Hill climbing is a heuristic search algorithm that starts with an initial solution and iteratively improves it by incrementally changing a single element of the solution. It selects the change that results in the greatest improvement to the solution based on an evaluation function. However, hill climbing is prone to getting stuck at local optima rather than finding the global optimum. Solutions include backtracking, making larger jumps, or applying multiple changes before evaluating.
2. Artificial Intelligence search
Search techniques are general problem-solving methods. When
there is a formulated search problem, a set of states, a set of
operators, an initial state, and a goal criterion we can use search
techniques to solve the problem (Pearl & Korf, 1987)
3. Search Methods
Brute-Force / Blind Search Methods
Breadth-First Search
Depth-First Search
DFS Iterative Deepening (DFID)
Iterative Broadening
British Museum
4. Search Methods
Heuristic Search
Hill Climbing
Steepest Ascent
Branch and Bound
Best-First Search
Beam Search
Iterative-Deepening A*
Simulated Annealing
5. Hill Climbing
Looking at all of our operators, we see which one,
when applied, leads to a state closest to the goal.
We then apply that operator. The process repeats
until no operator can improve our current situation
(which may be a relative maximum, such as in the
6. Hill Climbing
Problems with hill climbing: local maxima (we've
climbed to the top of the hill, and missed the
mountain), plateau (everything around is about as
good as where we are), ridges (we're on a ridge
leading up, but we can't directly apply an operator
to improve our situation, so we have to apply
more than one operator to get there).
7. Hill Climbing
Solutions include: backtracking, making big jumps
(to handle plateaus or poor local maxima),
applying multiple rules before testing (helps with
8. Hill-Climbing Methodology
Construct a sub-optimal solution that meets the
constraints of the problem
Take the solution and make an improvement
upon it
Repeatedly improve the solution until no more
improvements are necessary/possible