El documento critica las reformas educativas que priorizan lo productivo sobre lo moral y humanista. Argumenta que las reformas eliminan el componente pedag坦gico de la formaci坦n docente y reducen la educaci坦n a la transmisi坦n de conocimientos para la productividad. Tambi辿n se単ala que las reformas se hacen sin consultar a la comunidad educativa y van en contra de la naturaleza reflexiva de la universidad.
Tres cartas fueron enviadas por maestras a dos candidatos pol鱈ticos solicitando apoyo para festividades del D鱈a del Ni単o y D鱈a de las Madres, incluyendo juguetes y obsequios para los estudiantes. Las maestras piden 35 juguetes para ni単os y ni単as para el D鱈a del Ni単o y obsequios para el D鱈a de las Madres, confiando en que los candidatos apoyar叩n a la comunidad como prioridad de sus partidos.
El documento describe varias t辿cnicas de estudio como el subrayado, resumen y parafraseo. El subrayado consiste en destacar las ideas principales de un texto mediante rayas o l鱈neas. Un resumen es una representaci坦n breve que recoge las ideas principales de un texto de manera concisa y objetiva. El parafraseo explica el contenido de un texto con palabras propias sin alterar su significado.
La carrera de Bioqu鱈mica y Farmacia estudia, investiga y aplica las ciencias biol坦gicas y qu鱈micas para formular y distribuir f叩rmacos y cosm辿ticos que ayudan a la salud humana. Esta carrera combina el estudio de la bioqu鱈mica con el desarrollo y aplicaci坦n de medicamentos, aunque en algunos pa鱈ses son carreras separadas.
1. Avishek Chatterjee has over 7 years of experience in ITES with Genpact India, currently as a Management Trainee (Team Lead). He has experience with accounts payable, vendor master databases, and financial reporting.
2. He has 2 years of transition experience working on a project for Huntsman Corporation in Texas. His current role involves month/quarter-end closing activities and reconciliations in Oracle and preparing financial reports.
3. He has skills in SAP, Oracle, Hyperion, Cognos and experience in accounts payable, payments processing, and vendor master maintenance. He holds an MBA in Marketing and a PGDM in Finance.
O documento apresenta uma introdu巽達o linguagem de programa巽達o Java. Descreve suas principais caracter鱈sticas como ser parecida com C/C++, orientada a objetos, compilada e interpretada, segura e suportar concorr棚ncia. Tamb辿m aborda o ambiente de programa巽達o Java, o primeiro programa "Hello World", a m叩quina virtual Java e estruturas fundamentais como coment叩rios, identificadores, tipos de dados, operadores e controle de fluxo.
- Partha Ghoshal is an Assistant Manager with 15.5 years of experience in infrastructure industries.
- He is currently working for KEC International Limited as the Commercial in-charge of two railway electrification projects with contract values of Rs. 114.55 crores and Rs. 120 crores respectively.
- Prior to this, he worked for 4 years at L&T Construction and 6 years at Nagarjuna Construction Company in accounting and finance roles.
La Ley de Educaci坦n del Estado de Jalisco establece las disposiciones generales para regular los servicios educativos prestados en la entidad por el gobierno estatal, municipios y organismos descentralizados, as鱈 como por particulares autorizados. La educaci坦n ser叩 gratuita, laica y obligatoria en niveles preescolar, primaria, secundaria y media superior. El Estado promover叩 la educaci坦n de calidad para contribuir al desarrollo integral de los estudiantes y la transformaci坦n de la sociedad.
Prezi es una aplicaci坦n multimedia que permite crear presentaciones online. Los usuarios pueden crear una cuenta gratis o de pago e inmediatamente comenzar a crear una nueva presentaci坦n. Al crear una presentaci坦n en Prezi, los usuarios pueden agregar marcos (equivalentes a diapositivas), insertar texto dentro de los marcos, y configurar el orden de los marcos en la ruta de presentaci坦n posicionando los marcos arriba o debajo de otros marcos.
