惘 悋悵 悋 愕悸 擧悸 悋慍 悋
擯 惘 擧 悋惆 悋攤 悛 惡 擧 愕 暸 暸惠悧 擧 暸 ロ惆 悋惠 惘 悸惘 悸愕 擧 擧 莦 惘 悸惘 愕 擧
悋悧 抂 攤 悸愕 愀惡忰 悋 悸拆 悋攤 惠悋 惘 惠惘 悋 莕 悋惠 惘 惠 惡悋 擧 愆惠 擧 悋 愃惘 擧惡
惡 擧
Would any of you wish to have a garden with palm trees, grapevines, and all kinds of fruits
with rivers flowing underneath and as they grow very old with dependent children, a fiery
whirlwind hits the garden, burning it all up? This is how Allah makes His revelations clear to
you, so perhaps you will reflect.