To implement continuous improvement, Group50 focuses on evaluating business processes, identifying inefficiencies, and applying data-driven strategies. They guide organizations through lean practices, incremental changes, and performance measurement to achieve sustained growth, reduced waste, and enhanced operational efficiency over time.
2. Workshop Overview Organizations looking to implement a Continuous Improvement Program methodology
will need guidance, training and support for their implementation activities. The workshop will provide
attendees with fundamental tools and organizational concepts to implement the Continuous Improvement
Program, educate team members in the basics of Lean and Six Sigma, demonstrate reporting methods, discuss
implementation using real examples and provide the impetus to start the process.
3. Objectives
Define keys to success in implementing a
Continuous Improvement Program
Explain KPO/PMO structure and goal
Provide fundamentals of Lean
Implementation, Six Sigma and
templates for team use
Length of Workshop Dependent on
Continuous Improvement program goals
and objectives
4. Who Should Attend
Organizations that have attended the
Creating the Business Case for Continuous Impro
workshop and are ready to take the initial steps in
implementing a strategic Continuous
Improvement Program
Relevant attendees could include organizations
that have attempted to start their own program
and are experiencing some implementation or
organizational inertia problems achieving the level
of success they feel is necessary
5. Participants Should Include
Heads of relevant organizations for initial
planning/overview module
Program Sponsor (Senior Leader) who will
provide the empowerment to the teams
and will attend starting and closing
sessions to motivate the
KPO/PMO officer and direct reports or
those who will be responsible for the
Continuous Improvement Program
Individuals from other functions tasked to
support the change agent organization
6. Expected Learning
Establish goals and objectives of the Continuous
Improvement Program
Develop the Continuous Improvement implementation
Identify required training methodologies for the designed
How to provide just in time fundamental training, JIT, in the
Continuous Improvement Program methodologies in
modular form, customized to the teams participating:
Shop Floor Kaizen development training, 5+1 S and practice
Identify various kinds of waste
7. Conclusions
The participants will have the fundamental
structure in place and the tools needed to
commence their Continuous Improvement
Program, impact business performance and
tracking results.
For more information or
scheduling contact:
Group50速 Consulting Los
Angeles, CA +1(626) 644-