To build a house:
1. Work as a team and use cement to make a strong base.
2. Use tools like hammers and saws, and hire experts like engineers and builders.
3. Design a plan, get permits, and consider the terrain when choosing land.
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How do we_build
1. How do we
Work as a team going to build a
Use cement to house
make a strong You can use
base bricks and wood
Use tools such as: You might need
hammer, experts:
spanner, screw engineers,
driver, saw, drill, builders, tilers,
nails, pliers, jack plumber,
hammer, circular painter,
saw electrician,
Design a plan renovator, etc
Get a permit You have to
You will need think about the
land if you are terrain eg) if
its sandy you
2. need something You will need to
extra strong decorate
You can paint You need to
inside and know if the
outside ground is level
Think about the You need to
weather eg) if know how big
you paint everything is
outside when its going to be
raining it will You might need
run off a blue print
You will need You need to
lots of materials follow the plan
You will need and the
machinery eg) instructions
trucks, You need to let
bulldozers, things dry eg)
wrecking ball paint, glue
Use glue to stick You could use
things together rope
Use coloured You will have to
paper to look think about
like flowers where it should