The document summarizes an upcoming meeting in Krakow on December 17-18, 2013 to discuss using arts, culture, and guided tours to benefit Alzheimer's patients and their informal carers. Specific initiatives that will be discussed include using museums to promote well-being, new partnerships between cultural and healthcare institutions, and strategies for addressing budget cuts that threaten collaboration opportunities. The organizers hope to share innovative practices and learn from all attendees.
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7. Arts Culture - WelbeingArts Culture - Welbeing
One ounce of culture = one pound of care
Integration worlds of arts, culture and care
New initiatives Musees and Institutions
Budget cuts are a threat and a challenge
8. Experience Art-AgeExperience Art-Age
EU programs Grundtvig
Fundraising nationally, regionally, locally
Networks with cultural/social institutions
Identify, analyze and share innovation
What would we likeWhat would we like
To learn from you all as much as possible
9. What would we like?What would we like?
To learn from you as much as possible
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