El documento define cinco tipos de informaci坦n: informaci坦n privilegiada, que puede afectar la cotizaci坦n de valores si se hace p炭blica; informaci坦n p炭blica, que cualquiera tiene derecho a solicitar y recibir de entidades p炭blicas; informaci坦n privada, cuya divulgaci坦n est叩 prohibida por ley; informaci坦n interna, que circula dentro de una organizaci坦n; e informaci坦n externa, que proviene del exterior y debe ser seleccionada antes de ser utilizada.
The document discusses using a reliable messaging pattern called the message mule pattern with VM persisted queues to ensure zero message loss. It proposes storing messages in VM queues before delivering them to transactions or business flows. This allows messages to remain in the queue until accepted by the next system, ensuring messages are not lost due to trivial network issues. The solution can persist queues in Mule CloudHub and shows how to configure VM queues in Anypoint Studio using global connectors and inbound/outbound endpoints.
Este documento presenta una introducci坦n a la importancia de la oralidad y la escritura para la comunicaci坦n. Explica que la oralidad y la escritura van de la mano y se necesitan mutuamente para transmitir informaci坦n de manera comprensible. Adem叩s, detalla algunas estrategias de lectura como leer de manera pausada, encontrar un lugar adecuado sin distracciones, e identifica caracter鱈sticas esenciales de la comunicaci坦n como la lectura como construcci坦n, interacci坦n e integraci坦n de informaci坦n.
Este documento explora la verdadera identidad de Jehov叩 a trav辿s de varios pasajes b鱈blicos. Argumenta que Jehov叩 no es el Dios supremo, sino m叩s bien un ser extraterrestre que vino del cielo y quiere ser como Dios. Tambi辿n cuestiona la creaci坦n del hombre y la mujer seg炭n G辿nesis, y sugiere que la Biblia ha sido manipulada a trav辿s de los siglos para ocultar la verdad sobre Jehov叩.
El documento propone un proyecto de reciclaje para un colegio ecologista. El proyecto incluye designar personas en cada sal坦n para vigilar el reciclaje, sancionar a los salones que no reciclen y colocar profesores para vigilar que los estudiantes no boten basura fuera de los lugares acordados.
Este documento presenta un resumen del cap鱈tulo 15 de la historia "Aventuras en el Ciclo del Agua" que describe las caracter鱈sticas geogr叩ficas, econ坦micas, culturales y gastron坦micas del estado de Nuevo Le坦n en M辿xico. Dos gotas de agua llamadas Arella y Josu辿 presentan informaci坦n sobre la localizaci坦n y l鱈mites de Nuevo Le坦n, sus r鱈os, lagos, presas y vegetaci坦n. Tambi辿n describen la importancia de la industria y agricultura y mencionan algunos platillos y be
El documento presenta un organigrama con tres bloques principales que representan las diferentes etapas o secciones de un proyecto, con una l鱈nea de tiempo a lo largo de la parte inferior que muestra el progreso a trav辿s del tiempo.
Projects Panama, Valhalla, and Babylon: Java is the New Python v0.9Yann-Ga谷l Gu辿h辿neuc
Java has had a tremendous success and, in the last few years, has evolved quite significantly. However, it was still difficult to interface with libraries written in other programming language because of some complexity with JNI and some syntactic and semantic barriers. New projects to improve Java could help alleviate, even nullify, these barriers. Projects Panama, Valhalla, and Babylon exist to make it easier to use different programming and memory models in Java and to interface with foreign programming languages. This presentation describes the problem with the Java isthmus and the three projects in details, with real code examples. It shows how, combined, these three projects could make of Java the new Python.
AI/ML Infra Meetup | How Uber Optimizes LLM Training and FinetuneAlluxio, Inc.
AI/ML Infra Meetup
Mar. 06, 2025
Organized by Alluxio
For more Alluxio Events: https://www.alluxio.io/events/
- Chongxiao Cao (Senior SWE @ Uber)
Chongxiao Cao from Uber's Michelangelo training team shared valuable insights into Uber's approach to optimizing LLM training and fine-tuning workflows.
