The document outlines a company's plan to improve productivity and control over employees' time by implementing a new system called CI Work. It describes two main problems - employees don't own their time and roles/responsibilities are unclear. CI Work will be used to organize work into a three step process: 1) Gather all tasks, requests and ideas, 2) Plan the day's work, 3) Execute the plan without interruptions. This aims to increase focus, productivity and sense of accomplishment each day.
16. interruptions dont just come from other people in the office * email * phone calls * THE &!%#@ SERVER IS DOWN!
17. the average American office worker does 2 hours and 12 minutes of actual work per day
18. the average American office worker does 2 hours and 12 minutes of actual work per day we do better than that, but
19. the average American office worker does 2 hours and 12 minutes of actual work per day we do better than that, but were still not even close to performing at our highest levels as individuals or as a company
29. For our business to scale properly, we need to define how we handle certain events
30. For our business to scale properly, we need to define how we handle certain events * website errors
31. For our business to scale properly, we need to define how we handle certain events * website errors * broken phone lines
32. For our business to scale properly, we need to define how we handle certain events * website errors * broken phone lines * customization requests
33. For our business to scale properly, we need to define how we handle certain events * website errors * broken phone lines * customization requests * new business referrals
34. each team will decide on procedures and processes to manage day-to-day operations
35. each team will decide on procedures and processes to manage day-to-day operations we also need to define our individual roles and figure out who does what around here
37. consider three distinct roles 1. builder a builder writes new code, creates new applications, acquires new customers, provisions new lines
38. consider three distinct roles 1. builder 2. inspector an inspector monitors what has been built and preemptively fixes any potential problems
39. consider three distinct roles 1. builder 2. inspector 3. fire fighter fire fighters are there to handle unexpected emergencies and restore order as quickly as possible
40. consider three distinct roles 1. builder 2. inspector 3. fire fighter all of us spend time in each role. what percentage of your day gets allocated to each role?
41. currently 1. builder 10% 2. inspector 0% 3. fire fighter 90% all of us spend time in each role. what percentage of your day gets allocated to each role?
42. currently ideal scenario 1. builder 10% 75% 2. inspector 0% 15% 3. fire fighter 90% 10% all of us spend time in each role. what percentage of your day gets allocated to each role?
45. I dont own my time I dont know exactly what I need to be doing on a daily basis recap: two main problems
46. good news: these are organizational issues that can be addressed and solved
47. good news: these are organizational issues that can be addressed and solved Lets first celebrate some bigger issues that we already have under control. Our hard work is paying off
57. Parkinsons Law work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion
58. what happens when youre working on something that doesnt have an immediate deadline and clear action steps?
59. what happens when youre working on something that doesnt have an immediate deadline and clear action steps? you float through the day and simply fill a seat at the office
60. quick poll: raise your hand if the following applies to your typical work day
61. quick poll: raise your hand if the following applies to your typical work day *** When I arrive at the office, the first thing I do is open my email. This dictates my first activity for the day.
62. quick poll: raise your hand if the following applies to your typical work day *** I meet with the rest of my team to stay in the loop on whats going on
63. quick poll: raise your hand if the following applies to your typical work day *** I leave my email open all day. When a new message comes in, I immediately open it up and react.
64. quick poll: raise your hand if the following applies to your typical work day *** I rarely get a chance to focus on a single task for more than 20 minutes at a time.
65. quick poll: raise your hand if the following applies to your typical work day *** When I leave at the end of the day, it would be difficult to provide a concise summary of what I actually accomplished that day.
66. if it makes you feel any better, I had to leave my hand up for all of those scenarios
67. if it makes you feel any better, I had to leave my hand up for all of those scenarios now pause for a second and think about the last time you had a really good work day
68. For me, positive or negative feelings about a work day are directly related to how much I actually got done that day.
69. For me, positive or negative feelings about a work day are directly related to how much I actually got done that day. Productive days are more fun.
70. what are the common characteristics of a truly productive day?
71. what are the common characteristics of a truly productive day? I know exactly what I need to accomplish
72. what are the common characteristics of a truly productive day? I know exactly what I need to accomplish I have an organized plan on how Im going to accomplish the task
73. what are the common characteristics of a truly productive day? I know exactly what I need to accomplish I have an organized plan on how Im going to accomplish the task I block out the typical interruptions and distractions
74. if I want to own my time, first I have to organize my time
75. solution #1 we will begin using internally developed software to organize our work day
76. solution #1 we will begin using internally developed software to organize our work day until someone comes up with a better name, Ill refer to this program as CI Work
77. solution #1 we will begin using internally developed software to organize our work day Think of CI Work as a stripped down version of a CRM program. It will force us to conscientiously focus on a three step process for every action
78. CI Work 1. Gather Each team and every individual will have specific processes in place for taking in requests, projects, and actions. These will all be gathered in one place.
79. CI Work 1. Gather Our brains werent designed to store a lot of stuff in short term memory. Youll now have a single place to hold all of the data pieces you collect via email, phone, co-worker requests and your own fresh ideas.
80. CI Work 1. Gather Why does this matter? Your brain will be freed up to concentrate on the task at hand, since it no longer needs to waste any storage space on your to-do lists.
