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Editor's Notes

  1. GAME- 3 mins Resources: Game Card Envelopes Objective: The idea is to have the teams match up each date card with the corresponding event card. Give the groups 3 mins to complete this. Once complete go to the next screen to reveal the correct answers. Then walk through each event explaining a little about it revealing the history of timeshare.
  2. GAME- 3 mins Resources: Game Card Envelopes Objective: The idea is to have the teams match up each date card with the corresponding event card. Give the groups 3 mins to complete this. Once complete go to the next screen to reveal the correct answers. Then walk through each event explaining a little about it revealing the history of timeshare.
  3. Speaker Notes: Who can tell me what this is? A: Apple Macintosh PC And this? A:The Latest Macbook Air Just like technology has evolved over time, so has the timeshare product and industry! Timeshare is not a new concept, and certainly not a new industry. The challenge that we face today is overcoming the stigma that was placed on the industry in the 1980s by all of those fly-by-night traders who damaged the reputation of not only the industry but also the product. As a business we have a responsibility to change this perception by doing the right thing by consumers and displaying integrity in our business operations. The second challenge we have is overcoming the perception that many people have of our product. When you think of a computer, which of these images come to mind? When most people think of timeshare, what comes to mind? We can all influence that perception! So what does our product actually look like today?
  4. Speaker Notes: Who can tell me what this is? A: Apple Macintosh PC And this? A:The Latest Macbook Air Just like technology has evolved over time, so has the timeshare product and industry! Timeshare is not a new concept, and certainly not a new industry. The challenge that we face today is overcoming the stigma that was placed on the industry in the 1980s by all of those fly-by-night traders who damaged the reputation of not only the industry but also the product. As a business we have a responsibility to change this perception by doing the right thing by consumers and displaying integrity in our business operations. The second challenge we have is overcoming the perception that many people have of our product. When you think of a computer, which of these images come to mind? When most people think of timeshare, what comes to mind? We can all influence that perception! So what does our product actually look like today?
  5. Speaker Notes: Who can tell me what this is? A: Apple Macintosh PC And this? A:The Latest Macbook Air Just like technology has evolved over time, so has the timeshare product and industry! Timeshare is not a new concept, and certainly not a new industry. The challenge that we face today is overcoming the stigma that was placed on the industry in the 1980s by all of those fly-by-night traders who damaged the reputation of not only the industry but also the product. As a business we have a responsibility to change this perception by doing the right thing by consumers and displaying integrity in our business operations. The second challenge we have is overcoming the perception that many people have of our product. When you think of a computer, which of these images come to mind? When most people think of timeshare, what comes to mind? We can all influence that perception! So what does our product actually look like today?
  6. Speaker Notes: Who can tell me what this is? A: Apple Macintosh PC And this? A:The Latest Macbook Air Just like technology has evolved over time, so has the timeshare product and industry! Timeshare is not a new concept, and certainly not a new industry. The challenge that we face today is overcoming the stigma that was placed on the industry in the 1980s by all of those fly-by-night traders who damaged the reputation of not only the industry but also the product. As a business we have a responsibility to change this perception by doing the right thing by consumers and displaying integrity in our business operations. The second challenge we have is overcoming the perception that many people have of our product. When you think of a computer, which of these images come to mind? When most people think of timeshare, what comes to mind? We can all influence that perception! So what does our product actually look like today?
  7. Speaker Notes: Who can tell me what this is? A: Apple Macintosh PC And this? A:The Latest Macbook Air Just like technology has evolved over time, so has the timeshare product and industry! Timeshare is not a new concept, and certainly not a new industry. The challenge that we face today is overcoming the stigma that was placed on the industry in the 1980s by all of those fly-by-night traders who damaged the reputation of not only the industry but also the product. As a business we have a responsibility to change this perception by doing the right thing by consumers and displaying integrity in our business operations. The second challenge we have is overcoming the perception that many people have of our product. When you think of a computer, which of these images come to mind? When most people think of timeshare, what comes to mind? We can all influence that perception! So what does our product actually look like today?
  8. Speaker Notes: Who can tell me what this is? A: Apple Macintosh PC And this? A:The Latest Macbook Air Just like technology has evolved over time, so has the timeshare product and industry! Timeshare is not a new concept, and certainly not a new industry. The challenge that we face today is overcoming the stigma that was placed on the industry in the 1980s by all of those fly-by-night traders who damaged the reputation of not only the industry but also the product. As a business we have a responsibility to change this perception by doing the right thing by consumers and displaying integrity in our business operations. The second challenge we have is overcoming the perception that many people have of our product. When you think of a computer, which of these images come to mind? When most people think of timeshare, what comes to mind? We can all influence that perception! So what does our product actually look like today?
  9. Speaker Notes: Who can tell me what this is? A: Apple Macintosh PC And this? A:The Latest Macbook Air Just like technology has evolved over time, so has the timeshare product and industry! Timeshare is not a new concept, and certainly not a new industry. The challenge that we face today is overcoming the stigma that was placed on the industry in the 1980s by all of those fly-by-night traders who damaged the reputation of not only the industry but also the product. As a business we have a responsibility to change this perception by doing the right thing by consumers and displaying integrity in our business operations. The second challenge we have is overcoming the perception that many people have of our product. When you think of a computer, which of these images come to mind? When most people think of timeshare, what comes to mind? We can all influence that perception! So what does our product actually look like today?