This document discusses issues surrounding survivorship care and complications from cancer treatment. It begins by outlining current approaches to support/distress screening, survivorship care plans, and cancer navigation. It then discusses challenges around patient communication and literacy. Data is presented showing high levels of fear of recurrence, urinary problems, and sexual dysfunction in prostate and bladder cancer survivors. Many survivors struggle with symptoms but find limited help from available treatments. Resources for patients are often lacking, especially for low literacy patients. The need for interprofessional collaboration in survivorship care is discussed, as well as improving literacy-sensitive communication and resources for patients.
This document summarizes a study that interviewed bladder cancer patients about their views on cancer patient navigation programs. Most participants supported the idea of a navigation program and believed navigators should provide both practical assistance and psychological support. Specifically, they thought navigators should help patients understand their diagnosis and treatment, connect them to resources and support groups, and help reduce the emotional burden of cancer. The study provides insights into the types of roles and skills patients feel would be helpful for navigators assisting those diagnosed with non-muscle invasive bladder cancer.
The imprisonment of human beings at record levels is both a moral failure and an economic one¡ªespecially at a time when more and more Americans are struggling to make ends meet and when state governments confront enormous fiscal crises. This report finds, however, that mass incarceration provides a gigantic windfall for one special interest group¡ªthe private prison industry¡ªeven as current incarceration levels harm the country as a whole. While the nation¡¯s unprecedented rate of imprisonment deprives individuals of freedom, wrests loved ones from their families, and drains the resources of governments, communities, and taxpayers, the private prison industry reaps lucrative rewards. As the public good suffers from mass incarceration, private prison companies obtain more and more government dollars, and private prison executives at the leading companies rake in enormous compensation packages, in some cases totaling millions of dollars.
Graduate Intern - end of placement report templateLara Klopper
Lara Klopper completed an internship with the Polar Regions Department and Overseas Territories Directorate of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office from August 2015 to March 2016. During her internship, she supported the Marine Conservation Manager on various environmental policy initiatives and organized a ministerial event on environmental stewardship in British overseas territories. She also assisted with assessing funding bids, conducted research and analysis to support policy decisions, and helped develop learning and development programs. Her supervisors found she adapted well to new tasks, worked independently, and demonstrated strong communication, research, and project management skills.
1) El documento resume un milagro de Jes¨²s donde resucita al hijo muerto de una viuda en la ciudad de Na¨ªn.
2) Al ver a la viuda llorando, Jes¨²s se compadeci¨® de ella y le dijo "No llores", luego resucit¨® al hijo de la mujer dici¨¦ndole "Lev¨¢ntate".
3) La multitud presente qued¨® asombrada y alab¨® a Dios reconociendo a Jes¨²s como un gran profeta.
This document discusses customer relationship management (CRM). It outlines the key components and principles of CRM, including knowing your target group, personalization, loyalty, quality service, and rewarding loyal customers. The benefits of CRM are then listed as increased sales, profits, customer satisfaction, opportunities, and retention. Customer data collection, analysis, identifying targets, and implementing CRM programs are also summarized. Specific analysis techniques like data mining, market basket analysis, customer lifetime value, customer pyramid, and RFM analysis are defined.
(a*3*b) = (5 * 3 * 2) = 30
(((a*b)-(b*b))/b)*(a*b) = (((5*2)-(2*2))/2)*(5*2) = ((10-4)/2)*(10) = 30
Since the values on both sides of the comparison operator < are equal, the expression (a*3*b) < (((a*b)-(b*b))/b)*(a*b) evaluates to False.
Este documento presenta una lista de verificaci¨®n del portafolio digital de una estudiante. Consiste en 14 componentes del portafolio digital que la estudiante debi¨® completar, indicando si cada uno fue realizado y publicado en la p¨¢gina web del portafolio. La mayor¨ªa de los componentes fueron completados con ¨¦xito por la estudiante.
