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How Technological Advances VS Human Values in the 
Play? Waiting For Gogot 
 Paper:- 9 The Modernist Literature 
 Roll No:- 26 
 M.A. Part ii Sem iii 
 Year:- 2013-15 
 Submitted to:- Smt. S.B.Gardi 
Department of English 
M.K.Bhavnagar University. 
Prepared by: Sejal Chauhan 
Date: 1/10/2014
l advances 
occur all 
While human 
changes little 
and at a 
much slower 
Commercially bottled water stands as just one of a 
sundry of items that human technology has conjured 
up over the years. 
It seems as though the average person can not go 
through a day without seeing a symbol of this 
phenomenon, whether it is a vending machine, an 
empty contains lying in the gutter or a person 
clutching a plastic bottle in their hand.
Present technological 
Cellular phone 
 Can you here me now? 
 It is almost a gurantee that during the course of a 
class period, a ringtone or the buzzing of the 
vibrating mode will shake the air. 
 Human nature exists right along side its technology.
 Kurt Vonnegut and Samuel Beckett use their writings 
to illustrate what needs to be a part of human 
existence besides human values and technology. 
 Samuel Beckett spent two acts 
 A couple of days in the lives of Vladimir aaaa use and 
Estragon in Waiting for Godot. 
 Setting  A cuontry road, A tree, 
 Events in the play could happen in any century. 
 Anywhere there is a country road and a tree. 
 Vladimir and Estragon occupy space along a 
roadside talking about and Waiting for life to 
How Technological Advances vs Human Values in the Play? (Waiting for Godot)
 They discuss hanging themselves, 
but put it off and never get around 
to it. 
 Lake of action is at the end of each ac 
act when one of them asks, 
 Well? Shall we 
go? And other 
 Lets hang 
 Yes, lets go. 
and neither 
 Beckett created a couple of spectators who did things 
to pass the time. 
 They anticipate the coming of a man who never 
shows up. 
 Godot will never come today, but he will tomorrow. 
 The two travelers, Pozzo and Lucky, do not recognize 
Vladimir and Estragon the second time around 
 Vladimir and Estragon are nobodies who do not 
impact anyone elses lives but their own. 
 Becketts piece demonstrates what peoples lives 
would be like if they existed but did little of anything 
The main characters wait for their ship to 
come in which they should really be paving 
their own way. 
Fictional setting , should construct their own 
meaning and apply it to their lives instead 
of waiting for live to happen.
 The world of today can be likened to The Beatles 
song Revolution 9. 
 Verbal and musical sound clips coming forth in 
stereo, the one staple of the song is the spoken 
phrase, Number nine. 
 All of those sound clips can be compared to the 
advancing technology that encompasses civilization, 
and the repeating phrase can be looked at as human 
 The surrounding noise goes by and changes while 
that phrase does not.
Civilization has witnessed the evolution of 
the phonograph to the, iPod , the typewriter 
to the laptop, working hours in the kitchen 
to the introduction of t.v. dinners. 
With all of those developments, humans still 
have to confront discrimination of all kinds, 
and values hold strong.
Present human values need an update 
because they are holding back those who recognize 
the need for change. Technology will keep 
progressing. Now, if only human values could catch 
Thank you

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How Technological Advances vs Human Values in the Play? (Waiting for Godot)

  • 1. How Technological Advances VS Human Values in the Play? Waiting For Gogot Paper:- 9 The Modernist Literature Roll No:- 26 M.A. Part ii Sem iii Year:- 2013-15 Submitted to:- Smt. S.B.Gardi Department of English M.K.Bhavnagar University. Prepared by: Sejal Chauhan Date: 1/10/2014
  • 2. Technologica l advances occur all around. While human values changes little and at a much slower pace.
  • 3. Commercially bottled water stands as just one of a sundry of items that human technology has conjured up over the years. It seems as though the average person can not go through a day without seeing a symbol of this phenomenon, whether it is a vending machine, an empty contains lying in the gutter or a person clutching a plastic bottle in their hand.
  • 4. Present technological advances Cellular phone Can you here me now? It is almost a gurantee that during the course of a class period, a ringtone or the buzzing of the vibrating mode will shake the air. Human nature exists right along side its technology.
  • 5. Kurt Vonnegut and Samuel Beckett use their writings to illustrate what needs to be a part of human existence besides human values and technology. Example Samuel Beckett spent two acts Slaughterho A couple of days in the lives of Vladimir aaaa use and Five Estragon in Waiting for Godot. Setting A cuontry road, A tree, Events in the play could happen in any century. Anywhere there is a country road and a tree. Vladimir and Estragon occupy space along a roadside talking about and Waiting for life to happen.
  • 7. They discuss hanging themselves, but put it off and never get around to it. Lake of action is at the end of each ac act when one of them asks, Well? Shall we go? And other responds, Lets hang ourselves immediatel y! Yes, lets go. and neither move.
  • 8. Beckett created a couple of spectators who did things to pass the time. They anticipate the coming of a man who never shows up. Godot will never come today, but he will tomorrow. The two travelers, Pozzo and Lucky, do not recognize Vladimir and Estragon the second time around Vladimir and Estragon are nobodies who do not impact anyone elses lives but their own. Becketts piece demonstrates what peoples lives would be like if they existed but did little of anything else.
  • 9. The main characters wait for their ship to come in which they should really be paving their own way. Fictional setting , should construct their own meaning and apply it to their lives instead of waiting for live to happen.
  • 10. The world of today can be likened to The Beatles song Revolution 9. Verbal and musical sound clips coming forth in stereo, the one staple of the song is the spoken phrase, Number nine. All of those sound clips can be compared to the advancing technology that encompasses civilization, and the repeating phrase can be looked at as human values. The surrounding noise goes by and changes while that phrase does not.
  • 11. Civilization has witnessed the evolution of the phonograph to the, iPod , the typewriter to the laptop, working hours in the kitchen to the introduction of t.v. dinners. With all of those developments, humans still have to confront discrimination of all kinds, and values hold strong.
  • 12. Conclusion:- Present human values need an update because they are holding back those who recognize the need for change. Technology will keep progressing. Now, if only human values could catch up.