81. CI Work 1. Gather 2. Plan Rather than just reacting to whatever comes in, youll be evaluating everything youve gathered and then making a specific plan on how youre going to spend your day. This is what Im going to accomplish right now: _________
82. CI Work 1. Gather 2. Plan By intentionally planning your actions, youre in control of how your time gets spent. Youll no longer be relying on your email inbox to give you the next item to pay attention to.
83. CI Work 1. Gather 2. Plan 3. Execute No more floating! Now that youve established what you need to do, its time to take action.
84. CI Work 1. Gather 2. Plan 3. Execute While youre executing and getting things done, dont allow yourself to be interrupted or mentally drift to a different task. Trust that any new information will be properly gathered and planned at a later time.
85. CI Work 1. Gather 2. Plan 3. Execute At the conclusion of each work period, youll summarize what has actually been accomplished in your CI Work account.
86. okay, this will help us focus on being builders rather than reactive drones
87. okay, this will help us focus on being builders rather than reactive drones but we still havent overcome Parkinsons Law!
88. okay, this will help us focus on being builders rather than reactive drones but we still havent overcome Parkinsons Law! How will we keep projects and tasks from stretching out? How will we create a sense of urgency?
90. CI Work 1. Gather 2. Plan 3. Execute we need something else
91. CI Work 1. Gather 2. Plan 3. Squeeze 4. Execute
92. 3. Squeeze Why do we do our best work under the tightest deadlines?
93. an approaching deadline forces you to remove any parts of a project that arent absolutely essential
94. an approaching deadline forces you to remove any parts of a project that arent absolutely essential if something doesnt hold critical value, it just gets ignored
95. youre going to have to squeeze , because on May 10 th your work day is getting chopped
100. solution #2 new approach: * 2 work segments per day * a segment may not exceed 3 hours
101. solution #2 new approach: * 2 work segments per day * a segment may not exceed 3 hours * log each segment in CI Work
102. theres no way I can get everything done in 6 hours
103. theres no way I can get everything done in 6 hours * trim the fat
104. theres no way I can get everything done in 6 hours * trim the fat * delegate
105. theres no way I can get everything done in 6 hours * trim the fat * delegate * prioritize
106. theres no way I can get everything done in 6 hours * trim the fat * delegate * prioritize * become more efficient
107. Im supposed to reduce my workload to fit into a 6 hour day?
108. Im supposed to reduce my workload to fit into a 6 hour day? Nope, just the opposite the expectation is that youll be producing more than ever before. You just have less time to do it.
111. can meetings fall within the 3 hour segments? No Figure out a way to eliminate internal meetings. Send email updates instead.
112. This approach sounds good for a programmer, but it will be impossible to implement for the customer support team.
113. This approach sounds good for a programmer, but it will be impossible to implement for the customer support team. Youre right, real fire fighters dont get to choose their schedules. Between now and May 10 th , we need to figure out how we can balance this new schedule with our commitment to customer support. Its do-able.
116. Will my salary decrease? No. Youre being paid for the value you bring to the company. Compensation shouldnt be tied to the number of hours that you sit in a chair.
117. What am I supposed to do with all of the new free time this will create?
118. What am I supposed to do with all of the new free time this will create? Get a life.
119. What am I supposed to do with all of the new free time this will create? Get a life. Im serious. Spend more time reading, hanging out with friends, sleeping, exercising whatever you want to do.
120. What am I supposed to do with all of the new free time this will create? Get a life. Im serious. Spend more time reading, hanging out with friends, sleeping, exercising whatever you want to do. Healthy employees are more productive.
121. What am I supposed to do with all of the new free time this will create? Get a life. Im serious. Spend more time reading, hanging out with friends, sleeping, exercising whatever you want to do. Happy employees are more productive.
122. CI Work 1. Gather 2. Plan 3. Squeeze 4. Execute ignore anything that isnt critical
123. CI Work 1. Gather 2. Plan 3. Squeeze 4. Execute ignore anything that isnt critical lets explore this a little bit more
124. why is the standard work day constructed the way it is?
125. why is the standard work day constructed the way it is?
126. why is the standard work day constructed the way it is? everyone shows up at the same place and works at the same time
138. * we all have cell phones * we work on laptops
139. * we all have cell phones * we work on laptops * we communicate through CI Work
140. * we all have cell phones * we work on laptops * we communicate through CI Work is it really necessary for us to all show up in the same place each day?
141. * we all have cell phones * we work on laptops * we communicate through CI Work do we all need to be working at the same prescribed time?
143. during this 10 week trial, your only commitment is to put yourself in the optimal work environment
144. during this 10 week trial, your only commitment is to put yourself in the optimal work environment the office will still be open and available, but figure out what works best for you.
145. * coffee shop for a morning segment * home office for the afternoon * by the lake for a few days
146. * coffee shop for a morning segment * home office for the afternoon * by the lake for a few days You own your time, so it makes sense to also own your environment
155. We will efficiently organize all tasks and projects that need to be done. summary
156. Rather than reactively floating through the day, we will all have a specific and measurable plan of attack for everything we do. summary
157. Each team will develop specific processes for handling new tasks. summary
158. CI Work is a simple program we will use to organize our days and track productivity. summary
159. Our days will consist of 2 segments with a mandatory break in-between. Each segment lasts a maximum of three hours. Outside of gathering and planning, all of your work must be contained within these two segments. summary
160. Work from anywhere you choose - office appearances are optional - no mandatory meetings summary
161. Well fully commit to this approach for 10 weeks. Then well evaluate what works and what doesnt work. summary