A detailed research study on the retail industry and how it was effected by the U.S. recession in 2008-2009.
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How Has the Economy Affected the Retail Industry
1. How Has the
Economy Affected
the Retail Industry?
2. Retail Industry Review
2007 was the start
40% of consumers were affected in the first year
2008 Brand Loyalty Thrown out the window
March 2008 67% of consumers bought the brand they
March 2010 - %57 of consumers did the same
2010 Great American Pantry Study
93% Will still spend cautiously
81% Find it fun to see how much they can save
3. Introduction
How the economy has affected the retail
Created a 15 question survey
Analyzed via SurveyMonkey.com
Sample 4 local malls
Within a 20 mile radius of Lasell College
88 Retail stores
Distributed surveys to each manager
Personal interview
4. Objectives
What is the affect of the economy on.
hiring practices/ expansion and downsizing
promotional methods/ pricing strategies
clothing lines
consumer traffic
.in men and womens retail stores?
5. Sampling
Clothing stores in the retail industry
High and low end retailers
4 malls in the Boston area
Phone surveys V.S. Walk in surveys
6. Methodology
Our Objectives
Split into Groups
Assigned 12-14 Stores Each
Designated Malls
Create Surveys
Distribute Surveys
Analyze Results
7. Methodology
Face to face
Explaining our research
Confidential & Anonymous
Timing = Key
8. Data Analysis
hiring practices/ expansion and downsizing
promotional methods/ pricing strategies
clothing lines
consumer traffic
9. Hiring Practices Expansion/Downsizing
Which has occurred more recently within the last three years for any of
your greater Boston Locations?
A new store has opened.
An existing store has closed.
All 47 participants responded
46.8% (22) = Neither
31.9% (15) = New store has opened
21.3% (10) = Existing store has closed
10. Are you currently:
Hiring new employee's?
Letting employees go?
30 participants responded
All said they were hiring
Managers = 14 checks
Sales associates = 27 checks
Cashiers = 12 checks
Approximately how many?
4-7 Follow up question
30% (9) = 1-3
8-10 26.7% (7) = 4-7
>10 10.0% (3) = 8-10
33.3% (10) = >10
12. Promotions/Media Outlets
1-5 Sales/ Year
May be controlled by Corporate
In-Store = Online
Technology = Less $ cost
13. Pricing Strategy
Waiting period remained the same
1-4 Months Wait to Mark Down
Seasonal Changes
Quarterly Sales
14. Inventory
The poor conditions of the economy have had a negative
effect on our inventory levels.
37% Slightly Agree
26.1% Strongly Disagree
61.9% in total Agree
39.1% in total Disagree
15. Clothing Lines
Since the economic downturn, has there been increase, decrease or no
change in in new clothing lines entering your store?
43.2% Have seen an increase
11.4% Have seen a decrease
38.6% Have seen no change
6.8% Responded other
16. Consumer Traffic
For every 10 customers that come into your store, how many of them actually
make a purchase?
All 10
42 participants responded
35.7% (15) = 0-2
40.5% (17) = 3-5
23.8% (10) = 6-8
0% (0) = All 10
17. What is the average purchase total of the customers from question 11?
$25 and lower
$100 and higher
Follow up question
0.0% (0) = $25 and lower
14.3% (6) = $25-$50
31.0% (13) = $50-$100
52.4% (22) = $100 and higher
2.4% (1) = Other
18. Competition
Quality 55.6%
$ to go a long way
Price 22.2%
Bad economy dont want
to spend too much
Want quality at the same time
Other 11.1%
Brand name
Loyalty to store
Bottom two results:
1 response
Shopping mall no competitive
offer the same clothes with
similar clothing lines
isnt much differentiation
19. Competition
39.1% (18)
Slightly Disagree
23.9% (11)
Slightly Agree
17.4% (8)
* The top three
answers only had a
7 response
difference each
20. Competition
Slightly agreed (11)
responses making up
Slightly disagree (10)
at 21.7%.
Very close results
Possible confusion to the
21. Conclusion
Retail Stores Are:
Hiring, Not Firing
More than 10 people
Stores not Closing or Opening
Using Pricing Promotions
1-5 Sales/Year
In Store & Online Promotions
Wait 1-4 Months to Mark Items Down
Agreeing Economy = Negative on Inventory
No change/ Increase in inventory levels. ???
22. Conclusion
Retail Stores Are:
Making Less Sales
0-5 of 10 customers make a purchase
Purchase Total = $100+
Focusing on Quality
Quality is most competitive advantage
Enjoy location in the Mall
Disagree theyd be more competitive elsewhere
Disagree & Agree on Recession
Recession= Bigger threat to stores than competition
24. How the retail industry Learned from trial and
is affected by the error.
How to conduct
Prepared us for the
Challenging and
25. References
"Economy Permanently Changes Shopping Habits -
Retailer Daily." Retailer Daily: News & Data for
Retailers, Ecommerce Managers, Their Suppliers and
Partners. Web. 24 Feb. 2011.