Chapter 1 of Computer Organization and Architecture by Patterson and Hennessy, often referred to as the "Computer Organization and Design" (COD) book, serves as an introduction to the fundamental concepts of computer systems. It lays the groundwork for understanding how computers are designed and how they operate at both the hardware and software levels. The chapter begins by explaining the importance of abstraction in computer design, highlighting how layers of abstraction simplify the complexity of modern computing systems. Abstraction allows designers and programmers to focus on specific levels of a system without needing to understand every detail of the underlying layers, making it easier to build, optimize, and maintain complex systems.
The authors introduce the concept of the stored-program computer, a revolutionary idea where instructions and data are stored in memory, and the CPU fetches, decodes, and executes these instructions. This forms the basis of the von Neumann architecture, a cornerstone of modern computing. The von Neumann model is characterized by its sequential execution of instructions and its unified memory space for both data and programs. The chapter explains how this architecture enables the flexibility and programmability that define modern computers.
The chapter also discusses the roles of key components in a computer system, such as the CPU (Central Processing Unit), memory, and I/O (Input/Output) devices, and how they interact to execute programs. The CPU is described as the brain of the computer, responsible for performing arithmetic and logical operations, while memory stores data and instructions temporarily or permanently. I/O devices facilitate communication between the computer and the external world, enabling input from users and output to displays or other peripherals.
A significant portion of the chapter is dedicated to the concept of performance in computer systems. The authors introduce metrics like response time (the time it takes to complete a task) and throughput (the number of tasks completed per unit of time). They explain how these metrics are influenced by hardware and software optimizations, such as faster processors, larger memory, and efficient algorithms. The chapter also touches on the trade-offs involved in improving performance, such as the cost, power consumption, and complexity of hardware components.
The chapter emphasizes the importance of instruction set architecture (ISA), which serves as the interface between hardware and software. The ISA defines the set of instructions that a CPU can execute, as well as the registers, memory addressing modes, and data types it supports. Understanding the ISA is crucial for both hardware designers, who implement it, and software developers, who write programs that run on it.
To illustrate these concepts, the chapter often uses real-world examples and analogies, making the material accessible to readers with varying levels of prior knowledge.
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iTop VPN Latest Version 2025 Crack is a popular VPN (Virtual Private Network) service that offers privacy, security, and anonymity for users on the internet. It provides users with a way to protect their online activities from surveillance, bypass geo-restrictions, and enhance their security while browsing the web.
Online Software Testing Training Institute in Delhi NcrHome
Geekonik is a chief Online Computer program Testing Preparing Founded in Delhi NCR, advertising expert-led courses in manual testing, computerization testing (Selenium, Appium), API testing, and execution testing. Our preparing incorporates hands-on ventures, real-world case ponders, and certification programs, guaranteeing industry-ready abilities. With adaptable online classes, personalized mentorship, and work situation help, we offer assistance you construct a fruitful career in program testing. Connect Geekonik nowadays and improve your specialized skill with cutting-edge program testing methodologies!
Metaverse Meetup: Explore Mulesoft MAC ProjectGiulioPicchi
Ever heard of AI? We have! Espacially Andrea Canale, an Integration Architect ready to shed light on The MAC Project: an open-source initiative for integrating AI with MuleSoft. He'll show its key features and learn how to leverage AI capabilities to drive automation and enhance decision-making.
Click this link to download NOW : https://shorturl.at/zvrcM
Tenorshare 4uKey Crack is a versatile software tool designed to help users bypass or remove various types of passwords and locks from iOS devices. It's primarily used to recover access to locked iPhones, iPads, or iPods without the need for a password or Apple ID. This software is particularly helpful when users forget their screen lock passcode, Face ID, Touch ID, or Apple ID password. It supports a wide range of iOS devices and works with various versions of iOS, making it a useful tool for iOS users in need of password recovery.
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Wondershare Filmora 14.3.2 Crack is an excellent software for video editing. It is beneficial in perfect video editing with industry standards.
Discover how AI-powered chatbots enhance employee support by streamlining HR tasks, reducing administrative burdens, and providing real-time assistance. Learn about their integration with platforms like WhatsApp and MS Teams for a seamless experience.
