The document discusses whether foxes should be shot or hunting banned. It includes opinions from a farmer who argues foxes destroy crops, an anonymous BBC commenter who says hunting is not a sport, and the Deputy Prime Minister who wants to abolish fox hunting in the House of Commons. The document also includes the opinion of a person who thinks fox hunting should be banned because it is unfair to the foxes and just for the rich.
2. YES!! THEY SHOULD BE SHOT Foxes should be shot because all they do is destroy the crops that we eat and other animals that we eat such as chickens. they are the most annoying animals or should I say pests ever (farmer Wilkins Scotland)
3. NO!! It should not be banned. Most definitely it should be banned. It's not a sport, just an archaic game for the rich. Anon. Comment on a BBC News 'Your view on hunting page' - June 2003
4. No they should not be shot Every time I see the Countryside Alliance and their contorted faces I redouble my determination to vote in the House of Commons to abolish foxhunting forever, John Prescott, Deputy Prime Minister Labour Party Conference - 2002.
5. What I think I think that fox hunting should be banned because it is not fair for the foxes to die just for the fun and thrill of it. Whats worse is they do it just for sport(just the rich people)