HMV was founded in London in 1921 as a record store, building on a record producer called The Gramophone Company established in 1899. HMV stands for "His Master's Voice," which is the name of a painting depicting a dog listening intently to a gramophone that served as the company's logo since it was acquired in 1899. The logo has evolved slightly over the years but maintains the iconic image of the dog peering into a horn-shaped gramophone.
2. WHEN WAS IT HMV was founded in London, England
FOUNDED? on 20 July 1921 but the logo is from 1899
when HMV was a record producer called
The Gramophone Company.
The first HMV shop
opening in Oxford
Street, London
3. WHAT DOES IT HMV stands for His Masters
STAND FOR Voice, which is the name of the painting
AND WHY that the dog looking into a
DOES IT HAVE gramophone logo is taken from. It was
ITS LOGO? bought from the painter in 1899 and
adopted into the companys logo.
His Masters Voice
HMVs original logo in 1899
To this logo
And then this logo