This presentation horror story from many years ago describes a senior benefits consultant giving an actuarial valuation presentation to a board of directors using an overhead projector. During the presentation, the consultant used a marker to annotate a graph that was projected on the wall, circling numbers and writing details directly on the wall. However, after she finished, the directors informed her that while the results were now clear, they would need to paint the entire wall to remove the annotations, causing embarrassment.
2. Presentation horror storyThe backgroundIt happened many years ago, in a time when overhead projectors were the most technological resource for presentations (no PowerPoint by then)I was a senior benefits consultant and together with a partner consultant we met with a large multinational company to present the actuarial valuation results to the board of directors (big guys, lots of tension)2
3. Presentation horror storyThe presentationMy colleague, the partner consultant, was the one conducting the meeting and the presentationIt was pretty usual during those years to project the images of the overhead projectors directly into white wallsShe started the presentation and after a couple of pages there was a graph with lots of numbersIn order to make it easy for the directors to understand the results, she approached the graph projected in the wall and¡.3
4. Presentation horror storyThe horror story¡ with a magic marker she started to circle numbers, highlight points and write directly in the image (instead of doing it in the paper sitting on the overhead projector) When she was done, the directors told her that all the numbers and results were clear, but they would need to paint the entire wall!!! That¡¯s my true presentation horror story,4 old but funny! 4