How does massage therapy work? Massage therapy can prove effective. It reduces physical and mental stress. A massage therapist gives a massage according to the issues you are facing. Massage therapy is a technique of physical therapy in which a massage therapist uses diverse bodily movements or devices on various parts of the body to enhance its condition. Massage therapy is a physical therapy that helps in relieving stress and anxiety disorder. A massage therapist gives a therapeutic massage that helps in relaxation. A massage therapist gives therapeutic massage by using controlled body motions on the soft tissues. This results in a relaxed mind and body. Massage therapy consists of various types of massages: Effleurage, Petrissage, Friction, Tapotement, Vibration. A massage therapist designs a plan to give therapeutic massage according to our needs. A therapeutic massage can also consist of other elements like the use of music, power naps, and fragrances depending upon individuals which can greatly augment its benefit. Every physical therapy or type of massage holds a special power to treat a specific type or a broad variety of problems. Only a skilled massage therapist can give physical therapy with special hand movements. Massage therapy consists of Swedish Massage, Aromatherapy, Craniosacral therapy, Deep tissue massage, Sports massage. Massage therapy is given according to the issues that you want to solve. Massage therapy helps athletes to boost their performance and relax their bodies. The various massage therapy methods are used pre-game to relax muscles and prevent possible injuries. Like, Share and Subscribe: #massagetherapy #massage #massagetherapist Are you looking for the best physiotherapist in Los Angeles? -