The document discusses how blogs can benefit a company. It defines blogs and blog posts, noting that blogs allow writers to share experiences and opinions. Blogs are important for driving traffic, search engine optimization, positioning a brand as an industry leader, and developing customer relationships. For the presenter's company, blog posts have resulted in over 1,400 page views per month and nearly 20% of visitors converting to the company website. The document provides tips for improving blog posts such as using compelling titles, asking open-ended questions, and including valuable content.
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How blogs are affecting your company
1. How blogs are affecting
you company?
Linda Martin
Senior Vice President, Worldwide Sales
March 24, <year>
2. Presentation plan
1) What are blogs and blog posts?
2) Why are they important?
3) What is the outcome of your blog posts?
a) For the company
b) For yourself
4) How to improve your blog posts?
5) Summary
4. 1. What are blogs and blog posts?
1. The action that is performed by a person when
they make a post to a web log or a blog -
displayed in reverse chronological order
2. A website containing a writer's or group of
writers' own experiences, observations, opinions,
etc., and often having images and links to other
3. We have a corporate blog used externally for
marketing, branding and public relations.
5. 1. What are blogs and blog posts?
1. The action that is performed by a person when
they make a post to a web log or a blog -
displayed in reverse chronological order
2. A website containing a writer's or group of
writers' own experiences, observations, opinions,
etc., and often having images and links to other
3. We have a corporate blog used externally for
marketing, branding and public relations.
6. 2. Why are they important?
Share it in the comment section
bellow or tweet it so we can discuss !
7. 2. Why are they important?
Drive traffic to your website
Increase your website SEO
Position your brand as an industry leader
Develop better customer relationships
8. 2. Why are they important?
Position yourself as an expert and trustworthy
go-to person in your field
Build trust
Increase level of Professionalism
Inbound marketing strategy that cuts down our
marketing costs
10. 3. What is the outcome in our
company from blog posts?
For month and a half :
1429 page views with 294 users for our blog page
992 page views with 271 users for our website
Reach in Bulgaria, India, United States, Sweden, United Kingdom and Germany
17,3% conversion from blog posts to our website
Avarage our visitors are spending
4.01 mins for our blog page
2.58 mins for our website
11. 4.How to improve your blog posts?
1) Make good titles
12. 4.How to improve your blog posts?
1) Make good titles
2) Ask questions with open answers
13. 4.How to improve your blog posts?
1) Make good titles
2) Ask questions with open answers
3) Tell people to comment
14. 4.How to improve your blog posts?
1) Make good titles
2) Ask questions with open answers
3) Tell people to comment
4) Around 300-400 words
5) Put more links to bigger websites
6) More numbers and comparisons
15. 4.How to improve your blog posts?
1) Make good titles
2) Ask questions with open answers
3) Tell people to comment
4) Around 300-400 words
5) Put more links to bigger websites
6) More numbers and comparisons
7) Good content with added value for the reader !
16. 5. Summary
Corporate blogs add huge value for INBOUND marketing
Blogs make our company more transparent
Future LEADS see with whom will they work
The blog post solves a PROBLEM
55% more website visitors with a blog
88% more leads per month with a blog (B2C)
67% more leads per month with a blog (B2B)
We build TRUST in our future clients