The document summarizes recent Supreme Court rulings that have limited or banned life without parole sentences for juveniles. It discusses how the Court has ruled such sentences unconstitutional for juveniles due to research showing their brains are still developing. As a result of recent rulings, about 2,500 juveniles already serving life without parole now have a chance at release. However, many states have not reformed their laws and still allow the sentence. The document also notes the high costs of such long sentences and that juveniles receiving life without parole often came from unstable backgrounds and experienced high rates of abuse.
El documento presenta varias opciones de programas para crear presentaciones alternativas a PowerPoint. Entre ellas se encuentran Prezi, que permite crear presentaciones din¨¢micas e interesantes; ºÝºÝߣShare, que permite compartir presentaciones de PowerPoint u otros formatos de manera p¨²blica o privada; y Google ºÝºÝߣs, que ofrece un formato similar a PowerPoint de manera gratuita en la nube.
Este documento contiene numerosos esquemas y diagramas sobre los sistemas y ¨®rganos del cuerpo humano, incluyendo los sistemas digestivo, respiratorio, circulatorio, excretor, nervioso, endocrino, muscular, esquel¨¦tico, sensorial, reproductivo y sus funciones. Tambi¨¦n incluye informaci¨®n sobre la estructura celular, membrana plasm¨¢tica, n¨²cleo celular y organelos.
1) El documento resume un milagro de Jes¨²s donde resucita al hijo muerto de una viuda en la ciudad de Na¨ªn.
2) Al ver a la viuda llorando, Jes¨²s se compadeci¨® de ella y le dijo "No llores", luego resucit¨® al hijo de la mujer dici¨¦ndole "Lev¨¢ntate".
3) La multitud presente qued¨® asombrada y alab¨® a Dios reconociendo a Jes¨²s como un gran profeta.
This document discusses customer relationship management (CRM). It outlines the key components and principles of CRM, including knowing your target group, personalization, loyalty, quality service, and rewarding loyal customers. The benefits of CRM are then listed as increased sales, profits, customer satisfaction, opportunities, and retention. Customer data collection, analysis, identifying targets, and implementing CRM programs are also summarized. Specific analysis techniques like data mining, market basket analysis, customer lifetime value, customer pyramid, and RFM analysis are defined.
(a*3*b) = (5 * 3 * 2) = 30
(((a*b)-(b*b))/b)*(a*b) = (((5*2)-(2*2))/2)*(5*2) = ((10-4)/2)*(10) = 30
Since the values on both sides of the comparison operator < are equal, the expression (a*3*b) < (((a*b)-(b*b))/b)*(a*b) evaluates to False.
Este documento presenta una lista de verificaci¨®n del portafolio digital de una estudiante. Consiste en 14 componentes del portafolio digital que la estudiante debi¨® completar, indicando si cada uno fue realizado y publicado en la p¨¢gina web del portafolio. La mayor¨ªa de los componentes fueron completados con ¨¦xito por la estudiante.
The document summarizes recent Supreme Court rulings that have limited or banned life without parole sentences for juveniles. It discusses how the Court has ruled such sentences unconstitutional for juveniles due to research showing their brains are still developing. As a result of recent rulings, about 2,500 juveniles already serving life without parole now have a chance at release. However, many states have not reformed their laws and still allow the sentence. The document also notes the high costs of such long sentences and that juveniles receiving life without parole often came from unstable backgrounds and experienced high rates of abuse.
El documento presenta varias opciones de programas para crear presentaciones alternativas a PowerPoint. Entre ellas se encuentran Prezi, que permite crear presentaciones din¨¢micas e interesantes; ºÝºÝߣShare, que permite compartir presentaciones de PowerPoint u otros formatos de manera p¨²blica o privada; y Google ºÝºÝߣs, que ofrece un formato similar a PowerPoint de manera gratuita en la nube.
Este documento contiene numerosos esquemas y diagramas sobre los sistemas y ¨®rganos del cuerpo humano, incluyendo los sistemas digestivo, respiratorio, circulatorio, excretor, nervioso, endocrino, muscular, esquel¨¦tico, sensorial, reproductivo y sus funciones. Tambi¨¦n incluye informaci¨®n sobre la estructura celular, membrana plasm¨¢tica, n¨²cleo celular y organelos.