96% of youth aged 18-24 who don't currently own a smartphone plan to purchase one if given the choice, with 70% smartphone penetration already among that age group. Key findings from a survey of 693 youth across 6 universities found that the most effective ways to market to mobile youth are through social media like Twitter, MXit and Facebook, as well as SMS. Respondents indicated a preference for SMS for competitions and highlighted themes of instant gratification, simple messages, and a desire to be rewarded.
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How to market to the youth on mobile
1. How 2 Market 2 Youth on their Mobiles An insight into mobile youth marketing
2. 100% in field responses (693) Ages 18 24years Male and Female 6 Universities
22. Key Universal Themes Instant Gratification Keep the message Simple The cost of engaging I want to be rewarded Keep your message relevant
23. Thx (sms in phone BB torch) Executive Research Team: Anelisa Dada Mzinyathi (Student Village) Marc Kornberger (Student Village) Ronen Aires (Student Village) Mike Cant (UNISA) Neels Bothma (UNISA)
Editor's Notes
For this research
Functional things: the Concept of a phone in the student market has morphed. Phones are now: entertainment systems, diaries, event planners, mini pda s, they are your computor Phones are smarter and so is the generation. FOMO (Fear of missing out), I must be in contact with my network, I must know what I need instantaneously, my world needs to work faster! The most desirable phone in the market that they believe to give them these functional and social needs is.
But what are the youth using their phones for: both smartphones and non smartphones? Facebook: activity list, updating, uploading pics, event planner, chat to friends SMS: engage with marketing communication, sms friends, gig guides, discounts # Radio and Music: I bring my favourite parts of my world onto my phone. I want to be an icon, with their finger on the pulse of the market.
According to the research conducted, Nokia own the lions share of the cellphone market on campus at the moment. Their ever improving and growing threat is in the form of BlackBerry. This however is expected, given the needs of student about what they use their phones. BlackBerry is seen as the brand the meets the needs of students.
The most desired phone in the market at the moment The simple truth: BlackBerry is relevant in the market. And it allows owners to stay in touch with their friends for free. And it doesn t help that they were voted the top 360 degree channel marketing category winners, in 2010s youth
International research conducted by the IDC in relation to future trends predicts that Androids market share in the market will be at a staggering 45% of the smartphone market by 2015. The message: beware the Android challenge. Source: Stan Schroeder article on www.mashable.com
Mobile universe (insert Facebook)
When asked to respond on which mediums do they prefer to receive marketing communications, SMS and Facebook were by far the most popular, with the new smart mediums of 2D Codes, Short Code SMS, and USSD as the lowest respectfully. But it then raises a question. If phones and their users are smarter then why is it they still prefer a simple messaging platform? Well the truth is this: Students are instant gratification junkies. They prefer mediums that are easy to understand, and that cost them nothing. Hence why SMS & Facebook are popular. They are mediums that they are already engaging with already and they are familiar with both from a user experience and from a cost experience. But before you get onto the phone and redesign your mobile strategy, let s take a closer look at some of the reason, discovered from the focus groups we ran on campus
Looking at the ugly sisters in the pack, USSD, 2D Codes and Short code sms still face some barriers in being accepted as trust worthy platforms. Not understanding how they work, as well as what costs are associated with the mediums, were the main reasons cited by our focus group for not wanting to engage. And the same goes for Bluetooth. Some respondents couldn t even figure out how to activate their bluetooth settings. In truth these do sound incredibly sexy, and I am sure would look awesome on marketing periphanelia. But according to the stats, the market still need more time to understand them Trust is still a big hindrance. 35050
Still in its infancy stage according to the statistics, with a market penetration of 20 %, Twitter is not considered to be the platform to communicate on it. When really pressed focus group students, admitted to having twitter pages. What they do on twitter though is where the interesting insight is. The answer: no much. Twitter is perceived as a platform to follow celebrities. They don t use it as a communication tool between them and their friends. But this doesn t mean that twitter will no grow within time. The cool kids or early adopters with the market are beginning to recognise it as a communication tool, as using twitter for Still in its infancy stage according to the statistics, with a market penetration of 20 %, Twitter is not considered to be the platform to communicate on it. When really pressed focus group students, admitted to having twitter pages. What they do on twitter though is where the interesting insight is. The answer: no much. Twitter is perceived as a platform to follow celebrities. They don t use it as a communication tool between them and their friends. But this doesn t mean that twitter will no grow within time. The cool kids or early adopters with the market are beginning to recognise it as a communication tool, as using twitter for
Now we are getting to the rock stars of mobile marketing. Facebook, with a 52% approval as the designated platform to communicate
But they need something from you that will make it worth their while in opening your sms, or liking your Facebook page. So take it to that next level.give them something that they really want. What is that they want? Relevants and short & simple
Brand that have successfully done this are get the slice of the market they are looking for. In our focus groups, Standard Banks, recent activity in the market received some praise for their take on their marketing. The points that made it hot? Simple entry into consumers mind through a short and to the point SMS, with an option to not engage, incentive to make it worthwhile to continue with the engagement (the BlackBerry give away), and then once online, even more reason to continue engagement because of the relevant platforms
Nike as well, has received some kudu s for its bold take on the youth market. Bold take you say? Mxit was their chosen central platform and they stuck to it. They understood that engaging students on a platform they are using already is setting the brand apart. They created a MXit portal that allowed it s fans and their observing the conversation to freely engage the brand, and its product. High 5 to Nike.
In truth All platforms have their merits and place in the smartphone landscape. The difference in making your mobile campaign really work, is using the right channels. But it doesn t stop there. Having a Facebook Campaign is only the beginning. Getting students to like your page or follow through from your link to a WAP site is where the real battle and challenge. But don t stress.simply remember these 5 Universal themes to help you along in your journey. If you still not getting the results you looking for.give us a call, we are available to consultat a fee.