O documento apresenta uma introdu巽達o linguagem de programa巽達o Java. Descreve suas principais caracter鱈sticas como ser parecida com C/C++, orientada a objetos, compilada e interpretada, segura e suportar concorr棚ncia. Tamb辿m aborda o ambiente de programa巽達o Java, o primeiro programa "Hello World", a m叩quina virtual Java e estruturas fundamentais como coment叩rios, identificadores, tipos de dados, operadores e controle de fluxo.
- Partha Ghoshal is an Assistant Manager with 15.5 years of experience in infrastructure industries.
- He is currently working for KEC International Limited as the Commercial in-charge of two railway electrification projects with contract values of Rs. 114.55 crores and Rs. 120 crores respectively.
- Prior to this, he worked for 4 years at L&T Construction and 6 years at Nagarjuna Construction Company in accounting and finance roles.
La Ley de Educaci坦n del Estado de Jalisco establece las disposiciones generales para regular los servicios educativos prestados en la entidad por el gobierno estatal, municipios y organismos descentralizados, as鱈 como por particulares autorizados. La educaci坦n ser叩 gratuita, laica y obligatoria en niveles preescolar, primaria, secundaria y media superior. El Estado promover叩 la educaci坦n de calidad para contribuir al desarrollo integral de los estudiantes y la transformaci坦n de la sociedad.
Prezi es una aplicaci坦n multimedia que permite crear presentaciones online. Los usuarios pueden crear una cuenta gratis o de pago e inmediatamente comenzar a crear una nueva presentaci坦n. Al crear una presentaci坦n en Prezi, los usuarios pueden agregar marcos (equivalentes a diapositivas), insertar texto dentro de los marcos, y configurar el orden de los marcos en la ruta de presentaci坦n posicionando los marcos arriba o debajo de otros marcos.
El documento define cinco tipos de informaci坦n: informaci坦n privilegiada, que puede afectar la cotizaci坦n de valores si se hace p炭blica; informaci坦n p炭blica, que cualquiera tiene derecho a solicitar y recibir de entidades p炭blicas; informaci坦n privada, cuya divulgaci坦n est叩 prohibida por ley; informaci坦n interna, que circula dentro de una organizaci坦n; e informaci坦n externa, que proviene del exterior y debe ser seleccionada antes de ser utilizada.
The document discusses using a reliable messaging pattern called the message mule pattern with VM persisted queues to ensure zero message loss. It proposes storing messages in VM queues before delivering them to transactions or business flows. This allows messages to remain in the queue until accepted by the next system, ensuring messages are not lost due to trivial network issues. The solution can persist queues in Mule CloudHub and shows how to configure VM queues in Anypoint Studio using global connectors and inbound/outbound endpoints.
Este documento presenta una introducci坦n a la importancia de la oralidad y la escritura para la comunicaci坦n. Explica que la oralidad y la escritura van de la mano y se necesitan mutuamente para transmitir informaci坦n de manera comprensible. Adem叩s, detalla algunas estrategias de lectura como leer de manera pausada, encontrar un lugar adecuado sin distracciones, e identifica caracter鱈sticas esenciales de la comunicaci坦n como la lectura como construcci坦n, interacci坦n e integraci坦n de informaci坦n.
Este documento explora la verdadera identidad de Jehov叩 a trav辿s de varios pasajes b鱈blicos. Argumenta que Jehov叩 no es el Dios supremo, sino m叩s bien un ser extraterrestre que vino del cielo y quiere ser como Dios. Tambi辿n cuestiona la creaci坦n del hombre y la mujer seg炭n G辿nesis, y sugiere que la Biblia ha sido manipulada a trav辿s de los siglos para ocultar la verdad sobre Jehov叩.
El documento propone un proyecto de reciclaje para un colegio ecologista. El proyecto incluye designar personas en cada sal坦n para vigilar el reciclaje, sancionar a los salones que no reciclen y colocar profesores para vigilar que los estudiantes no boten basura fuera de los lugares acordados.
