The document summarizes non-numismatic finds of medieval date from 2010, noting that 121 total finds were reported across various regions of England and Wales. It provides details on the number of notable finds reported from different counties, with the Isle of Wight reporting the highest number at 27. The document also lists various cultural descriptors and provides guidance on their appropriate uses for classifying finds, as well as instructions for adding new records to the database.
6. Finds of Note of medieval date, 2010 121 non-numismatic finds of note in total One find of note: Lincs, Leics, Berks, Essex, Gloucs, Devon, Cornwall and Wales 2-3 finds of note: BH, Bucks, Liverpool, WAW, Wilts, West Mids 4-8 finds of note: Hants, Dorset, Northants, Surrey, Sussex, London SWYOR had 10 finds of note DENO had 15 finds of note The Isle of Wight had 27 finds of note!
16. Dont use this, except for: Coins (cast, struck/hammered, milled Pottery (wheel made, hand made) Flints (knapped/flaked, ground/polished Dont use it for non-numismatic metal objects!