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HIVE Data Migration
NHN Comico Data Laboratory
Bopyo Hong
1. Concept
2. Export Data
from Old Hadoop Cluster
3. Data Copy
from Old Hadoop Cluster to New one
4. Import Data
to New Hadoop Cluster
5. Reference sites
Migration of Hive data from old hadoop cluster to new one
(old version)
(new version)
Export Data from Old Hadoop Cluster - 1
1. To make table list of database you want to export
Hive doesnt support to export/import by DB unit
$ hive --database test -e 'SHOW TABLES' | sed -e '1d' > table_list.txt
2. To make export statements that is executed by partition
when you export whole table(not use partition), if the table is very big the export will
take too long time. So I recommend use partition.
In this example, export 2015-10-01 ~ 2014-10-31 partition
ex) partition name is dt
$ source make_cmd_export_by_partition.sh 20151001 20151101 > export_201510.q
Export Data from Old Hadoop Cluster - 2
$vi make_cmd_export_by_partition.sh
until [ "$rundate" == "$enddate" ]
TBLS=(`cat table_list.txt`)
for TBL in ${TBLS[@]}
echo "export table ${TBL} PARTITION (dt='$DATE2') to '/user/hadoop/temp_export_dir/${TBL}/dt=$DATE2';"
rundate=`date --date="$rundate +1 day" +%Y%m%d`
Export Data from Old Hadoop Cluster - 3
3. Export of test DB
$ source export_by_hive.sh export_201510.q
$vi export_by_hive.sh
echo "export start `date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'`
# all tables couldnt have same partitions, so need a option (-hiveconf hive.cli.errors.ignore=true)
hive -hiveconf hive.cli.errors.ignore=true --database test -f $1
echo "export end `date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'`"
Data Copy from old hadoop cluster to new one
Data copy by using distcp command
You should execute distcp command on new hadoop cluster
old cluster url -> hftp://namenode_hostname:50070
new cluster url -> hdfs://namenode_hostname:8020
$ source distcp_script.sh
$ vi distcp_script.sh
echo "`date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'` distcp start
# -pb option is necessary to avoid errors that could happen by difference of block size between old and new cluster
hadoop distcp -pb hftp://old_host:50070/user/hadoop/temp_export_dir hdfs://new_host:8020/user/bopyo.hong/temp_import_dir
echo "`date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'` distcp end
Import Data to New Hadoop Cluster - 1
1. To make import statement that is executed by partition
$ source make_cmd_import_by_partition.sh 20151001 20151101 > import_201510.q
$ vi make_cmd_import_by_partition.sh
TBLS=(`cat table_list.txt`)
until [ "$rundate" == "$enddate" ]
for TBL in ${TBLS[@]}
echo "import table ${TBL} PARTITION (dt='$DATE2') from '/user/bopyo.hong/temp_import_dir/${TBL}/dt=$DATE2';"
rundate=`date --date="$rundate +1 day" +%Y%m%d`
Import Data to New Hadoop Cluster - 2
2. Import tables of test DB
$ source import_by_hiveql.sh import_201510.q
$ vi import_by_hiveql.sh
echo "import start `date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'`
# all tables couldnt have same partitions so need a option (-hiveconf hive.cli.errors.ignore=true)
hive -hiveconf hive.cli.errors.ignore=true --database test -f $1
echo "export start `date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'`"
Reference site

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Hive data migration (export/import)

  • 1. HIVE Data Migration NHN Comico Data Laboratory Bopyo Hong 2015-11-05
  • 2. Overview 1. Concept 2. Export Data from Old Hadoop Cluster 3. Data Copy from Old Hadoop Cluster to New one 4. Import Data to New Hadoop Cluster 5. Reference sites
  • 3. Concept Migration of Hive data from old hadoop cluster to new one Hive (old version) Hive (new version)
  • 4. Export Data from Old Hadoop Cluster - 1 1. To make table list of database you want to export Hive doesnt support to export/import by DB unit $ hive --database test -e 'SHOW TABLES' | sed -e '1d' > table_list.txt 2. To make export statements that is executed by partition when you export whole table(not use partition), if the table is very big the export will take too long time. So I recommend use partition. In this example, export 2015-10-01 ~ 2014-10-31 partition ex) partition name is dt /user/hive/warehouse/test.db/tablename/dt=2015-10-01 /user/hive/warehouse/test.db/tablename/dt=2015-10-02 /user/hive/warehouse/test.db/tablename/dt=2015-10-03 .. /user/hive/warehouse/test.db/tablename/dt=2015-10-31 $ source make_cmd_export_by_partition.sh 20151001 20151101 > export_201510.q
  • 5. Export Data from Old Hadoop Cluster - 2 $vi make_cmd_export_by_partition.sh #!/bin/bash startdate=$1 enddate=$2 rundate="$startdate" until [ "$rundate" == "$enddate" ] do YEAR=${rundate:0:4} MONTH=${rundate:4:2} DAY=${rundate:6:2} DATE2=${YEAR}'-'${MONTH}'-'${DAY} TBLS=(`cat table_list.txt`) for TBL in ${TBLS[@]} do echo "export table ${TBL} PARTITION (dt='$DATE2') to '/user/hadoop/temp_export_dir/${TBL}/dt=$DATE2';" echo done rundate=`date --date="$rundate +1 day" +%Y%m%d` done
  • 6. Export Data from Old Hadoop Cluster - 3 3. Export of test DB $ source export_by_hive.sh export_201510.q $vi export_by_hive.sh #!/bin/bash echo "export start `date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'` # all tables couldnt have same partitions, so need a option (-hiveconf hive.cli.errors.ignore=true) hive -hiveconf hive.cli.errors.ignore=true --database test -f $1 echo "export end `date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'`"
  • 7. Data Copy from old hadoop cluster to new one Data copy by using distcp command You should execute distcp command on new hadoop cluster old cluster url -> hftp://namenode_hostname:50070 new cluster url -> hdfs://namenode_hostname:8020 $ source distcp_script.sh $ vi distcp_script.sh #!/bin/bash echo "`date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'` distcp start # -pb option is necessary to avoid errors that could happen by difference of block size between old and new cluster hadoop distcp -pb hftp://old_host:50070/user/hadoop/temp_export_dir hdfs://new_host:8020/user/bopyo.hong/temp_import_dir echo "`date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'` distcp end
  • 8. Import Data to New Hadoop Cluster - 1 1. To make import statement that is executed by partition $ source make_cmd_import_by_partition.sh 20151001 20151101 > import_201510.q $ vi make_cmd_import_by_partition.sh #!/bin/bash TBLS=(`cat table_list.txt`) startdate=$1 enddate=$2 rundate="$startdate" until [ "$rundate" == "$enddate" ] do YEAR=${rundate:0:4} MONTH=${rundate:4:2} DAY=${rundate:6:2} DATE2=${YEAR}'-'${MONTH}'-'${DAY} for TBL in ${TBLS[@]} do echo "import table ${TBL} PARTITION (dt='$DATE2') from '/user/bopyo.hong/temp_import_dir/${TBL}/dt=$DATE2';" echo done rundate=`date --date="$rundate +1 day" +%Y%m%d` done
  • 9. Import Data to New Hadoop Cluster - 2 2. Import tables of test DB $ source import_by_hiveql.sh import_201510.q $ vi import_by_hiveql.sh #!/bin/bash echo "import start `date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'` # all tables couldnt have same partitions so need a option (-hiveconf hive.cli.errors.ignore=true) hive -hiveconf hive.cli.errors.ignore=true --database test -f $1 echo "export start `date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'`"