Este documento presenta un resumen del cap鱈tulo 15 de la historia "Aventuras en el Ciclo del Agua" que describe las caracter鱈sticas geogr叩ficas, econ坦micas, culturales y gastron坦micas del estado de Nuevo Le坦n en M辿xico. Dos gotas de agua llamadas Arella y Josu辿 presentan informaci坦n sobre la localizaci坦n y l鱈mites de Nuevo Le坦n, sus r鱈os, lagos, presas y vegetaci坦n. Tambi辿n describen la importancia de la industria y agricultura y mencionan algunos platillos y be
El documento presenta un organigrama con tres bloques principales que representan las diferentes etapas o secciones de un proyecto, con una l鱈nea de tiempo a lo largo de la parte inferior que muestra el progreso a trav辿s del tiempo.
Projects Panama, Valhalla, and Babylon: Java is the New Python v0.9Yann-Ga谷l Gu辿h辿neuc
Java has had a tremendous success and, in the last few years, has evolved quite significantly. However, it was still difficult to interface with libraries written in other programming language because of some complexity with JNI and some syntactic and semantic barriers. New projects to improve Java could help alleviate, even nullify, these barriers. Projects Panama, Valhalla, and Babylon exist to make it easier to use different programming and memory models in Java and to interface with foreign programming languages. This presentation describes the problem with the Java isthmus and the three projects in details, with real code examples. It shows how, combined, these three projects could make of Java the new Python.
AI/ML Infra Meetup | How Uber Optimizes LLM Training and FinetuneAlluxio, Inc.
AI/ML Infra Meetup
Mar. 06, 2025
Organized by Alluxio
For more Alluxio Events: https://www.alluxio.io/events/
- Chongxiao Cao (Senior SWE @ Uber)
Chongxiao Cao from Uber's Michelangelo training team shared valuable insights into Uber's approach to optimizing LLM training and fine-tuning workflows.
Chapter 1 of Computer Organization and Architecture by Patterson and Hennessy, often referred to as the "Computer Organization and Design" (COD) book, serves as an introduction to the fundamental concepts of computer systems. It lays the groundwork for understanding how computers are designed and how they operate at both the hardware and software levels. The chapter begins by explaining the importance of abstraction in computer design, highlighting how layers of abstraction simplify the complexity of modern computing systems. Abstraction allows designers and programmers to focus on specific levels of a system without needing to understand every detail of the underlying layers, making it easier to build, optimize, and maintain complex systems.
The authors introduce the concept of the stored-program computer, a revolutionary idea where instructions and data are stored in memory, and the CPU fetches, decodes, and executes these instructions. This forms the basis of the von Neumann architecture, a cornerstone of modern computing. The von Neumann model is characterized by its sequential execution of instructions and its unified memory space for both data and programs. The chapter explains how this architecture enables the flexibility and programmability that define modern computers.
The chapter also discusses the roles of key components in a computer system, such as the CPU (Central Processing Unit), memory, and I/O (Input/Output) devices, and how they interact to execute programs. The CPU is described as the brain of the computer, responsible for performing arithmetic and logical operations, while memory stores data and instructions temporarily or permanently. I/O devices facilitate communication between the computer and the external world, enabling input from users and output to displays or other peripherals.
A significant portion of the chapter is dedicated to the concept of performance in computer systems. The authors introduce metrics like response time (the time it takes to complete a task) and throughput (the number of tasks completed per unit of time). They explain how these metrics are influenced by hardware and software optimizations, such as faster processors, larger memory, and efficient algorithms. The chapter also touches on the trade-offs involved in improving performance, such as the cost, power consumption, and complexity of hardware components.
The chapter emphasizes the importance of instruction set architecture (ISA), which serves as the interface between hardware and software. The ISA defines the set of instructions that a CPU can execute, as well as the registers, memory addressing modes, and data types it supports. Understanding the ISA is crucial for both hardware designers, who implement it, and software developers, who write programs that run on it.
To illustrate these concepts, the chapter often uses real-world examples and analogies, making the material accessible to readers with varying levels of prior knowledge.
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iTop VPN Latest Version 2025 Crack is a popular VPN (Virtual Private Network) service that offers privacy, security, and anonymity for users on the internet. It provides users with a way to protect their online activities from surveillance, bypass geo-restrictions, and enhance their security while browsing the web.
Online Software Testing Training Institute in Delhi NcrHome
Geekonik is a chief Online Computer program Testing Preparing Founded in Delhi NCR, advertising expert-led courses in manual testing, computerization testing (Selenium, Appium), API testing, and execution testing. Our preparing incorporates hands-on ventures, real-world case ponders, and certification programs, guaranteeing industry-ready abilities. With adaptable online classes, personalized mentorship, and work situation help, we offer assistance you construct a fruitful career in program testing. Connect Geekonik nowadays and improve your specialized skill with cutting-edge program testing methodologies!
Metaverse Meetup: Explore Mulesoft MAC ProjectGiulioPicchi
Ever heard of AI? We have! Espacially Andrea Canale, an Integration Architect ready to shed light on The MAC Project: an open-source initiative for integrating AI with MuleSoft. He'll show its key features and learn how to leverage AI capabilities to drive automation and enhance decision-making.
Click this link to download NOW : https://shorturl.at/zvrcM
Tenorshare 4uKey Crack is a versatile software tool designed to help users bypass or remove various types of passwords and locks from iOS devices. It's primarily used to recover access to locked iPhones, iPads, or iPods without the need for a password or Apple ID. This software is particularly helpful when users forget their screen lock passcode, Face ID, Touch ID, or Apple ID password. It supports a wide range of iOS devices and works with various versions of iOS, making it a useful tool for iOS users in need of password recovery.
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Wondershare Filmora 14.3.2 Crack is an excellent software for video editing. It is beneficial in perfect video editing with industry standards.
Discover how AI-powered chatbots enhance employee support by streamlining HR tasks, reducing administrative burdens, and providing real-time assistance. Learn about their integration with platforms like WhatsApp and MS Teams for a seamless experience.
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AI/ML Infra Meetup | Deployment, Discovery and Serving of LLMs at Uber ScaleAlluxio, Inc.
AI/ML Infra Meetup
Mar. 06, 2025
Organized by Alluxio
For more Alluxio Events: https://www.alluxio.io/events/
- Sean Po (Staff SWE @ Uber)
- Tse-Chi Wang (Senior SWE @ Uber)
This talk provided a deep dive into how Uber manages its Generative AI Gateway, which powers all generative AI applications across the company.
DevOpsDays LA - Platform Engineers are Product Managers.pdfJustin Reock
Platform engineering is the foundation of modern software development, equipping teams with the tools and workflows they need to move faster. However, to truly drive impact, platform engineers must think like product managersleveraging productivity metrics to guide decisions, prioritize investments, and measure success. By applying a data-driven approach, platform teams can optimize developer experience, streamline workflows, and demonstrate tangible ROI on platform initiatives.
In this 15-minute session, Justin Reock, Deputy CTO at DX (getdx.com), will explore how platform engineers can use key developer productivity metricssuch as cycle time, deployment frequency, and developer satisfactionto manage their platform as an internal product. By treating the platform with the same rigor as an external product launch, teams can accelerate adoption, improve efficiency, and create a frictionless developer experience.
Join us to learn how adopting a metrics-driven, product management mindset can transform your platform engineering efforts into a strategic, high-impact function that unlocks engineering velocity and business success.
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At iProgrammer, we build intelligent, AI-driven security solutions to keep your app one step ahead of cyber threats!
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AI/ML Infra Meetup | Building Production Platform for Large-Scale Recommendat...Alluxio, Inc.
AI/ML Infra Meetup
Mar. 06, 2025
Organized by Alluxio
For more Alluxio Events: https://www.alluxio.io/events/
- Xu Ning (Director of Engineering, AI Platform @ Snap)
In this talk, Xu Ning from Snap provides a comprehensive overview of the unique challenges in building and scaling recommendation systems compared to LLM applications.